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Okay, I have been given an idea by reading the forums most of the day.

Discussion in 'Roleplay Planning' started by Eilik, Feb 5, 2015.

  1. Eilik

    Eilik New Member

    Jan 29, 2015
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    Okay, so from what I've seen, we've got Vigilantes, Bandits(Just lumping together, not really saying all of you are bandits. Just general bad people), and then we've got a couple other groups of people. And I suddenly had a thought. Yes, we've got the new socialist faction trying to gather, which I think is a brilliant idea, as variation of parties should be interesting. Is there a faction that attempts to be lawbringers? And no, I don't mean vigilantes. I don't mean, oh, you did something bad so I'm going to kill you. I'm meaning more political. Like, take in the wrong-doer, or attempt to, and put them in jail. Hold a trial of their peers, and then sentence them.

    The reason I'm asking is because I'm still undecided what character I wish to play, but this struck me, I really like law. And I don't just mean enforcing it. (While yes, bring up arguments that it's space, it's various planets and it'd be difficult to actually keep track of everyone, in most sci-fi settings, there's still some sort of security force.)

    So, that's what I'm suggesting, and thinking of running, if there isn't already one of these. It won't be a pushover, if there is deadly force used against us, we will also use deadly force, but only as a last resort. And all rules and regulations will be written up previously. If anyone is interested in this idea, or know of someone who's already started it, let me know.

    And NO, I do not mean mercenary company or vigilante group. This will be something that would be ran under another faction, or we come up with a hierarchy ourselves, or even run under our own banner entirely, attempting to promote peace in the Antares systems. Whether it be militaristic, a police force, or a faction that just believes that everyone should be under their law, which could promote rivalry with a few people. Either way, most of this was a ramble, I'm in the process of typing specific thoughts on this.
  2. Atom

    Atom New Member

    Sep 8, 2014
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    Your suggesting a faction that would bring Law to all of Antares. Who would fund this just cause and what reasoning will justify protecting everywhere in Antares out of the blue? I ask myself how we have lacked anything like this for as long as I have been here. A major lore faction would have to back this and I think you should start small.

    For example set up a simple objective issued by your "superiors" such as locating a suitable star system in Antares to build a small outpost. Focus on keeping the peace in this star system while making alliances or enemies with the other major colonies. Provide military support to your allies when possible but don't take on more than you can handle. Most importantly keep in mind a major faction that has employed your character to Antares will expect you to put their goals above all else and will likely discipline or fire you for going around claiming to protect the universe.

    Any group that would try to accomplish these goals without proper funding I would consider rouge vigilantes or mercenaries as you stated which we have had a few of. My suggested factions for you would be Miniknog or USCM. Before anyone says anything about the only 2 lore based factions from a LONG time ago, please consider most players know nothing about them and don't care whether they made mistakes. Regardless of what they were involved in this does not limit everyone from using lore factions to create new interesting RP. Carefully planning out the detailed relationship and goals between NPC superiors and the player division of the faction are the key to success!
    #2 Atom, Feb 5, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 5, 2015
  3. Eilik

    Eilik New Member

    Jan 29, 2015
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    This is why I posted this thread, I completely agree, even if the USCM or Minikong did mess up in the past lore, it doesn't mean we can't continue their stories. I think what I'll do is take my human, redesign him a bit, and make him USCM, semi-high ranking. (Enough to start a small USCM colony in the Antares system) and work from there. Recruitment, and eventually work my way up into this goal. This would give me an excuse, and while I'm working to build it up, get the word out there that the faction has moved into the system. I'm thinking a large underground base on a planet, and possibly a penal colony. Also, take these things as you will as I think while typing sometimes, and tend to ramble.
  4. Raideck

    Raideck Member

    Apr 6, 2014
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    Except you're not. That isn't allowed.
  5. Atom

    Atom New Member

    Sep 8, 2014
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    Lore factions are allowed. You simply need to work it our with a moderator Eilik. Also get more people involved to brainstorm ideas for the faction.
  6. Raideck

    Raideck Member

    Apr 6, 2014
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    I just meant he can't just show up saying he's USCM with tons of cash.
  7. Eilik

    Eilik New Member

    Jan 29, 2015
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    Well no, it's not something that would be taken lightly, I don't sit there and show up without bringing it up to mods. I've yet to decide to actually commit to the idea, however, if I decide to, I will of course take it up with a mod first. I would be appreciative if anyone knew a specific mod to begin discussion with first.

