**** The following is a half-written screenplay sitting in a desk in Johnson's ship. Various copies are in the trash and strewn about the floor. **** The Last Port by Marcus Johnson ACT ONE SCENE ONEEXT. BATTLEFIELD, PORT LAST It is the early morning. Several members of the RELZURAUTT ARMADA are fighting off a swarm of BLACKTOOTH FLORANS. Most do not seem overly worried, even as spines rain from the sky around them. JOHNSON I'm moving up to get a clear shot. Cover me. JOHNSON climbs over the fortifications and drops into cover in NO-MAN'S LAND, where he can see BLACKTOOTH FLORANS ahead. MATTULIP What the hell are you doing? JOHNSON I've got a line of sight on them! JOHNSON aims and shoots a few of the BLACKTOOTH FLORANS firing spines at the fortifications. They die, though he takes several spines to the leg. JOHNSON See, I told you -- A BLACKTOOTH FLORAN in heavy armor and with a GIANT GUN climbs up and aims at JOHNSON. MATTILIP, VARIOUS EXTRAS Look out! JOHNSON fires at the ARMORED FLORAN and scrambles back, but is too late. The ARMORED FLORAN fires and debris rains everywhere. JOHNSON is buried and digs his way out **WRITER'S NOTE: Totally what happened.** . MATTULIP GET OUT OF THERE! JOHNSON sprints back in a hail of spines and climbs back up, dropping his PLASMA RIFLE in the process. He heads to the MEDICAL TENT, where he is patched up by REKO and given MORPHINE. In a HAZE, JOHNSON wanders away and passes out. FADE TO BLACK. SCENE TWOEXT. SAME BATTLEFIELD, SEVERAL HOURS LATER The sun has begun to set, and many of the EXTRAS aboveground are wounded. The BLACKTOOTH FLORANS continue to swarm, overwhelming the LINE. REKO We have to fall back! We can't hold this building! MATTULIP This is our only fortified position! If we lose this, we lose the planet! REKO So what? FELITH arrives, holding a LARGE GUN. FELITH What is going on here? REKO We're going to lose this planet. We have to retreat. FELITH Never! They continue fighting for SEVERAL MINUTES. The ARMORED FLORAN fires several SHOTGUN BLASTS of debris at them. One of the BLACKTOOTH FLORANS fires on the base with JOHNSON'S PLASMA RIFLE. FRACTURE SOLDIER [Radio] We're leaving. You have two hours to come with us. REKO See? We have to go! FELITH Fine. The ARMADA SOLDIERS abandon the FORTIFICATIONS and run for the BEAM-PAD. Several BLACKTOOTH FLORANS climb up into the fort as they run. SCENE THREEINT. GARAGE BASEMENT, SUNSET JOHNSON wakes up, the morphine having worn off, and grunts in pain. There is a piece of SHRAPNEL in his side. He WANDERS AIMLESSLY around the GARAGE for several minutes, trying to figure out where he is. JOHNSON [Speaking into radio] Does anyone read me? RADIO [Static] JOHNSON [Speaking into radio] I repeat, does anyone read? RADIO [Static] ...Evacuation..Two minutes... [Static] A BLACKTOOTH FLORAN charges through the door into the garage. FLORAN Hsssss! JOHNSON shoot the BLACKTOOTH FLORAN and it DIES. He runs from the building at a SPRINT, with BLACKTOOTH FLORANS closing in on him. JOHNSON *Expletive*! JOHNSON finds himself at a CLOSED GATEWAY. The other ARMADA MEMBERS have shut it off and doomed him. He turns around to find two BLACKTOOTH FLORANS closing in with swords drawn, and fires his last round. FLORANS Hsss! One BLACKTOOTH