Log number 1# Document 435# Personal A.I Files Log-in The days, here in my old relic of an Avian colony-ship. Seems to get longer, I barely get around to any outposts or colonies. I don't feel safe anywhere, after the pirates, destoryed my beloved Talon-Station. As it's just another piece of space wreakage, filling up the Antares galaxy. I lost everything with it. Even my old manor seem to have fallen to the elements, ruined by sandstorms. I recovered what I could, but the amounts of sand made it almost impossible. I want to feel safe. *sighs deeply* I want to feel part of something greater. Just flying around, only going down for supplies, is getting to me. The same rutines. I been thinking alot. Since it's what you do in space mostly. A type of thing that would get people together under a greater purpose. For protection and care, A place where outlaws, and bandits would thrown into a jail on sight, without any hesitation. A greater dominion. But most people aren't into, strong rule. Even if they got their freedoms to live, and trade in peace.. I just cause people don't like to have someone there.. It's a shame really. I would have loved to work on such a thing. But people are a strange ressource, and hard to get. I guess those are just dreams and ideas. Who would care for such. I do but I'm still to find some people like myself. Well end of this log. I guess I could keep a small record of these. Just for when I'm old and bored. Dr. Sylia Out...
Log Number 2# Document 472# Personal A.I Files Log-in It's a stroke of luck lately. After a visit to the Inn on Asani, I found a fellow lost scientist, wishing to resettle after yet another destruction run onto civil people and settlements. Seems like a terrible waste, people in Antares need to learn violence isn't the way of life, or progress. But Laonie is a small, but careing person. She fits perfect for my plans and ideas. Alot like myself. Born and raised in a bunker city. Fits good. We went to her old home, after a long talk of resettling and we found out to work together. The savaging of generators and parts for small eletritonics went like a charm. The place was only a shadow of it's old self, but we got the things we needed for eletricity and to get the hydropodnics to work. After our little savage hunt, we found a lovely planet to settle on, in the unexplored sector of Antares.. Blue skies and water, so clean you can see to the bottom, green lush hills, lovely puffy snowy ones. The ground filled with minerals and ores just waiting to be dug up and used. It's a small, cold paradise in this hellish sector of monsters.. We set up our basecamp. A few igloos for shelter, a workshop, a hydropodnics shack, and a watchtower.. It's not much but it have to do. I terraforming the planet as we go along. Foresting the surface, as the planet didn't have natural trees. They seem to fit well in the nature. All is starting well, and she agrees on my plans of a Dominion to keep us all safe, with the open freedoms for all it's citizens. It's been a few days later, and I went to Antares to check up on things.. Met a pair of annoying raiders by the looks of it.. Ranting and calling me things.. A slutty secretary.. Thats a new one I been called. meh what can I say.. I look good in my coat. But after a distress call from some trouble on a nearby planet, I took in this young, flightless Avian. Yet another lost soul in this hell. Found herself trap here like the rest of us. I have no care for what she believes in. As long as she will work along with my plans, and be a good person. She will be my friend. I like her, reminds me alot about myself. When I still was happy and lived with my parents in my old village so many years ago now. But for now. its all good news. All seem to falling into the places they sould. Dr. Sylia Out.