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We Have Meatssss - Quesera Meat and Organs - Floran Friendly/Fast and Safe

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Anyad, Dec 1, 2014.

  1. Anyad

    Anyad New Member

    Oct 31, 2014
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    This message pops up on boards and forums that see floran traffic:

    Migrant Floran citizens of Antares are subject to a large amount of pressure to undergo lifestyle changes, dietary and otherwise. Having to re-appropriate one's tastes towards new sources of food is never easy - having to say goodbye to traditional meals is even harder.

    Thankfully, a solution exists today.​

    Quesera Meat and Organs

    The Quesera Research Institute is proud to announce the opening of it's trend-breaking biological material supply service, "Quesera Meat and Organs". Want to show your cocoon-kin what a real meal tastes like? Want to prepare for that special meal, or simply indulge yourself in a little nostalgia? Could never get used to how a burger "feels" inside?

    Our products are sure to live up to any expectations. Organic, 100% glitch produced and grown using standardized tissue-cloning technology as part of the original research done by our institute, Quesera Meat and Organs represents the cutting edge of floran dietary replacements.
    (Due to initial limitations in our "growing-vat" number and size, we can only guarantee the shipment of standardized, 20 litre canisters of semi-liquid form biological matter.)

    (Male/Female): 550px/unit

    (Male/Female): 550px/unit

    (Male): 400px/unit

    (Male): 700px/unit

    Our labs are also prepared to offer you the complete, authentic experience, producing almost any given organ with the desired genetic signature in a 9-day time-range. Prices for this service are available on demand.

    (Warning: "Quesera Meat and Organs" products are under no circumstances suitable for medical usage, consisting of filtered laboratory waste and generic tissues grown to contain a specific combination and quantity of proteines. The Quesera Research institute is not responsible for any damage or health issues resulting from the consuption of "Quesera Meat and Organs" products by non-floran individuals.)
  2. Wreth

    Wreth New Member

    Dec 18, 2013
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    Ssssssoundsss like trap.

  3. Doctor Frohman

    Doctor Frohman New Member

    Feb 8, 2014
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    Sounds like SCIENCE!
  4. Anyad

    Anyad New Member

    Oct 31, 2014
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    This is a genuine commercial message.
    The Quesera Institute is an entirely glitch-run, privately owned biomedical research station located in an outlying quadrant of the Gryphon cluster. Our numerous patients (all of whom have signed consent forms regarding the re-use of their genetic material in our ongoing research) can attest that care, professionalism and neutrality are our watchwords.
    Our delivery services are outsourced - and guarantee a relatively speedy delivery to any corner of Antares.

    With concerns or for more information, please inquire at: queserasera.starmail.ind

    Outpost Liasion VRD-9
    Dr. Cass Arah, Head of Research
  5. Anyad

    Anyad New Member

    Oct 31, 2014
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    ((OOC: Three separate people contacted me wanting to be a clone in/from our facility - when declined, two out of three asked why.
    This isn't a judgement on my part, I swear to anything, it isn't, but if three people sent me letters, 5 others didn't but are thinking the same thing.

    This points to a failure to get the following point across:

    We Do Not Clone People.
    Character cloning is forbidden by server rules - and thus creating a perfect sentient clone is too (since it's the exact same thing).

    Even if it weren't forbidden, an "artificial being" would be exactly the kind of improbable snowflakery that the people involved in this project want to avoid. (And so do you, if you know what's good for you.)
    The technology we use IC (vastly more advanced than it's 21th century, earth counterpart) allows us to re-produce specific types of tissue and grow organs whose cellular complexity doesn't exceed certain limits. We do this in large vats.
    No actual sentient beings are cloned.))
  6. Doctor Frohman

    Doctor Frohman New Member

    Feb 8, 2014
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    (( We can grow organs nowadays with advanced 3D printers, so the science holds up as well. ))