FLORAN dies. The other ATTACKS JOHNSON, and JOHNSON is KNOCKED OUT. ACT TWO SCENE ONE EXT FLORAN CAGE, SEVERAL HOURS LATER Johnson awakens in a CAGE sitting over the PLAZA. Below, a group of BLACKTOOTH FLORANS drag a CAPTIVE into a DIFFERENT CAGE. JOHNSON Eleven...? A BLACKTOOTH FLORAN hears JOHNSON and climbs up to the CAGE. He POINTS at ELEVEN. FLORAN Hss, iss know who ssslave iss? JOHNSON Never seen them in my life. FLORAN Iss sssad, will jussst have to sstab for find name! This is INTERRUPTED when a SHUTTLE sweeps in over the PLAZA and fires on the BLACKTOOTH FLORANS. Once most are dead, JUNKO rappels out of the SHUTTLE to rescue ELEVEN. JOHNSON Looks like you've got more important things to deal with. FLORAN Hss! The FLORAN jumps away but is VAPORIZED by a PLASMA CHAINGUN. JUNKO breaks open ELEVEN'S CAGE, but suddenly a new ARMORED FLORAN appears and shoots at the SHUTTLE. The SHUTTLE falls to the GROUND, destroyed. ARMORED FLORAN Hss! JUNKO appears from the WRECKAGE and SHOOTS at the ARMORED FLORAN, but the bullets BOUNCE OFF. JOHNSON Run, you idiot! JUNKO does not RUN and is BEATEN TO A PULP by BLACKTOOTH FLORANS, then CAPTURED. JOHNSON I told you to run! A BLACKTOOTH FLORAN arrives at the cell, followed by the ARMORED FLORAN. The BLACKTOOTH FLORAN beats JOHNSON to UNCONSCIOUSNESS while the ARMORED FLORAN keeps him from running. FADE TO BLACK. SCENE TWO EXT. SAME CAGE JOHNSON awakens to find MORE FIGHTING going on in the PLAZA. JOSHUA and several FRACTURE SOLDIERS have come to rescue ELEVEN and JUNKO. JOSHUA Die, scum! JOSHUA throws a GRENADE at a group of BLACKTOOTH FLORANS. They die. FLORANS Hss! Suddenly, one of the BLACKTOOTH FLORANS grabs JUNKO and hauls her off as a MEAT SHIELD. The fighting continues for several MINUTES, but JOSHUA is LOSING. FRACTURE SOLDIER All right, I tried, but I can't handle this! I'm out! The FRACTURE SOLDIER runs, and JOSHUA retreats as well. GUNSHOTS are still heard in the BACKGROUND. One BLACKTOOTH FLORAN goes to grab ELEVEN, who FIGHTS HIM for a short time. FLORAN Hss! Suddenly, JOSHUA appears again, pinned down! The group of BLACKTOOTH FLORANS raise ELEVEN UP as a MEAT-SHIELD, but one starts to DRAG HER OFF. JOSHUA I'm sorry, Eleven. JOSHUA shoots a GRENADE, VAPORIZING the BLACKTOOTH FLORANS and SEVERELY INJURING ELEVEN. JOSHUA is still forced to RETREAT, fighting in a DIFFERENT AREA for most of the DURATION of the ACT. VARIOUS FLORANS Hss. Eventually a BLACKTOOTH FLORAN arrives at JOHNSON'S CELL and SHOOTS HIM with a PARALYTIC. He COLLAPSES on the FLOOR and is CARRIED OFF to a NEW CELL. SCENE THREE INT. NEW CELL, BASEMENT OF GARAGE JOHNSON'S NEW CELL is in the SAME PLACE as where he woke up from the MORPHINE DAZE. UPSTAIRS, ELEVEN is being OPERATED ON. GORY SOUNDS COMMENCE. FLORAN Hss! ELEVEN'S OPERATION is FINISHED and she is DROPPED into a CAGE UPSTAIRS. The BLACKTOOTH CHIEF ARRIVES and his men TORTURE JUNKO while JOHNSON LISTENS HELPLESSLY. FLORAN Hss! A new BLACKTOOTH FLORAN arrives to STAND GUARD DOWNSTAIRS. ELEVEN is CARRIED OFF to the FLORAN CHIEF'S SHIP. BLOODFINGER Hss, why cannot do anything rightss? JOHNSON begins to COME UP with a PLAN. JOHNSON Have you ever heard of a cheeseburger before? BLOODFINGER looks over, confused. BLOODFINGER