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An audio recording hidden in Silk's room.

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Donovennn, Feb 7, 2015.

  1. Donovennn

    Donovennn New Member

    Apr 23, 2014
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    All right sso I have been thinking for a long, long time about how I can civilize my race, or at least weed out the really civil oness from the oness who are jusst pretending, right? I might have figured it out. Now, what are the main things that get Floranss killed? Instinctss, and pride. Insstinctual Floranss hunt like animals and unless they are ssaplings, sshould be put down as ssuch. Now the prideful ones are trickier. They can blend in with ssociety, and might even experience some measure of ssuccess in it. Now, the interesting thing is these Floranss, though supposedly civilized, have a tendency to resspond to taunts and threatss with violence, despite being ssupposedly civilized, and capable of ignoring such insultss or filing a report. I mysself have seen thiss in action, when another ssentient tauntss a Floran to the point that it attackss, and it can then be killed with little repercussion. Thiss pride seems to be the primary killer of semi-civilized Floranss, and therefore musst be what needss to be removed in order to teach them proper valuess, to keep them alive. I think a tesst should be in order, yess. A Floran immigrating to a new colony could be tessted for this "Floran pride" by assking them to ssubmit to being collared. A ssemi-civilzed Floran would most likely resisst the notion, but one who knowss it's place would ssubmit. In thiss manner you could separate the troublemakerss from the oness that have truly learned their lesson. The collarss, at leasst for thosse who have not yet committed any crimess, would merely have a tracking device (perhaps a microphone as well) in them, and insscribed upon the collar would be the name of the officer responsible for managing the immigrant. Repeat offenderss would be given a non lethal sshock collar. If they murder someone for no jusstifiable reason (I.E. killing ssomeone over a taunt or in order to feed), they will be exiled or executed at the officer'ss disscretion. Should a Floran manage to lasst a month (minimum) with a track record of good behavior, the collar will be taken off and it will gain the rightss of a normal citizen.

    I will probably need to alter or revisse thiss idea in time but for now I want to keep it presserved so I don't forget it. Hss... Even thinking about it botherss me a little. After all, I know how... unpleassant being collared can be. Hss... I hope thiss iss the right path to take... I ssee no other optionss.
    I jusst want to keep my sspeciess from being sslaughtered. I've sseen too many of my friendss die in the name of "Floran rightss" to believe that we ass a race can manage oursselvess. There'ss jusst no point in it. Sso... hss... one day I hope to pressent thiss ass a public document, and hopefully it will be accepted, and my sspeciess will have a chance to live among civilized racess.

    *the recording ends*

    ((So yeah, I just sorta wrote this to showcase a more obscure part of Silk's character; his quiet obsession with finding a way to civilize at least some of Floran-kind by any means necessary. Odds are he won't be successful, but it is an important part of his development I thought was worth expanding on. Sooo...
    thoughts? Criticisms? I'm open any ideas you may have.))
    #1 Donovennn, Feb 7, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 8, 2015
  2. Tallen

    Tallen New Member

    Dec 23, 2014
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    (( I like it. A lot. I love it when the creepiness of a character shows up, when they are alone. It is hard to show it in the server but this gave me a few chills. Silk-Spinner is free to present this idea, but how others would react... Kudos, I approve. ))
  3. Not A President

    Not A President [help me]

    Oct 19, 2014
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    (('Tis guuci. Me gusta. No problems.
    No OOC problems, anyway. A ton of people are gonna have some IC issues with this, no doubt. But this is good!))
  4. Donovennn

    Donovennn New Member

    Apr 23, 2014
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    ((He isn't ready to present it, of course. it still needs fine-tuning. Odds are he'd publish it as a pamphlet or book, anonymously of course. But thanks for the input.