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A call for reason

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Pieman, Nov 6, 2014.

  1. Pieman

    Pieman New Member

    Oct 24, 2014
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    *The post is opened with a picture of Rainheart sitting in his cramped ship, just before his computer he has his hands folded over one another on a sterile white desk. In the background the Hylotl flag has been hung from one corner of the ship to the other*

    Greetings residents of Antares, our wild little quadrant of space known as a frontier. Open to all and home to many this is a place of great promise that is tainted by violence and hate. As both a researcher and a lover of peace I wish to see all peoples of the frontier thrive and grow. It is this that motivates me to call out to others like myself in order to form a Coalition of Peace. Any that search the cosmos for greater truth in order to enlighten it's people, no matter what race, I implore you to take my offer seriously. I intend to form a net of devoted individuals that may rely on one another without threat of death or manipulation, a list if you will of those that may be trusted. The goals for this at it's conception are as follows:

    - Allow scientists across multiple fields of research to more easily access and work with one another, making it possible to take greater strives in all our individual fields at a much faster pace.
    - Make it possible to more easily share and identify threats to the safety of all goodly aligned colonies between those who live within them, a sort of "interstellar watch" if you will.

    If interested please contact myself, Rainheart Whispercloud, in order to set up a private meeting. I look forward to meeting any and all who consider themselves a protector of peace to share thoughts, spread new ideas, promote camaraderie, and work to make the frontier a better place.

    *At the bottom of the post a clickable email link has been left, as well as a simple forum to post public responses in*

    (( If interested hit me up in game, can usually been found on after 4pm EST. Or send me a private message to set up an acceptable time to meet IC. ))
  2. QuestionableMotives

    QuestionableMotives Not To Be Trusted

    Oct 25, 2014
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    ((Antares neighbourhood watch? A good faction? Finally?))
  3. Toadkid1234

    Toadkid1234 New Member

    Jan 28, 2014
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    An excellent idea. A great way to increase general security, as well as a way to meet fellow pursuers of knowledge and understanding of the cosmos.

  4. EagleEye

    EagleEye New Member

    Oct 13, 2014
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    As both a scientist and diplomat myself, I would be very interested to partake in this idea. I even have a base of operations set up that may be ideal for a homebase. I shall contact you with details.
    - Artemis
  5. Liraxus

    Liraxus New Member

    Jan 21, 2014
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    Typical, yet another attempt at peace.

    Listen, as much as I wish for this idea to work, you better be damn well prepared, alot, and I repeat, ALOT of shit goes down in Antares, I've seen things here that'd make you want to throw up and hide in a corner, things that would make the toughest man cry, things...just things.

    Be prepared. Be VERY prepared.

    -Vint'hinz (Sativa_Oran)
  6. Pieman

    Pieman New Member

    Oct 24, 2014
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    I myself have seen things off a horrible nature, things that have in fact made me vomit. I have seen people mutilated, heard of men and women being kidnapped, listened to radio signals of men arranging a meeting and then only minutes later the same person calling for help after an ambush. I understand that the order is a tall one, one that might even end with my own death, but it is one that must be taken up. Peace should never be so easily given up just because there are those that are willing to use violence to achieve their own petty goals.

    -Rainheart Whispercloud
  7. Anyad

    Anyad New Member

    Oct 31, 2014
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    Another autocratic armed, militia with a purposefully vague moral high-ground from which they can look down (and take aim) on the rest of us. A militia that styles itself to resemble a police force, mandated by no-one, controlled by no-one.
    The only question now is: "When this initiative inescapably breaks down, will they just disperse or follow up and start shooting people for 'peace'?"

    Never trust a sentient that uses terms "good-aligned" and seems to mean it.

    -Nyalka Hartya-
  8. John_McFakename

    John_McFakename New Member

    Dec 22, 2013
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    Observation. Hylotl flag, "Coalition of Peace", "Protectors of Peace"...

    Informative. While I would gladly provide assistance to anyone who has a good plan on how to get rid of the abundant anarchists that keep pestering colonies for their own amusement...

    Request. If and when this becomes a thing, for the love of Sun, DO NOT take the law in your own hands in colonies not under your direct authority.
    Reason. I still have the recordings of the so called "Disphot Order" playing Judge, Jury, Executioner on a visitor Glitch in Taranis with no evidence of crime, and when ordered to drop their weapons, they proceeded to assault our guard for the sake of "justice".

    Flat. I wish not to see this bollocks repeated.

