Antares is a dangerous place, for both as a member of the civilian population and as a professional member of a security force working to protect a location. Aggression is rife and the pervasive nature of the lethal arms-trade makes public disturbances a dangerous affair, even in environments prepared to fend off the occasional attack. Is urban violence a day to day struggle? Do circumstances force you to carry a lethal weapon even in peaceful colonies? Do you have trouble protecting those you love without exposing them to gunpowder and plasma? Is murder the 'final' solution when attempting to subdue a criminal? Not anymore. Sunsuhan Bada Inc. is proud to offer you a range high-end, alternative armament solutions for self-defense and security anywhere in the sector. Our products are imported with care from some of the best small-arms manufacturers in the larger galaxy, our catalog composed to give an optimal range of choice to fit any activity requiring effective compliance solutions. Order yours today and receive a free Sunsuhan Bada keychain! (Prices dependent on order size and internal negotiation) Catalog Wushan-Sian RCEW-70K Incapacitating weapon Ref: 700 Px A cutting edge CEW for small-scale personal defense, pest and crowd control imported from Wushan-Sian Small-Arms Inc. The weapon features an elegant, stub-nosed design, an MSGF (multi-species grip-friendly) compliant, ribbed handle and a lacquered finish bound to catch any discerning eye. The 70K delivers a strong, tightly targeted electrostatic charge to any object within several meters, the torsion-coils amplifying the initial contact voltage to approximately seventy-thousand volts. NEC "Jawbreaker" SP Pain Compliance weapon Ref: 1400Px From our very own sector, this jewel by NEC Industries is a must-have for any crowd and riot-control specialist wanting to stay ahead of the tech-race. This pistol's sleek, ultra-modern design is a hallmark of NEC as is the self-regenerant bio-silicone recoil-dampener integrated below the barrel. Coupled with computer verified weight distribution and a safety-switch linked to the fusion battery inside, this weapon truly represents the peak of Phase technology*, capable of delivering an incapacitating hit against lightly armored targets at an an astounding range of more than fifty feet. *Intellectual property of NEC Industries, Antares. NEC "9-Volt" SP Pain Compliance weapon Ref: 900Px Catering to those in the market for a smaller, less energy dependent pain compliance weapon solution, the "9-Volt" from NEC Industries is made to fit into even the most demanding spatial requirements. It's simple yet elegant design makes storage, maintenance and disassembly a breeze, all the while matching up the demanding standards of even professional marksmen. Delivering a Phase* charge at about the same range as other products of it's brand, the "9-volt" incapacitates members of common sentient races after several rounds only, giving a new, communicative dimension to "pain compliance - crowd control". *Intellectual property of NEC Industries, Antares. SBA RBR 37mm Kinetic Energy Riot Control weapon Ref: 1200Px Although CEW and other live-energy based technologies are suited to a variety of situations, there are times when the self-defense enthusiast must look towards more dependable, tried-and-tested methods to feel him or herself at ease. Imported to Antares through Sunsuhan Bada only, the SBA RBR 37mm is a standard, full-automatic non-lethal impact projectile delivery system, capable of launching hard synthetic rubber tipped ammunition to up to three-hundred meters with near-perfect accuracy. The propellant gas is stored in an easily dischargeable re-enforced canister on the bottom of the weapon with a finger-lock dial to adjust the pressure pushed into the launch-chamber on firing, giving ultimate control over the rate of penetration to the user. SBA RBR .40 CS Kinetic Energy Riot Control weapon Ref: 1100Px Following in the vein of the SBA RBR 37mm, the .40 CS variant is a similar launcher system, modified to mimic the function of a standard combat shotgun. The delivery system projects a tight cluster of five hard synthetic rubber tipped bullets per cartridge, making the weapon ideal for close quarters crowd control and "shock and awe" urban combat tactics. SBA OC/QNB Spray Lachrymatory weapon Ref.: 600px Produced and assembled in Antares, the OC/QNB (Lacrimosa) represents the cutting edge in today's heavy-duty lachrymatory self-defense solutions, designed to fit the needs of both the everyday user and professional law-enforcement agents. The dispersal device (lacquered a bright yellow to aid identification) uses an internalised gas-propulsion system to project a stable, free-floating cloud of synthetic gas mimicking the effects of well known incapacitants such as caspaicin, quinuclidinyl benzilate and other irritant/lachrymatory agents. The device's lightweight, ergonomic design help handling and aiming in every regard and a small LED on the stock makes gauging your ammunition an easy and quick task. The canister included in this package has an approximately 30 unit life before requiring a recharge. Canisters are re-usable and sold separately. (OC/QNB spray contains synthetic agents designed incapacitate known sentient organic life. Effects may include mucal irritation, hypotension, severe dizziness, fainting, ataxia and muscle weakness, stupor, confusion, and confabulation with concrete and panoramic illusions and hallucinations, and with regression to primitive and involuntary behaviours such as floccillation, and disrobing. Use responsibly, keep away from children.) [Warning: Being the active target of Sunsuhan Bada Inc. imported non-lethal weaponry causes physiologic and/or metabolic effects that may increase the risk of death or serious injury. These effects include changes in blood chemistry, blood pressure, respiration, heart rate and rhythm, and adrenaline and stress hormones. Use responsibly. Keep away from children.]
