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Discussion in 'Roleplay Planning' started by Naju34, Jan 25, 2015.

  1. Naju34

    Naju34 New Member

    Apr 20, 2014
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    Ok, first off, I'm not even sure if this thread should go here, but it seemed like the most appropiate place. If any of you think it should go somewhere else, please let me know.
    That said...

    Hello again, fellas!
    So probably the majority of you don't know jacks**t about me, since I joined here about 4-5 months ago with my partners from Memoria (yeah, a really long time ago xD), and I also didn't feel like playing Starbound shortly after, not to mention the amount of tests I had to study for, which resulted in me basically disappearing from the radar along with my character (Naju).

    Since I left so long ago, and I want to come back, I thought that maybe I could restart with a different character (let's say I'm not really happy with how my 1st character turned out :rolleyes:). So this is basically like an application but only with the backstory. I know it's not necessary, but I really wanted to do it, and you guys can tell me what you think about it :D

    Ok, so here we go

    Proton, the wonder robot:

    "Proton, the only robot who is capable of doing anything you want him to!", was the logan for the commercial robot model series that never got out of it's prototype state.

    The RobCo enterprise was forced to close after a giant tentacled alien parasite began to approach planet Earth. Proton 09, their ninth and last prototype model in the Proton series, was left behind in the facility in which he was being created due to the hurry of his creators to evacuate Earth. Thankfully, he was taken by a group of collectors before the alien parasite could devour the Earth.

    The collectors discovered that Proton was a very fast-learning robot, capable of doing anything he was tought, without limitations (the reason he was still not in commercial state).

    The group's engineer, though, found a fault in one of the robot's 2 memory disks. He had a constant formatting which caused his primal programming to constantly erase itself, making him also lose all the information about physical recognition of any living thing, place, or event. However, his second memory disk, in which he kept all the learned abilities and movements, was intact.

    Unfortunately, the group of Collectors wandered very far in space, making them lose contact with the USCM ships, and causing them to get caught by a group of bandits. The bandits slaughtered everyone in the ship and took Proton 09 for it to be examined and taken by the bandit's leader.

    After being initially sold several times in the black market, then stolen, kidnapped, or simply borrowed, Proton 09 developed a very ample number of abilities as well as physical modifications, giving him the ability to fly, a strengthened armor, an expert-level use of dual daggers, and even the ability to play a great variety of instruments.

    None of his owners managed to solve his formatting error since it could cause his entire malfunction. Either way, one of his owners (probably a highly experienced tinkerer) managed to somehow make his formatting error not to be constant. This meant that even though Proton 09's memory disk could still be randomly formatted, it wouldn't happen everytime, and could garantize a big probability of it not wiping in a insanely extense amount of time (either way, there's a still chance for it to format again every once in a while)

    Sadly, the tinkerer died after finding the solution to Proton 09's problem, and even though he left it written somewhere between his blueprints, the house was raided by scavengers who took everything and sold it (including Proton 09) to another group of collectors which distributed their goods all around space.

    Proton 09 was taken again between many owners, only suffering one formatting of his memory disk while he was being investigated by a group of Apex engineers. Since he was harmed during the process, Proton 09 quickly loaded a self-defense protocol, murdering all his examiners, and also forcing him to quickly escape in one of their scout-ships.

    Looking for a way to fix his problem, but most importantly, for someone to program him to do something, Proton 09 stumbled upon Antares, a mysterious part of the Universe in which he thought he could finally get the answers he wanted.

    Basic character information:

    Name: Proton 09.
    Race: Programmable robot. (Glitch)
    Age: Unknown.

    Physical aspects:

    Black coated armor, unrevealed since he wears a long black robe around it, possibly to hide himself and his secrets from anyone who could want them, or simply to have a surprise element always ready in the case of combat, along with a red (possibly rubium) memory disk in his back (the one that formats). He also usually carries a pair of Titanium daggers in his belt in case of danger.

    Pros and cons:


    -Highly (almost expertly) skilled hand-to-hand/meelee combatant.
    -Black-coated Titanium armor.
    -Bubble-based propulsor in his back which grants him the ability to fly.
    -Solarium-powered battery which can last 30 years long.
    -Whenever he's exposed to high water level, his armor encloses completely to avoid any drain through his circuits.
    -Easily modifiable hardware which grants him a massive amount of possibilities.
    -Can be thought (possibly programmed) to do anything.


    -Since he's a robot, he's vulnerable to things like EMP and high voltage.
    -His battery life-extender modifications are located all around his body, meaning that if any of his limbs are cut, his battery will begin to drain quickly.
    -His water enclosed protection prevents him to perform any movement but powering his propulsors to float. This means he cannot fight/move around freely underwater.
    -His so known formatting memory disk problem, to which he still seeks a solution.
    -Poor hacking protection.
    -Can be thought (possibly programmed) to do ANYTHING.


    -His ability to play and imitate a great amount of instruments has also led him to produce a "dramatical" music background from his modified sound emitters for very important occasions.

    So, as I said, you good people can tell me what you think about it, if you think it's an OP character, if you think I should RP with it a bit, or if you also want to congrat me for making a somewhat good/interesting character? :D (yes please, lol).

    Oh, and I really hope to stay RPing a bit this time xD

    P.S: Even though I think I had none, pardon me for any grammatical errors, english is not my 1st language :S
    #1 Naju34, Jan 25, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 26, 2015
  2. DeltaV

    DeltaV New Member

    Apr 16, 2014
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    Seems a bit overpowered. I'm picturing a giant invinci-robot flying around with bullets bouncing off of him and slicing peoples' heads from their bodies, while also a master at everything with very little training necessary. Also, the edge factor is very high, what with the murder and the black robe and the daggers.

