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Fenics Journal

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Fen, Feb 4, 2015.

  1. Fen

    Fen Pretty ßird

    Jan 21, 2014
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    (( Stored as .txt on Fenics’s PC. If someone where to visit her ship they would be able to find it on the desktop in the “Journal” folder. Lets say she doesn’t use a password. Other than that this is for her eyes only))

    .1 - Super Computer!
    Well this is my first entry in this journal I'm writing - on my brand new computer! Can’t believe i took it!!
    I feel so dangerous.. I got a whole bunch of neat stuff from that place. I finally got a hold of a radio, If I can just get my microphone hooked up to it I might be able tho leave this place! The sandstorms are getting pretty intense down there. I lost my tent and had to dig my way down for shelter , who knew it would lead me to my greatest discovery in a very long time - my very own PC. I should mention that I stumbled upon a big Apex lab pretty far to the east from where I always beam down. I don't even want to know what they where doing in there, I just saw my chance and I took this PC along with some necessaries.. I don’t like stealing but I didn’t have much of a choice.. I managed to fool the guards outside of the main entrance and get in. I saw the stuff, I took it and ran. Kluex forgive me.
    #1 Fen, Feb 4, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 4, 2015
  2. Fen

    Fen Pretty ßird

    Jan 21, 2014
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    .2 - Up

    Thats it, I’m leaving this god forsaken piece of rock. I’ve found what I came here to find and I don’t like sand anymore, I'm so sick of sand. I hate sand. I'm going back to mom and dad’s for a quick visit before I go check out the outpost again. Re-stock on some food and water would be good. Also.. Its my birthday and they always get so disappointed when I don’t come home this time a year.
    I need to borrow dads old tent again. That freaking thing just flew off and away, out and about. Still no luck with the radio, I don’t know why I keep bothering with these old things. Guess I’m just a sucker for cables.
    #2 Fen, Feb 4, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 1, 2015
  3. Fen

    Fen Pretty ßird

    Jan 21, 2014
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    .3 - Tent Issue
    Went home, had some cake, escaped. After a long discussion with my mother about what my future will hold and not hold if I don't get a job - I got angry and took off with my ship again. Home sweet home.. AND I forgot to look for dads tent. Guess it doesn’t really matter now though because I just bought myself a good.. ney.. great - state of the art tent. I put up a post on StarNet Trade and BAM! - I got in contact with an Avian merchant named Teek, Sold me one at the outpost. He said he was in trades, Can come in handy for the future. I sooo need to set plans for "Expedition Ice Beak".. I’ve been pushing it forward for too long now. Hopefully I can gather a team of jolly rogers so to speak - to come with me, I’ve always admired the pirate life.
  4. Fen

    Fen Pretty ßird

    Jan 21, 2014
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    .4 - Radio Bla Bla
    It feels like I’ve been trying to fix this radio for ever now.. I can’t get it to make any sound at all, I have tried everything. I don’t even think the speakers are working. Tried to run some white noise through it just to see if they made any sound at all. Darkness. I can’t figure out what the problem is. I want to give up, I just want to throw this piece of garbage out the window for the stars to eat up.. but I shouldn’t. I’ve been working too long trying to get this old thing to work.
    I think I’m still missing a few components, and I’ve run out of copper wire again. I'm thinking it might be the magnets. I should revisit the outpost again, all tho I'm not sure if its the right place. Well someone might be able to help me, at least with getting some wires.
  5. Fen

    Fen Pretty ßird

    Jan 21, 2014
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    .5 - Helping hands
    Finally I got a hold of some wires!! My FTL picked up some signs of life coming from Gamma Al Zirr Minoris IV b, so I thought I’d go down to check it out. Score. I wasn’t expecting a town, Maybe some wildlife, maybe even an avian temple but luckily I was spared from that madness. Thanks to a “Bork” who was working as some sort of security guard we manage to trade a needler he had for two rolls of wire. When I first met him he was a bit of a jerk, then he came and apologized and offered me a drink and helped me with the trade. Hylotls, you can almost always count on their politeness. There was this Floran by the name of “Vine” who claimed, when I asked Bork about it - that she had wires. Working in behavioural studies I’ve learned that the florans should never be trusted with guns, it's common knowledge really, so I was a bit skeptical but Bork insisted. Luckily she didn’t actually kill anyone, but just to be safe we took off running as soon as the trade was made.
    Anyway, when I first got down there was a trial going on in the town square and I think some fellow avians where in trouble for something. I'm not sure what, but I overheard some thrash talk about religion and murder so I’m guessing they might have been Stargazers or something. Poor souls.
    I also met a girl named "Yaakova", nice human chick, you don’t see those much lately. She told me she was working in robotics, it seemed like she didn’t want to go into much detail for some reason and I don’t want to be rude so I started talking about something else. Nice girl though.
    Well, Back to fixing this old thing.
    #5 Fen, Feb 8, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 8, 2015
  6. Fen

