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Personal Logs of Zre Wavefin

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Foreign Flora, Feb 4, 2015.

  1. Foreign Flora

    Foreign Flora New Member

    Jan 29, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Personal log-1
    Several readings of the planet showed that it is in a state where Aragon infestation is possible. Best keep and eye on it, as it will be colonized by civilians fairly soon. Made a few friends, and given my terrible memory, their names must be written down. Leif: floran, questionable sentience, but still someone I could probably trust. Matt: human, I asume this human owns the colony, so that is a bonus for my research efforts. And Taifu: a fellow hylotl,very curious relationship between Leif and this hylotl... A shame that my anonymous employer terminated my contract... I guess I will have to rely on the locals on this world a little more than I would like.
    ~Zre Wavefin
  2. Foreign Flora

    Foreign Flora New Member

    Jan 29, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Planet-status report-1
    Atmosphere is perfect for colonization, rich with oxygen. Agaran infestation success... Extremely likely. Most native creatures lack proper brain size for Agaran possession. One species has a well developed brain, capable of some sophisticated though process, very susceptible to infestation. Large amounts of plant life, plenty of food for Agaran fungal forms. More tests will be necessary. World expected to be populated soon by various races, floran included. High risk of infestation, atmospheric chemical inducer to poison atmosphere with various anti fungal drugs. Of course, though, the human who I met was most likely the foreman here. It will be difficult to convince him to let me place a device on the planet that will emit various chemicals into the atmosphere, given that people as simple as him won't understand the importance of this project.
    -zre Wavefin.
  3. Foreign Flora

    Foreign Flora New Member

    Jan 29, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Scientific record-1
    Atmosphere stable. Stable tectonic activity. -(Data expunged)- -of unstable isotopes. Rainfall h- -(Data expunged)- fungal form's. Agaran prese- -(Data expunged)-
    Thank you for your contribution to our project, Wavefin. Since I still wish to remain anonymous, simply call me x.y.z.. You must wonder where your research is disappearing to, don't worry. It's in safe hands now. We no longer require your effort, and we have cut funding to your account. Good day, Wavefin. You might hear from us again soon.
  4. Foreign Flora

    Foreign Flora New Member

    Jan 29, 2015
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    Personal log-1
    Hopefully, this new mainframe firewall will prevent "XYZ" from stealing my science reports. Since then, without any funds, im going to employ a new plan. I hope I can employ the help of the poplulace, and my new found friends, to create a laboratory. It will make my work in this system easier, along with giving me somewhere to stay.
  5. Foreign Flora

    Foreign Flora New Member

    Jan 29, 2015
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    Scientific Report-23
    *The log is accompanied by a photo of some creature, horribly mangled and dissected beyond recognition*

    The subject, as shown above, has been properly dissected and displayed. Typical organ structure for a canine, some additions not found in other canines. Hydroxic venom glands found above front teeth, releases strong poison that forcibly removes hydrogen from the target organism. One of the subject's glands has been removed for closer observation. Another addition is the formation of crystalline fluoride on its back. It is rather unclear what this could be used for, most likely protection and defence. It's eyes appear to be sensitive to the infrared ranges of light. It possesses several of these eyes, 3 pairs in total. A more descript report will be given on a later date. This creature was found in prime condition before being wounded by another native creature. One of its eyes are ruined and some muscles have been torn, along with some broken bones. Would have died of starvation, instead, dissected and studied for scientific research. More specimens will be required for a better understanding of this creature.
    #5 Foreign Flora, Feb 19, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 19, 2015