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The Kingdom of Regulus

Discussion in 'Archives' started by The Big Bad Wolf, Nov 16, 2014.

  1. The Big Bad Wolf

    Feb 25, 2014
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    *An official messenger of the Kingdom of Regulus has traveled far and wide dropping off several written copies of this scroll, should you find one this is what it would read(coordinates on the back end of the scroll)*


    (OOC Below)

    (Kingdom of Regulus entrance. The Beaumont Caste runs several shops providing weapons, items and produce to the kingdom and the locals)

    (The Tavern: Commoners and nobles alike share in drinks and entertainment from traveling bards to street performers)

    ( The Church: The symbol of all that hast to do with the Kingdom of Regulus. Notice the glass windows each distinctly different, each window holds a symbol which represents a caste. The Aungier Caste, The Noir Caste, The Beaumont Caste, and The Margrave Caste. More on this will be explained in great detail in the future.)

    (The Throne: After the recent death of the late king and new king has risen. Only time will tell whats in store next for the Kingdom of Regulus)

    (Join the ranks, become a templar, create a caste or guild, have your caste gain respect, gain a spot in the church and council, get a chance to place your symbol in the church, take ownership over structures of the Kingdom. Has your caste become a force to reckon with, has it made a name for itself? The King will give perks, both simple as naming the tavern after your caste or has large as having a structure built and named after your caste.)

    (Please follow all server rules and enjoy your stay)

    #1 The Big Bad Wolf, Nov 16, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 16, 2014
  2. Redwilt

    Redwilt Washed up has been

    Jan 21, 2014
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    (Is this Glitch only characters for a start, or all races?)
  3. The Big Bad Wolf

    Feb 25, 2014
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    (For starters it is a glitch faction only, you are welcome to create a glitch specifically to join the ranks should that be in your interest. In the future when the Caste System is functional and we have a colony section there may be opportunity for other races to form Castes within the Kingdom and join in on the faction play. All races are welcome to enjoy and explore the walls of our Kingdom though, so feel free to stop by regardless of race. Lol, though if you're floran you may not feel a warm welcome.)
  4. Vornvynzar

    Vornvynzar New Member

    Jun 28, 2014
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    ((hey that's Vin from Mistborn!))
  5. Julius Mayne

    Julius Mayne Member

    Jun 2, 2014
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    This is an indian faction? I rather like that idea. Medieval things based off other parts of the word.
  6. DeltaV

    DeltaV New Member

    Apr 16, 2014
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    ((I just don't understand why the use of "caste" if that's the case. A caste is a social class, not a dynasty or group of knights or whatever. Then there's mention of templars -- is it a holy order? Who knows?))
  7. Julius Mayne

    Julius Mayne Member

    Jun 2, 2014
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    ((Ah, I just centered in on the word hoping for some originality. He sad Caste system, which originated in classical to post-classical India and was followed simply because it was backed by the religious values of Hinduism.))
  8. Spyrosis

    Spyrosis Basedgod

    Apr 18, 2014
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    "Caste-any class or group of people who inherit exclusive privileges or are perceived as socially distinct."
    I'm assuming he's using this definition of the word, but in all reality the Castes are closer to Households who each have unique roles within Regulus but are in a much higher social standing than the commoners. Think GoT with not as much incest... or more incest depending on who you are. Wolf will have a post elaborating more on these topics once our faction page goes up. As far as the Templars, I'm guessing those are the Sacred Knights, who are sworn to protect the King and the Church.
  9. The Big Bad Wolf

    Feb 25, 2014
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    Spyrosis sum'd it up. Once the moderators provide a colony page I will elaborate on the functions.

    We are aware of the origin and various definitions of the word.
    "Caste-any class or group of people who inherit exclusive privileges or are perceived as socially distinct."
  10. Not A President

    Not A President [help me]

    Oct 19, 2014
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    ((I rather like the idea of this faction, and the way it's arising. Nice work Wolf!))
  11. The Big Bad Wolf

    Feb 25, 2014
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    (Thanks, I appreciate the positive feed back and look forward to rping with you in the future.)
  12. Julius Mayne

    Julius Mayne Member

    Jun 2, 2014
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    ((Still, I think an interesting spin on medieval India or other parts of the world at the time would be interesting to see. Maybe another town on the planet? I don't know, it'd just be cool to see some representation of something like the Silk Road which merchants traveled on in the olden days. It's the same reason I wish there were Hylotl dynasties. Something similar to the Han dynasty where everything is run by a pretty complex system of bureaucracy would definitely be cool to see. I guess I just don't want to see a copy of Taranis. Hoping this one has cooler and more interesting RP.))
  13. LaserLlamas

    LaserLlamas Mother of the Pack

    Mar 28, 2014
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    (( It's not really a copy of Taranis, far from it. The Kingdom itself has a lot of differences compared to Taranis. If you speak to anyone in the kingdom itself, you'll probably see why. Hell just looking at the Glitch citizens alone there is enough to show they aren't at all like Taranis' Glitch.

    And uh. We picked a small planet. As cool as another town would be on it, I don't think it'd fit. Could work around the orbit perhaps, though we're still getting this one built, as the city is expanding in order to create buildings for each of the castes, which of course is going to take more time and resources ))
  14. Roflmaozors

    Roflmaozors New Member

    Feb 22, 2014
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    Ya it would be interesting to have japanese-cultured Hylotl mixed together with China