    Fen Pretty ßird

    Jan 21, 2014
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    .6 - Expanding
    It's been over a week, almost TWO weeks since my last entry here, I've been out working mostly. I made a little trip over to that Floran prison in a last attempt to save the poor Avian that they held locked inside those squishy walls, after managing to sneak all the way down those horrible halls I discovered that she was gone, the cell was empty..I really hope she managed to escape..
    I even got out of there without being seen, sometimes I'm truly grateful for my beloved matter manipulator, it has got me out of many unpleasant situations.

    I've been thinking of maybe hiring an lab assistant for FEN'RC, It would be good to have someone to help me out around the lab, also the Hylotls came and visited Dexter again, They have started building more houses around the lab and I think they are setting up an 'Inn' or something in that fashion, perfect if I would expand the company and hire more staff. I'm not sure the Miniknogs would appreciates it though.
    As for expedition "&&€&%" I would probably need to hire an escort too. I'll get to that later though, back to work.
    #6 Fen, Feb 20, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 24, 2015
  7. Fen

    Fen Pretty ßird

    Jan 21, 2014
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    .7 - Big Business
    The crops are getting bigger and I cant seem to fit any more in there now, good thing I.. SOLD ALL OF THEM..!
    Madame Lynx of New Vegas placed an order for ten thousand pixels
    , that's not a bad first order at all, she even threw a whole Voxel at me for no reason..! I hope she dont want me to owe her any favors or so.. Oh I hope she isn't one of those evil battleaxes.
    I bet she's not, she seemed nice. A bit pompous perhaps, but friendly and VERY generous..
    Her order should be ready by next week if have the weather on my side.

    Mother, you told me a life in agricultural research is no social work, I wish I could tell you all about this.. All about the Research Center, about the trading and my discoveries..
    I already have the plants lined up for the final spray.
    I must keep this a secret.. Who knew spraying slightly modified healing water on a flower would lead to such wonderful results, they are just growing and growing..
    I can only imagine what would happen If I would spray down the Floran with this34e5drft6yguijkml
    #7 Fen, Feb 24, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 27, 2015
  8. Fen

    Fen Pretty ßird

    Jan 21, 2014
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    .8 - Wartweed & Skypirates
    <Uploaded to Fenic's PC via PDD>
    <Uploaded 27/2 14:54>
    I went out on another voyage in search of seeds, My FTL picked up information of a dead planet in the Delta Al Thalimain 9378 system, Thought it was a reasonable planet to look for wartweed on.
    I was very right! I've gathered plenty of both Wartweed and Diodia seeds now and I can't seem to fit any more in my backpack, And so I tried to beaming back up - Nothing happened.. For Aether's sake.. The sandstorms are probably disturbing the signals.. Most likely..
    <Uploaded 27/2 23:24>

    There's many hostile creatures walking around these fields, I've been running most of my time on this forsaken piece of rock, evil things.
    I Got in contact with an Avian Airship via the PDD, Nice group of grounded fellows. They offered me to exchange some food and water for a hand full of pixels
    , I felt like it was nothing to argue about.. I was starving at the time. The Commander who reached out to me, Larkswooner was a pretty odd feather, We sat and talked for a couple of hours before he fell asleep right in the middle of the conversation, He was pretty drunk.. I'm not judging, Life as a sky-pirate must be pretty stressful. So I went out and left him there, Roosting on the table. I tried beaming up from their ship but with no success there either, I'll better go back to the beam down area.
    <Uploaded 27/2 23:59>

