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AT Newsthread: Opportunity under seige by Blackleaf

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Alaystus, Nov 14, 2014.

  1. Alaystus

    Alaystus Resident Art Bum
    Staff Member

    Jul 24, 2014
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    Antares Today
    Opportunity under seige by Blackleaf

    The entire story has been redacted due to it no longer being relevant. The pictures will remain, however, unless they are requested to be taken down.
    The RA lost the battle, and Blackleaf florans are now in control of Port Last/Opportunity.
    The final words on the battle was that the death count was, "Far too many."
    [A picture of eastern Port Last can be seen, featuring smoke and broken buildings]

    Eastern Opportunity, during the attack.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    On left, RA Official Roberto. On right, RA soldiers Tivaa and Broken Mind keeping a lookout at the Port Last/Opportunity hospital
    Wounded RA soldier Mattulip at the Port Last/Opportunity hospital. Mattulip was injured and suffering from shock, and recieved medical treatment directly after this photo was taken.

    RA soldiers at the front lines of the battle, defending western Port Last/Opportunity.

    #1 Alaystus, Nov 14, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 18, 2014
  2. Doctor Frohman

    Doctor Frohman New Member

    Feb 8, 2014
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    - 513
  3. Kaiser Franz

    Kaiser Franz New Member

    Feb 13, 2014
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    "Yay, more biased news filled with lies. Woo-Fuckin'-Hoo. One of them Floran was involved in an assault on a random human just yesterday. Fella had his face smashed into a concrete fuckin' wall and fractured his skull. Way to report that too.... Cunt."

  4. Sen

    Sen Guest

    Clearly a publication by the Relzurautt Armada. Note how all the soldiers are titled correctly? Only internal staff would know all the names and ranks.
    - Calmguard
  5. Alaystus

    Alaystus Resident Art Bum
    Staff Member

    Jul 24, 2014
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    Antares Today is a privately run blog, hosted by me, Ivy, and has no ties to the Rezzulant Armada in any way. I asked for the names of these soldiers by walking up to them and asking them for them. Also, I was not here yesterday to report the violent act of face-smashing. If I had been, I would have.

  6. Sen

    Sen Guest

    Considering that the Relzurautt Armada have expressed hostility towards reporters, demanding them to leave on penalty of death, it is highly unlikely that you are independent.
    - Calmguard
  7. Anyad

    Anyad New Member

    Oct 31, 2014
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    I find the speed with which this kind of propaganda is published in response to the shaken public confidence in the wake of the attacks disturbing. Claiming you work alone doesn't make you less of a collaborator.
    Aiding and abetting fascism...

    Repent and and 'be' the better species - through fortitude, honesty and closeness to God.

    -Angelica Satanbane-
  8. Solanidae

    Solanidae New Member

    Feb 16, 2014
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    As a journalist myself I can confirm that I have received threats of death and incarceration for my work. I pray for journalistic integrity in a world where the only reporters who aren't wanted are those afraid to write negative things about the powers that be.
  9. Alaystus

    Alaystus Resident Art Bum
    Staff Member

    Jul 24, 2014
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    Antares Today only works to bring the truth. If you believe the story is biased in any way, I'll make sure to leave my emotions at the door the next time I publish a story, no opinions. Antares Today apologizes for any offense taken by this story.

    An update to the original story: The death count for the RA is at a 0 currently.
  10. Sen

    Sen Guest

    Yes, this is most certainly legitimate propaganda.
    - Calmguard
  11. Alaystus

    Alaystus Resident Art Bum
    Staff Member

    Jul 24, 2014
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    Would you rather I not tell you the death count for the RA?

