Upon entering, an audio file immediatly begins playing, starting with a small burst of static. A familiar voice to most, begins playing. "Fuck, is it dea--No? Alright-RIGHT! Solour CaTaffy speaking. Hello, EVERYONE!" An audible clearing of the throat is heard. "I'm in need'ova lil' help. I'm losin' it. No, not like a fuckin' edgelord, as a fuckin' human-being. Where's my sense'a care for another life? Seriously, all, IS' FUCKIN' GONE!" He yells out, and pauses. After a while, he begins once more. "Some'a ya' see me as crude, awful an' generally REALLY shitty, yeah? Help me out, then. I'd need a fuckin'..Whassit? A Therapist, right? Yeah-Yeah one'a those. I'm askin the whole fuckin' area'a Starnet, ta' meet up, face-ta'-face, an'...Jus' lissen' ta' me talk. I don' care of a damn price. Jus' help me not be an' asshole, huh? Right-RIGHT-RIGHT, Thanks for lissenin'. I'd-uhh..Use the Market section, but thas' deader my Grandma. CaTaffy Out." Click! -B.B. ((tl;dr he needs a therapist, ayy.))
-Smokestack Been there, pally. Tried to do rescue ops to make myself feel warm and cozy while back. Let's just say it's not tooo too fun helping everyone. But if you need a pal, I'll offer a wing. Could grab a smoke and unwind, ye?
<posted via mädchen.in.uniform@starmail.com> demmit Soldier. Come talk to me. I wasn't in the USNavy Chaplain Corps, but I still can listen to you.
Always listening on a few radio freqs, feel free to chat me up, or send a message to Gamerager@starmail.com -Lucian