    Back at the beam down area, I've set up my tent and have managed to get a fire going close to where I started, Not for the heat but mostly for the light.. I'm glad I brought my bow, Ain't gonna be much sleeping tonight.. I'll try beaming up again in the morning, If I can't get it to work I guess I'll call for help.
    #8 Fen, Feb 27, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 1, 2015
  9. Fen

    Fen Pretty ßird

    Jan 21, 2014
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    .9 - Rust

    I've stumbled upon something very strange, Something rather creepy actually..
    A couple of days ago I went out looking for Boneboo, I found a pretty large arid planet not far from the Alpha Leonis 7725 system. It seemed like a decent planet for finding Boneboo, So I decided to beam down to investigate the place a bit further.
    It was night time when I came down, as I landed in the dry grass a warm but harsh wind hit me right in the eyes.
    I had my spear ready, but the dust in the wind made me loose focus for a moment,I quickly pulled up my scarf over my beak. No signs of animal life, everything seemed to be pretty normal although I couldn't see much in the darkness. Some Thorn Fruit, Diodia, a whole lot of sand and dirt, but no signs of Boneboo.. I started walking east and within seconds I reached an edge of a cliff, pew.. Apparently this planet had mountains, and I was standing on the top of one right in the middle of a dusty storm - looking straight down into the darkness.. I beamed back up to wait out the night.

    I roosted for about six or seven hours, woke up, feeling like a thousand Voxels - eager to climb some mountains. I took with me some rope, a can of veggie soup and headed back down.
    It was early morning, the sun had not yet risen but the storm had passed, I couldn't wait any longer so I took to the east again. These mountains were steep, Rope was a good idea, without the rope it would have been too much of a challenge for me. I consider myself being adventurous, sure - But possibly loosing my life in finding Boneboo would have been
    pretty.. dull.
    Anyway, I kept moving east over these steep rocks and after about 10 minutes or so I reached the top of a valley. I walked down, plucking some Thorn Fruit growing in the hills when all of a sudden I heard a loud 'Kloooonnnngggg'.. Shivers went down my spine as the sound echoed between the hills, I fumbled to reach my spear as I heard something moving up in the hills.
    Slightly panicked, I sqwaked to scare whatever was crawling up there, I heard something flapping away. Just a bird, relax...
    I came to my senses, but something wasn't right, something had changed, I wasn't standing on sand or rocks anymore. I looked down, It appeared I was standing in mid air.. Confused, I sat down, I was sitting on glass!

    So there I sat in the darkness, apparently on a huge glass floor of some kind right in the middle of this valley. I brushed some sand off of the glass and grabbed my flashlight to shine some light down through it, I couldn't see much down there, some rusty walls, an old crate - It looked abandoned.
    I looked all over the valley for an entrance to this mysterious room but I've found nothing, no door, no hatch.. All I found was more freaking Diodia..
    So I kept heading east in search of the entrance to this place, slowly - the morning came and the winds got stronger. I couldn't keep on climbing in this weather forever, So I took the old Matter Manipulator and went straight through a huge dirt hill.
    After about 25 minutes of manipulating I suddenly reached the end of this mountain range. Sunlight hit my eyes like it was for the first time, I stood there blinded by the sun, in front of a huge field.. A huge field of bones..
    I got scared stiff, the thought of whatever creature had caused this massacre made my feathers rise from my skin, I fumbled to get my PDA from my bag and beamed up immediately..
    I don't know what to do now.. Should I go back and look for an entrance? Should I pretend I didn't see anything?.. I need to sleep.
    #9 Fen, Mar 7, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 7, 2015
  10. Fen

    Fen Pretty ßird

    Jan 21, 2014
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    .10 - A door
    <Uploaded to Fenic's PC via PDD>

    <Uploaded 8/3 11:04>
    The sun is up, I'd say it's around noon, wind speed at a steady 7 m/s..
    I've decided to get to the bottom of this, I haven't slept much, I need to find a way inside..
    I can hear some distant mechanical noises to the west so I will trek that way today, as soon as I've finished my lunch. I've found a couple of logs to sit on, I managed to roll them up the hill. I've set up a campfire for heating up some soup, this place is actually kind of nice when the storms calms down.