    - Grey Knight Commander John M893-CV of Taranis
  9. Pieman

    Pieman New Member

    Oct 24, 2014
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    I assure everyone that this is not intended to build a militia, this force has no need or desire to become an armed force. It is still in it's conception but the thought of how to best aid the existing colonies has already come up. I believe that an official and honest line of communication would be best, having a selected representative dedicated to sharing information with a specific colony. An evident lack of communication and trust is a problem that is rampant on the frontier and I believe must be fixed. Greater communication even between opposing factions can only help strengthen us all. In short no one in the Coalition is going to be gunning down anyone in the streets, just helping you to stay more informed on who you may consider gunning down yourselves.

    -Rainheart Whispercloud
  10. Anyad

    Anyad New Member

    Oct 31, 2014
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    So kind of you to tell me who to kill. :) S'exactly the kind of dedicated 'communication' (hah) we need. To bring us closer to peace. By killing people.


    -Nyalka Hartya-
  11. Pieman

    Pieman New Member

    Oct 24, 2014
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    Do you have honest concerns or are you just here to quote me out of context and cause trouble? I desire peace but I'm not so ignorant to think that force will not at times be required to uphold it. It's obvious, to those who read, that this is a watch. We'll not be telling anyone "you should kill this man," we will be spreading incidents of violence and unlawful behavior among the colonies so that they may know exactly who they should be worried about walking there streets and corridors.

    -Rainheart Whispercloud
  12. Greymanz

    Greymanz Member

    Jun 15, 2014
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    *sigh* Dont you realise? This is an untrusting, ignorant, evil area of the galaxy. Such an attempt to make peace often results in frustration, killing, and then another Outcast like group using terror as an item for peace. I say you need to rethink this, rather you should orient it to inventing items that create peace. Dont be mercanaries, dont kill people, discover new ways to find peace.

    -Edgar Grissom
  13. John_McFakename

    John_McFakename New Member

    Dec 22, 2013
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    Flat. Only way true pacifist peace is possible if you live in a planet that has no public coordinates, but that hampers visitor-rates severely.
    Stating the obvious. Public colonies require guards and a military to keep the anarchists out.

    - Grey Knight Commander John M893-CV of Taranis
  14. Liraxus

    Liraxus New Member

    Jan 21, 2014
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    Ohoho, don't I know this.

    Don't I fucking know this.

    -Vint'hinzz (Sativa_Oran)
  15. Anyad

    Anyad New Member

    Oct 31, 2014
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    See, Whispercloud? It's not that you have the wrong kind of plan, it's just that Antares also has the wrong kind of people.

    Fight for Peace -> Fight against Violence
    People get hurt either way. You're just lobbying for that to happen on a semi-official basis.

    Stay hidden, stay safe.
    -Nyalka Hartya-
  16. Sammy McHammyDoodle

    Sammy McHammyDoodle New Member

    Jan 13, 2014
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    ((Better than fracture already.))
  17. Shag

    Shag High Impact Sexual Implications

    Feb 22, 2014
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    Despite the reasons given to not continue your goal, I think you should do it anyway. While it is true that violence breeds more violence, it is also true that peace, in the end, has always been achieved after long eras of trials and tribulation. As hypocritical it might seem, peace -most of the time- can only be achieved through force. This is why colonies have militias and armies. This is why pacifists always carry an entourage or bodyguards with them.

    It's naive to think that we can live in a peaceful universe and still coexist with each other. Some men, women and children just want to watch the world burn.

    But we can try, and we can at least hold the line where our influence reaches.
    So if you think you can help other factions, befriend us and form alliances, then do it. Help us hold that line.

    There will always be the remnant that hopes to achieve peace through any means necessary. Even if it means that they must forgo their own sanity and souls.

    - Shadowstep Lightbringer VI
    #17 Shag, Nov 8, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 8, 2014
  18. The Grand Mugwump

    Dec 29, 2013
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    Look at all the filth of this frontier. See how they attempt to bully and degrade you for your ideals? They fear what will happen if good people band together in self defense from the madness which has taken that sector. I wish you the best of luck in finding peace and protecting your friends and family, but I also recommend you simply move on if possible. Something the Antares Frontier taught me I will leave with you. Violence does not beget violence. Hatred and fear beget violence. And Antares is full of both right now.

    Be careful fellow,
    -Dr. Suima
  19. Alaystus

    Alaystus Resident Art Bum
    Staff Member

    Jul 24, 2014
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    Did anyone not realize he called Antares a quadrant? I'm sorry, but I think there might be more than four frontiers in the universe.
  20. CaptainBritton02

    CaptainBritton02 Man of War

    Jan 7, 2014
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    Quadrant is just a name, and there are too many frontiers in the universe. It has nothing to do with numbers, just a name that evolved off of it, take it for example, the human month "December" is incorrect if by your standards. Dec means ten, yet it is the 12th month. I think I got my point across.
