((On the body and mind of Wilhelm and his three other council members, Otto stores a bit of data for a codex of things he has learnt about and recorded in writing for future knowledge. These are mostly for knowledge use. They are generally attached with a photo.))
Entry One Christmas Tree This object is apparently used as a ritual by organics to celebrate a holiday that is known as Christmas. Thus the object is known as a Christmas Tree, and is used as some sort of communing device with the holiday. End of Entry One
Entry Two Paper Lamp This object is apparently a light concealed within' papyrus. Very useless, why not use a candle? End of Entry One
Entry Three Humans Appearance: The human species seem to have generally tan or pale skin, with a variation of eye color and an even wider spectrum of hair color. A strange thing, but it can be compared to the glitch counter-part. Most fascinating. Homeworld: They apparently hail from a home-world known as Earth, which is apparently very blue and rather beautiful. Culture: They are apparently very violent, crazy, and not sex-crazed at all according to the human I spoke too, who also described them as a kind and loving species. [A string of photos that seem to be of humans is also there.] End of Entry Three
Entry Four Florans Apparently the florans and glitch are on good terms, according to the one I spoke too. They seem to have a speech impediment, but perhaps it is limited to just this one? [A not-so-menacing Stab-Dancer is doing a not-a-pose.] End of Entry Four