    <Uploaded 8/3 14:59>
    I took to the west and I've found something very interesting, some kind of old, rusty wind-turbine house. I think it's actually turned on but I'm not a hundred percent sure yet, the rotor blades are moving and there are some lights indicating that data is being processed, I'm not sure how these things work, could it be self-powered? On the roof of this building is a small control-panel room which seems to have been abandoned for a very long time, full of dust. By the looks of it; Humans built this, there's a broken television standing on a dusty table and a computer panel that has definitely seen better days. I will keep searching on.

    <Uploaded 8/3 17:37>

    I've found more of these wind-turbine houses, They seem to be spread out across the planet as far as I have gone. They are all empty but seem to be running still, the lofts are different for each house. Control rooms and workshops, all dusty and abandoned. No entrance yet... I'll probably head back before the storm comes back.

    <Audio recording uploaded 8/3 22:29>
    *An exited, almost hyperventilating Avian voice is whispering loudly* I found it..! It was right under my talons the whole time... I'm standing outside an open door down in the first valley to the west, it was pretty well hidden in the dirt. I can't believe I missed it the first time..! There's a speaker right next to the door, it looks old.. Inside is a small cave.. It seems to be empty.. Hoo hoo...? Oh, it's dark in here, I'll see if I can.. *click* Ok, There is a hatch inside.. *Talonsteps, slowly walking on gravel, tremulous breathing* It's open, I cant see much down there.. *talons landing on metal, the impact echoes* Ok, Some kind of device with buttons, Human numbers..! I was right.. Maybe it's for locking or opening and closing the door up there.. There's a *Talons walking slowly on a metal surface* Yeah there's a stairway down.. *The now shaky voice gets closer to the microphone and the audio distorts* There's lights..! There's red, flickering lights down there.. *A few more steps is echoing in the background* This is incredible..! This place is humongous, I can't *a distant creak can be heard, then complete silence, the avian seems to be holding her breath* ... *click* SQWAAWK!! *the audio distorts as the microphone rapidly scrapes against fabric, someone seems to be running* OH FOR THE LOVE OF!!.. *Distortion* GAH!..*the audio recording ends*

    <Uploaded 8/3 23:01>
    I'm back at the ship.. PEEEEEEW that was creepy.. I dont know what it was, probably just the wind but PEEW.. There were lights down there there, must be some kind of mine or quarry or something. I'm definitely not going down there alone again, maybe I'll bring Glauen or someone. I need to roost now..
    Good night, you wimp
  11. Fen

    Fen Pretty ßird

    Jan 21, 2014
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    .11 - New grounds

    My dear lab.. It has become such a hollow place.. I have decided to leave it behind, Dexter is no longer flourishing, everything has changed.. The Apexes have left and I no longer have much purpose on that planet. My work has been on hold for too long, so I've decided to leave it and start a new chapter in my book. I am moving to the rusty, old human outpost that I occupied some time ago.

    I've not told you this yet, but I am a part of a group of Avians, all of us are grounded, and proud for that matter. We are re-building the outpost that I found. We're calling it 'The Warren' and hopefully we can use it for good. We are there to help the other grounded in the sector with providing shelter, food and hopefully some good company. Before I left for Dexter it was in pretty bad shape, but Ziggy and Glauen have started refurnishing the halls down there and it's actually starting to look pretty inhabitable! Glauen also hired a janitor of the human kind to remove the rust down there which is good news.

    Before I left Dexter I packed as much seeds as I could, I pretty much have got the whole lab in boxes now, more or less.. Mom had to help me with the water tank, that thing is so heavy! We managed to tip it on the side and roll it out the door. Hopefully I can use it for filtering and storing the rainwater at The Warren. If we manage to get it inside.. Glauen is planning to dig out some dirt and build rooms so that we actually can live down there. That would be neat, I really need my own room in to fully relax. Even though Kahliel is never home due to her voyages with the Glitch crew - I still feel like I've never truly lived by myself, until now.
    It actually feels good calling my mother by her name, Her bad temper has left such a mark on me. Before she left she told me I was making a big mistake and that I should go with her to study the Floran. I'd rather help my friends with helping other people, instead of capturing tribal Floran and stick them in cages.. Her methods are getting out of hand, I'd say it's more of an obsession than research at this point.. Some days I wish she never left Avos, but then again - I would probably be dead if she did stay, in a way she saved me..
    Anyway, Back to work!
  12. Fen