    On another note, this should go in 'character discussion', I think.
  3. Naju34

    Naju34 New Member

    Apr 20, 2014
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    lol yeah, perhaps I wasn't too specific in the armor part. I mean, I said it was insanely resistant because I have a Rubium armor in-game, but it obviously is penetrable

    The skills n' stuff are not supposed to be like that really, I mean, he obviously has to train for certain things, since his processor capacity is not fast enough to exactly "mimic" any movement. I put the dagger/meelee thinguie there because, idk, he had to have some significant level of experience after some years you know xD. Maybe I could add that the memory disk that saves the abilities learned has an obvious limit (Idk why I forgot to put that there, sorry)

    Idk what you mean with edge factor, sorry :/

    Basically, Proton 09 is more a tool to the others than himself. It depends on whose hands he ends up on.

    Anyways, thanks for the feedback! :D
  4. Ricardo

    Ricardo ERP Champ 2016

    Aug 25, 2014
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    ((Brace for impact))
  5. Angre

    Angre Majestic Penguin

    Dec 23, 2013
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    I also get the feeling that this robot is a bit overpowered. While you could argue that the cons equal the pros in number, they aren't equal in weight. What I mean by that is, when you have a robot that's highly skilled in CQC, inaccuracy with a rifle isn't a big concern. It's the same with the armor, all armor is going to break eventually. However, you listed this as a con. I wouldn't really say this is equal in comparison to, say, highly resistant armor that can provide extreme protection against most forms of damage (I will also say that it's usually frowned upon to use any metals above Durasteel. Sure, they exist in-game, but people don't often enjoy RPing against anyone with Rubium or Impervium armor).

    The character itself does seem interesting, but the advantages outweigh the disadvantages in an overwhelming way. If you can manage to alter some of the advantages and disadvantages to create a more balanced character, I'd see nothing wrong with the character itself.
  6. Naju34

    Naju34 New Member

    Apr 20, 2014
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    Oh ok, thanks! I thought people gathered tier 10 stuff and then went to RP, guess I was wrong xD
    Yeah I may think about something and perhaps add it to the post later

    Thanks for yer feedback :D
  7. Angre

    Angre Majestic Penguin

    Dec 23, 2013
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    Well, people usually do use tier ten equipment, but that's mostly for OOC protection. People tend to use the vanity slots on their characters for IC equipment while the OOC slots are used to prevent characters from dying of cold or damage OOC and disrupting whatever RP is going on.
  8. Naju34

    Naju34 New Member

    Apr 20, 2014
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    Oh, I see, that's what I basically do lol
    I mean, I have my Rubium armor equipped but I use the Ipervium Apex armor as vanity (it's the only black robe I could find) and a Fullmetal armor when the robe's off

    Should I simply change the name of the metal the armor's made of or something?
    #8 Naju34, Jan 25, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 25, 2015
  9. Naju34

    Naju34 New Member

    Apr 20, 2014
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    There, I modified it a bit. Hopefully it's more balanced now :D
  10. DeltaV

    DeltaV New Member

    Apr 16, 2014
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    Better. My only thing to say is that generally techs such as bubble boost are considered purely OOC.
  11. Angre

    Angre Majestic Penguin

    Dec 23, 2013
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    Definitely is improved by quite a bit. As Delta said, techs that allow flight are usually OOC-only, but whether or not they're actually disallowed IC, I'm not sure.
  12. Naju34

    Naju34 New Member

    Apr 20, 2014
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    Alright, thanks!

    As for the tech n' stuff, the rules only say that the blink tech is not permitted IC. It doesn't say anything about flying techs, but yeah, I'll really only use it for navigating/exploring... whenever I remember my password xD
  13. Wreth

    Wreth New Member

    Dec 18, 2013
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    Yeah, feel free to use armour that is made of impervium or whatever in game. But IC it won't be made from that metal. I have a character who wears aegisalt armour but I roleplay it as durasteel.
  14. Naju34

    Naju34 New Member

    Apr 20, 2014
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    Yeah to avoid that many problems I simply used Titanium
    I mean, it isn't even a metal used for making armor in-game, but it's pretty common and it's also really strong (and perhaps not stronger than tier 5-10 metals)

    Titanium ftw ;)
  15. I just read this and i gotta admit I am exited for a new robot/droid. A while ago I made a character called UB78 Prototype (Utility bot 78) and it was fun but i haven't found any (excuse me if there are other bot/droid characters) And also this character is a lot like mine.
    some similarities are:
    Non-rechargeable battery
    and Poor hacking prevention
    I am exited, but remember to balance. I made mine balance by having terrible armor and slightly bad command recognition.
  16. Naju34

    Naju34 New Member

    Apr 20, 2014
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    lol thanks, but sadly I'm not sure if I will use this character, since the rules say that you have to use a vanilla race. That probably means that I have to be a Glitch and not a random droid, but hey, I'll see what can I do xD
  17. Just be up front and request to a moderator. Thats how my droid got in. As long as it is a droid that is like a glitch but isn't it'll be fine! Just make sure that it is not a battle tank kinda droid, ok! :)
  18. Clem

    Clem Lore Writer

    Jan 31, 2015
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    Today I have met a character who says he is something just like this.
    Only a A.I. in a shiny suit.
    Named Cerulean. Is not anything like a Glitch.
  19. Naju34

    Naju34 New Member

    Apr 20, 2014
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    Haha, ok. I'll look into that
  20. CaptainBritton02

    CaptainBritton02 Man of War

    Jan 7, 2014
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    If you come to the year 2415 you have to expect service droids, AIs (considering the vanilla ship has one), etc.