No. Isss meatsss? JOHNSON Some of it. Let me explain it to you. JOHNSON explains what a CHEESEBURGER IS to BLOODFINGER. She seems INTERESTED. Just as JOHNSON finishes, a new BLACKTOOTH FLORAN ARRIVES. FLORAN Open doorsss. BLOODFINGER Whyss? FLORAN Iss want beat up ssslave. The FLORAN opens the CELL DOOR and beats up JOHNSON for SHITS AND GIGGLES. JOHNSON is KNOCKED UNCONSCIOUS, and the FLORAN walks out of the BUILDING. FADE TO BLACK. SCENE FOURINT. SAME CELL JOHNSON is very beaten-up, but rises and walks to the CELL DOOR. BLOODFINGER Meatsss iss okay? JOHNSON Yeah. Doing wonderful. Listen, would you mind opening the door so I can wash off in the pool of water there? BLOODFINGER Hmm, okaysss. But will sstab if triess escape. JOHNSON I hadn't even considered it. JOHNSON is TRUE TO HIS WORD and WASHES OFF BLOOD and SHIT in the POOL, then RE-ENTERS his CELL. JOHNSON What's your name? BLOODFINGER Iss Bloodfinger. JOHNSON Well, it's a pleasure to meet you, Bloodfinger. BLOODFINGER Iss jusst try to get on good ssside. JOHNSON No, really. I appreciate the decency. JOHNSON cringes back when a NEW FLORAN drops DOWN. SPLIT Who iss? BLOODFINGER Iss meat ssslavesss. Will ssslavess tell new story? JOHNSON All right. What would you like to hear about? SPLIT Iss hear about sspace. JOHNSON explains about SPACE to the TWO FLORANS. They are both VERY INTERESTED. JOHNSON learns SPLIT'S name. The EXPLANATION is CUT SHORT after SEVERAL MINUTES by a NEW FLORAN. FLORAN Why iss talk to sslave? MEATSS ISS FOR EATSSS. SPLIT But meatss iss tell good sstory! FLORAN MEATSS! ISS! FOR! EATSS! The two FLORANS fight in the POOL OF WATER. SPLIT is killed by the UNNAMED FLORAN, but BLOODFINGER kills the OTHER ONE. JOHNSON Shit. ACT THREE SCENE ONE MONTAGE. JOHNSON explains ALL SORTS OF THINGS to various BLACKLEAF FLORANS, teaching them about ART and FRIENDSHIP and OTHER THINGS THAN STABBING. GRADUALLY, he BEFRIENDS SOME and the amount GUARDING his CELL grows SMALLER. EXT. OUTSIDE, ABOVE THE GARAGE. A FLORAN with BLACK-PAINTED LEAVES creeps through the GARAGE and then climbs in. GREENOK Iss hail Blacktooth tribe! Blacktooth tribe iss besst tribe! FLORAN Yess, iss besst. The BLACKTOOTH FLORAN GUARD who is not BLOODFINGER is UNEASY. After SEVERAL MINUTES of TENSE CONVERSATION, she LEAVES. GREENOK Iss about time! GREENOK knocks BLOODFINGER OUT with a MALLET. JOHNSON You're a bit late. Let me go and grab the guard, I'll get Junko. JOHNSON is FREED and retrieves JUNKO from UPSTAIRS, while GREENOK takes the UNCONSCIOUS BLOODFINGER. GREENOK Iss for just in casse. GREENOK gives JOHNSON a FLORAN NEEDLEGUN, and JOHNSON hides it. They CREEP out of the BUILDING. JOHNSON Wait, stop here. GREENOK Why? JOHNSON Punch me. Make it look convincing. JOHNSON is PUNCHED by GREENOK. As he WALKS, he RUBS HIS PUNCHED JAW and FEIGNS DEFEAT. SCENE TWO EXT. THE BEAM-PAD. GREENOK and JOHNSON walk toward the BEAM-PAD. All ignore them but ONE FLORAN, who has become ATTACHED TO JOHNSON. FLORAN Hss, who iss hit meatsss Johnson? GREENOK Iss other Floran. Take for be sslavess. This DELAY causes OTHERS to look OVER. They begin to draw WEAPONS. GREENOK Sshit! RUN! JOHNSON and GREENOK run for the BEAM-PAD and ESCAPE in true ACTION-MOVIE STYLE. SCENE THREE **UNFINISHED**