    I understand the concern Raideck, but I don't tend to suddenly show up out of the blue and claim things without making sure they were okay. (I used to roleplay on WoW, specifically a blood elf, and there were people who showed up one day claiming to be city guards, and would attempt to take someone into custody, and if they ran they would just say that they were banned from the city. Trust me, I know the annoyance.) If I would attempt such a venture, I'd like to do so AFTER discussing possibilities with people, not just throw myself in there.

    Also, as I stated in the previous post, while I did say I will, I also mentioned I tend to think in my posts, so it's more so written thoughts. If it happened, it wouldn't even be tons of cash. There'd be a process, paperwork, shipping in materials. It's still a bureaucratic system. It wouldn't be, OH, suddenly USCM has this huge base, it would be a process that happens over the course of weeks or months. It would start with a small base, and work the way up.
  8. Shag

    Shag High Impact Sexual Implications

    Feb 22, 2014
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    The problem is that with virtually unlimited resources there's no way to ICly start slowly. Plus the main reason lore factions are frowned upon is because unforgettable mistakes with long lasting effects have happened, and even if a new player would like to recreate it with another idea in mind, there's still a lot of mistrust. And along the way it all falls apart because no one is able to beat, match or do a better job than a lore faction. The lore factiions ended up being removed by 'superiors' in another sector IC.

    Lore faction would have the best equipment, best training, best personnel, best guns, best armor, best ships, largest naval superiority, etc. Due to unlimited resources. We've dealt with this before and people don't want to deal with the same mistakes.
  9. Eilik

    Eilik New Member

    Jan 29, 2015
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    While, I see your point, I don't see necessarily agree with the unlimited resource thing, as surely there's other sectors that could use more troops, more equipment, etcetera. It really depends on how it was handled.

    Either way, if people don't agree with the lore faction thing, it doesn't have to be a lore faction. It could be something similar, but not as well off. I actually don't care about being lore faction or not, I'm more so saying that we have bad people, and we have vigilantes, but actually they're not really vigilantes as there's no real faction in the system governing what the laws are. So really, it's martial law, but I was suggesting something to make it less incentive for both sides to fire first, ask questions later.

    I understand mistrust, but really I'm sitting here talking about things, not acting quite yet. Simply rolling ideas around. I've DMed, I've been on the bad end of overusing lore things, I've been RPing for almost 14 years now, so trust me when I say I completely understand why there is hesitance on the matter. Any kind of 'law upholding' faction has to be tip toed around with within even mentioning its creation as it tends to kick up a lot of dirt, especially around those players who want to be able to do what they want without consequence.

    I mean, I know that if I were to do a faction like this, it's gonna have a target painted on it within the first time it tried to bust someone.
  10. Shag

    Shag High Impact Sexual Implications

    Feb 22, 2014
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    Its good to see that you know what you're doing. I'm pretty sure that if you're both able to put some order but sometimes take a hit or two no one would have a problem with your faction.

    The next step would be to simply acquire enough people and interest to run the plan. Good luck.
  11. Wreth

    Wreth New Member

    Dec 18, 2013
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    I think the USCM can be done well. Since in the lore the USCM is still battling the tentacle monster, and most of their resources would be spent there.

    That means any USCM outpost in Antares would be small and have little funding and support due to the lack of priority, not making it overpowered. it'd have to make links with other people and factions in order to gain resources.
  12. CaptainBritton02

    CaptainBritton02 Man of War

    Jan 7, 2014
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    I see potential RP with ex-USAF here. You can contact CouchPotato360 or any of those who were ex-USAF about the previous United Systems Antares interactions and lore. Or contact me.