Fancy! Those could come in handy during guard duty! It would certainly lessen the amount of casualties. - Shadowstep
Our primary activity is import and retail, bringing the larger galaxy a step closer to your doorstep on one side and promoting local industry on another. Our selection and transferring orders are of course tested, treated and stockpiled by Sunsuhan Bada in our various facilities - in the case of products requiring assembly or pre-purchase calibration, the process is outsourced to reliable professionals within the Sunsuhan Bada Franchise Family. Please remember! Prices on this particular catalog remain flexible, particularly in the case of massed orders. No quantity within reason is too large - Sunsuhan Bada aims to standardize nonlethal sidearms throughout mainstream security forces in the Antares Sector.
I understand the whole non-lethal weaponry theme going on here. I use rubber rounds myself. Designs like these are hard to pass up. And Phase technology sounds useful for ship weaponry. Would like information on the manufacturing of such. Any case. Will take "9-Volt" and "Jawbreaker". 2000 pixels fair? -Smokestack
Reference prices added for ease of bidding. Smokestack - Phase Technology is the intellectual property of NEC Industries, Antares. As Sunsuhan Bada policy forbids us from sharing technology copyrighted to one of our partners, we suggest you contact the manufacturer directly. As your purchase order contains less than five (5) firearms, fixed-bracket handling and shipment costs make it impossible for us to ask for less than 2200Px for your order. We shall be in contact shortly.
My business won't be needing the crowd control weapons, as we've a small industry, but perhaps; 3 Wushan-Sian RCEW-70K's - Ref: 2,100 Px 2 NEC "9-Volt" SP's - Ref: 1,800 Px 2 NEC "Jawbreaker" SP's - Ref: 2,800 Px Would this be fine at 6,200 Px? (500 Px- the added reference prices) And how does your delivery system work?
Your proposed exchange price fits in neatly with our staggered reduction scale. Your order has been processed - we shall proceed to delivery as soon as possible. Our delivery system is simple and reliable - Delivery is outsourced to couriers and delivery services within the Sunsuhan Bada franchise family, ensuring that only the best professionals handle your order. ((OOC: I.e.: We'll be looking for you IC.))
Their delivery system is neat-- Unique, quick, and efficient. Thanks for your services, Sunsuhan Bada. -Dynyl
Sunsuhan Bada Nonlethal Armements is pleased to announce a new addition to it's growing family of safe and dependable personal defence and crowd control products! SBA OC/QNB Spray Lachrymatory weapon Ref.: 600px Produced and assembled in Antares, the OC/QNB (Lacrimosa) represents the cutting edge in today's heavy-duty lachrymatory self-defense solutions, designed to fit the needs of both the everyday user and professional law-enforcement agents. The dispersal device (lacquered a bright yellow to aid identification) uses an internalised gas-propulsion system to project a stable, free-floating cloud of synthetic gas mimicking the effects of well known incapacitants such as caspaicin, quinuclidinyl benzilate and other irritant/lachrymatory agents. The device's lightweight, ergonomic design help handling and aiming in every regard and a small LED on the stock makes gauging your ammunition an easy and quick task. The canister included in this package has an approximately 30 unit life before requiring a recharge. Canisters are re-usable and sold separately. (OC/QNB spray contains synthetic agents designed incapacitate known sentient organic life. Effects may include mucal irritation, hypotension, severe dizziness, fainting, ataxia and muscle weakness, stupor, confusion, and confabulation with concrete and panoramic illusions and hallucinations, and with regression to primitive and involuntary behaviours such as floccillation and disrobing. Use responsibly, keep away from children.)
Sunsuhan Bada, congratulations on the new OC/QNB Sprays! For my personal order, I would like to purchase; 2 SBA OC/QNB Spray's - Ref: 1200 Px 1 Wushan-Sian RCEW-70K - Ref: 700 Px I don't suppose I can get the lower-price thing, since I don't have more than 5 weapons being purchased? If this isn't the case, I'd like to purchase it for 1750 rather than 1900. Is this alright? -Scarff ((I like yer business btw, keep it up Anyad!))
Your order has been processed - we shall proceed to delivery as soon as possible. As your purchase order contains less than five (5) firearms, fixed-bracket handling and shipment costs make it impossible for us to ask for less than 1900Px for your order.
2 OC/QNB sprays, 1 9-Volt, 1 RBR .40 CS 1 RBR 37mm That seems about right. Instead of 4400 pix, how about 4200 pix? --Grim
-Grim Our reduction rates are as follows. 5 items: -100px 6 items: -250px 7 items: -500px Every additional item onwards deducts another 250px from the complete cost of your order. Note that from ten items and onwards, our pricing changes to account for bulk delivery. Your order has been processed - we shall proceed to delivery as soon as possible. (Ref: 4300px) -Vireo Your order has been processed - we shall proceed to delivery as soon as possible.
**Posted by:** The QNB spray seems interesting, quite like old Earth bear spray. I will be ordering one of those. I would also be interested in a "Jawbreaker". I am confident that this order will be shipped and delivered post haste, as your previous customers seem quite satisfied.
((Sorry about the lengthy break - The holidays, general fatigue and an absolute disgust of server staff kind of kept me away from Antares. I've put a hold on the release of our next catalog (sundries) and new items for now for those same reasons - Too much work, too little return, harassement by players, staff and zero OOC security. I can still IC deliver and/or OOCly hand out weapons and .json files if you're interested - the same goes for any and all other products by Sunsuhan Bada. Send me a PM if you'd like your order maintained, but I can't promise a reaction as speedy as before. Merry holidays to all! ))