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A Lost Soul

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Arcticil, Jan 11, 2015.

  1. Arcticil

    Arcticil Toxic Top Soldier

    Apr 17, 2014
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    -These audio logs rest upon the floating ship of an unknown stranger, secured with a password. Anybody aboard the ship and with the password could access them and listen to them.-



    ENTRY 01.WAV


    It's been so long since the sounds of gunfire sent me spiraling into a darkness. I remember a man holding me, and then the lights above spiraling into my eyes as I felt myself bleeding and dying, my life-force ebbing from me like a leak in a dam. The rest is nothing but darkness, and has left me marred with scars of a past I don't even recall. I miss home, whatever it may be, because I'm sure it's far better than adrift, pondering in the mirror of my damp ship what my name is. What is my name? Is it Xantheus? Solomon? Henry? I don't remember, but I wish I did. Perhaps exploring the civilized planets might give me an idea of whom I may be, and why I am still alive, graced back to life from a darkness I would have preferred. What is my name? I need to remember that in my pursuit of my past, so I do not falter from my path.

    For now, they shall call me Saladin.

    . . .

    What is my name?


  2. Arcticil

    Arcticil Toxic Top Soldier

    Apr 17, 2014
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    ENTRY 02.WAV


    I still wander around like a piece of cloth being whipped through the wind, unaware of who I am or why I am alive. Why am I alive? The suit over me, no doubt, a prison of pain that is keeping me in one piece. I cannot breath without it, I cannot use my cybernetics without it, I cannot live without it. It is my specter, my guardian, and my protector. But what if it is to break? The liquids it pumps into me, the lungs it jumpstarts for me, the painkillers it circulates for me, they are all apart of a machine. Am I more man than machine, or am I more machine than man? I don't know anymore.

    . . .

    Where am I going?

  3. Arcticil

    Arcticil Toxic Top Soldier

    Apr 17, 2014
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    ENTRY 03.WAV

    - BAR, ASANI -

    I met a man, one who I almost seemed to recall in a passing thought, and true to his word he told me that he knew me. It had been so long he claimed, and that I was his sworn shield before my disappearance. So now I stand with my cannon and suit at his side, once-again to be his guardian and protector. Is that who I am? I still can't recall my name, and the man seems not to know it himself. Saladin will do, but I must find out what my name is.

    I am Saladin, the protector. Fear my cannon.

    . . .

    Yet, what is my true name?