  12. yoyohaloreach

    yoyohaloreach New Member

    Dec 18, 2013
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    (... Anyone getting a feeling like this is GMA and the INN is like FOX?)
  13. Anyad

    Anyad New Member

    Oct 31, 2014
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    ((Anyone getting a feeling like Ivy's vocabulary, grammar and general expression miraculously improved to this level overnight so she could blog for her faction...? Not so long ago, this would have been "floran this - floran thatssss".
    I'm not accusing anyone of anything... Just amazed at how florans learn stuff they want to learn so quickly...))
  14. Kaiser Franz

    Kaiser Franz New Member

    Feb 13, 2014
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    (( This is not how Floran talk, write, or think. Floran should not be this well spoken and have grammar on par with civilized species. Congrats, you a added another special snowflake Plant-Suit to a server already disgustingly overpopulated with them. GG ))​
  15. Kumakin

    Kumakin New Member

    Mar 5, 2014
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    i wnts et bods wher r thy? Flrin clen up bods with moth. Met is dlicious.

    -Sunny D.
  16. Alaystus

    Alaystus Resident Art Bum
    Staff Member

    Jul 24, 2014
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    ((Ivy is not a part of any faction, and has always spoken with relatively good grammar since she has been on this server. She's been there for almost a day now. Ivy is supposed to have had some kind of education, regarding language and journalism. She's supposed to be a more "modern" floran, (if that's even a thing,) having grown up in a city rather than a tribe.))
    ((I'm sorry, first off. But please allow me to attempt to defend myself. What you are telling me is that florans are a strictly tribal species, and should not be allowed to become modern, or at least fully modern, like any other species. If that's not what you're saying, I'm sorry, that's what I got out of it. I want to disagree on this point, I think that with time and cultural immersion, florans could become more modernized. I don't know if you would just disagree with that, or if you would say that it's too early time-wise for this to take place. If you agree with the second, then I can understand somewhat. I also get that the story I wrote was kind of incredibly wordy for a floran. All I have for that one would be something along the lines of, "... e-education?" And a damn good editor. If you want to claim the editor basically writes the stories, that's fine. I'll create an editor that will appear in the by-lines and change the publication. Or have Ivy solely be a reporter, and have the editor write most if not all of the publication. Anything that you're fine with. I don't want Ivy to be "special", but I won't deny I want her to be at least somewhat unique. Please don't think those are the same thing. If there are a handful of people playing Florans like this one, I'd hope that it makes Ivy less special. She's not meant to be strong or super intelligent, perhaps on par mentally with a high school student. If that makes her a plant suit, so be it. Ivy makes me happy to play as.
    Regardless, if you want to argue further, we should take this to an OOC forum, or to a private conversation. Again, I'm sorry.)
  17. Kaiser Franz

    Kaiser Franz New Member

    Feb 13, 2014
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    (( If you want to play a Floran, play a Floran. Not a human that looks like a Floran. You tossed out all the set lore and previous examples for how a Floran should act right out the fucking window when you made Ivy. She isn't a Floran, she's a Human in a Plant-Suit. Congrats, you shit all over the lore and added to the army of other snowflakes who did the exact same thing and play Non-Floran. You're in great, mesbian loving, company. ))​
  18. Cole Ombre

    Cole Ombre Lurking Admin

    Feb 11, 2014
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    ((^ thats not helping. First, in regards to it, I think it can be done. florans wouldnt type multiple ssss's onto words, and if theres a great editor involved that basically writes the stories, I think thats a good idea. I see nothing wrong with it. Floran tells editor story, maybe tries to write it herself, editor takes it and cleans it up alot, then publishes. ))
  19. Kaiser Franz

    Kaiser Franz New Member

    Feb 13, 2014
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    (( Who the hell would hire a Floran journalist in the first place if they need an amazing Editor to turn their hisses and prattle into actual thoughts? They wouldn't. Any actual news company would clearly hire a being from a civilized race over a Floran every single time. They're murderous, savage, many are illiterate. Journalist is an awful career for the single worst speakers/writers in the sector. ))​
  20. Alaystus

    Alaystus Resident Art Bum
    Staff Member

    Jul 24, 2014
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    ((Thanks... Yeah, if it still bothers you, please help me fix it so that it doesn't, or so that there's a decent compromise. (Also, Ivy wasn't supposed to be a lesbian, but when you're a floran, that's hard to accomplish.) ))