    Fen Pretty ßird

    Jan 21, 2014
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    .12 - Where are you Dirturchin

    I've been on the lookout for Dirturchin for weeks now, can't seem to find much of it lately..
    Those tasteless pieces of green bags are not very eager to get found, But I will find them, I will hunt them down and I will serve them.. Make some Soggy sack's just for the heck of it or something!
    I met this Sol fellow again, On two occasions our paths have crossed. He's having some kind of trouble with talking normally, I've never met someone with that kind of stutter.. Poor thing, I asked him to tag along on a minor expedition to find those things, Dirturchin's.. He seemed unused to planet-hopping so I gave him my sling shot so that he could feel a little more confident as we were about to beam down, He looked scared stiff.. You have to be prepared for the worst, A sling shot might've not been the best protection but at least it is something.. It has saved me in a lot of situations actually, Not by murdering things of course but with deluding creatures and what not, Found it in a floran prison, Now Sol has it.. I hope that can be the start of a more confident, adventurous Sol.
    Oh, and he was living in a cave.. I mean, a cave? I should get him in to The Warren so that he can have a real home, with a real bed, warm food and a bath.

    He said he is coding, I don't know much on that matter but I remembered that Glauen said something about needing a 'computer guy'.. I hope we can have use for his skills, We should get the doors fixed so that we can use a code to get in and out of the hole. Can't be too careful, I have seen several Flightless at Katune lately.. I wonder what they are doing outside of their temples, Those cacklers.. I hope Sol knows how to reprogram those human keypad thingy's..

    Anyway, We didn't find any Dirturchin on this planet I came across, It had all the right elements and everything.. It is strange, They seem to have become quite rare these days.. Or maybe it's just me, Get a grip Fenics.. You know this, you can find them, you will find them and you will find lots.. I just need to find the perfect circumstance for them to grow in..
    Well the search continues!

  13. Fen

    Fen Pretty ßird

    Jan 21, 2014
    Likes Received:
    .13 - Voyage

    I'm leaving Antares, it feels strange leaving my friends for this cause but I feel I must go.. I have not been feeling great lately, My mother has been taking up contact with me since we parted. A couple of days ago she told me I had to leave "that rusty hole" that I was living in and travel to SW-2075. I'm not sure how far it is but she told me to pack for 5 weeks, So I'm guessing it is quite the distance.. I am going to miss this place, I just moved in.. We had just got this place shining too, Oh I wish I could stay longer.

    I have left a note in my room explaining why I'm doing this, I'm too bad at goodbyes.. I would just stand there and cry, I will miss them. Well, most of them. I hope someone can take over the green house room, I've all of my seeds in the cabinets, hopefully they will have use for them. It's a fairly large collection, hopefully it will last them all year around.

    Sometimes life is cruel, sometimes it push you down in a little corner and challenges you until you forget what you are and what your purpose is in this chaotic universe. I feel, in these times that I must travel, always travel, See things I have not seen before, do things I never thought I would dare to do. This helps me to focus and clear my head, So I'm taking off now..

    ((Fenics left her door open, this note could be found inside of her room on the floor))
    ##########Dear Friends##########
    I'm going to make this quick and painless,
    This is the last thing you will see from me.
    I have decided to leave the warren, it is
    starting to get too dangerous for me to even
    be walking around down here. The fear of the
    Flightless intruding and taking everyone of us
    away has been haunting me in my sleep for
    days. I've packed everything I need, and I left
    everything I don't need here in my room. Feel
    free to take what you need.
    I'm leaving Antares and I don't know if I will
    ever come back.

    Glauen, I'm thankful for everything you have
    done for all of us grounded.
    Alo, Thank you for being the wise one that
    you are, Take care of Glauen.
    Sol, I wish I had more time to spend with you.
    You don't need to be so shy, always remember;
    You can be whatever you set your mind to.
    Ziggy, You have grown from a boy into fine
    Avian. I have carried you while you have
    slowly been dying in my arms. Please be
    careful, life is short and full of traitors.

    I love you all, Stay strong.
    P.s Please take care of my plants.
    - ƒenics