//Connection Successful// //Posting Message// I have been set into an inactive state for about 6 or so months, and my last recording was being placed into a large containment unit. I've been unearthed from the rubble that was once the thriving Union. I'd like to request information of any important or notable events that have occurred over the course of those six months. -- Unit_M.I.M.A
Response. Port Last, formerly known as Opportunity before RA took it over, has been invaded by a tribe of black-leafed Florans who capture and sell members of other sentient species as slaves... Sarcastic. Fun... Addendum. Lost contact with RA after last Sunday. Query. Relevance? Reason. Most of former-USAF were recruited by them after contact was lost with Union. Current status unknown. Informative. Group of "anarchists" known as "Outcasts" are still around... Sarcastic. Fun has been doubled... Flat. Antares has seen better times. - Grey Knight Commander John M893-CV of Taranis
//Post read// //Calculating response . . .// //Response posted// I see. This information will be best stored within my internal systems. I currently reside within Taranis - at least, that is where I believe I currently am. It is what I previously recorded before my systems forced a shut-down after an extremely speedy energizing session. My current location remains unknown to myself as my visual systems as well as motor functions have yet to have returned to adequate functionality. -- Unit_M.I.M.A