Yeah, like the Outcasts are any better; retards fighting for 'anarchy' while being the biggest argument against it. Nobody is going to want to abolish lawful government systems if they think you're liable to cut off their fuckin' arms. All you morons stand for is being blatant weirdo psychopaths trying to justify your blatant weirdo psychopathy with some stupid bullshit about how you stand for a political system that's entirely untenable on any sort of scale; you sound like teenagers yelling about how the government and the police should be abolished and things should be based on combat in the fucking streets, but how many of you have ever even fought a decent opponent? How many of you have actually fought a war and not a quick set of battles? How many of you done anything but kill random civilians? You'd be the first ones dead in anarchy, and law would be re-established. Even if you got to your goal, what do you think would happen? A farmer would gun you down like the pussies you are, then go back to farming; lawmen would come in and re-establish a government system. You'd be nothing more than a quickly forgotten memory. -Ven
I offered you a job at the New Chicago bar. You never took it. When you owned the bar, you made enough money to eat and more. Yet, you still murdered.
You never heard my pleas on the radio? Or how about the pleas for mercy from the people in the city as you destroyed their home.
<message sent via mobile_device from> Alright champ. Let's get something straight. You seem to be shovin shit the way you want it. How bout when Cass fucked him up, huh. And we figured it out. We threw her in the slammer and you fuckin knew she was a lil piece of shit. I was fuckin with you and everything, in the damn jail. I told you she was fucked. Then all of a sudden ya turned around and let her skip around the city like it wasnt a big fuckin deal? Blame your fucking self. That happened way before your city fell to dust. And that's when I bailed. So you wanna stop pointin your fingers at me, when you're the one who let the bloodthirsty little skank jump around free? You watched me pull her outta the bar with bombs on my belt ready to take her out, and still got your head so far up your ass you think I was workin with her? Holy shit.
Floran admit blue haired human hasss point there. Desspite knowing for a fact what the Outcassstss are capable of, and ssseeing the ressult of what they do firsst hand, you ssstill sheltered them in your city. Juliuss knew they were kidnapperss, murderersss, torturerersss. You allowed them to wander freely, gave their kidnappersss and torturerss healingsss, You barely gave them any punisshment for ssome of the worsst possible crimess. The Outcasstss were your enemy and you had plenty opportunitiesss to get rid of them. Floran warned you multiple timess that they sssecretly own building on planet. Outcasstss were threat to colony, and you failed to deal with them effectively. Floran told you how to protect city Next time Juliuss sshould lissten to floran. You failed New Chicago Stab-Dancer
I know. What she did was terrible, but I believe people can have second chances. I was saying that she should at least apologise, though I believe she should also have to face punishment for her crimes.
Where are my second chances? Where are the second chances of the people whose blood now paves the streets of the city. Where was /their/ chance. Their homes, their families, their LIVES DAMMIT!
-Turavis These people are dead. They lived in their city. You are alive. You owned their city. This speaks miles with no other words.
Why are you trying to redirect this? Why would you blindly trust a killer. Someone who we know has committed murder. Someone who associated with the Outcasts and didn't help when even my life was in danger. Did I really live? Do I really... FUCKING live knowing that people died. Knowing that MY people died. Why do you play death like this is a game. THIS ISN'T A FUCKING GAME. Now, if you will stop pretending to be adults and actually realize what it means to grow the fuck up, then you'd realize that trusting a woman who has killed so many is a mistake. You're GIVING her your support, weapons, money. She'll shoot you in the back!
<message sent via mobile_device from> Again, didn't kill a single person in your fuckin city. Don't know why thats so bloody hardy to grasp.
You were Outcast. You have admitted to being an Outcast. You all, murdered, killed, beat, stole, and generally caused chaos. You destroyed a city yet you act like it's no fuckin' big deal. Why does no one see that this is a problem. People DIED! Good people! If I hadn't left, you would've killed my wife, then me.
I was an Outcast, but I never hurt anyone either. I applied for a pardon, got it, and now function in society actively and help out others. -Lov3sDaSnow
Blue haired human female wassss not jusst any Outcasst though, wasss a leader, and actively helped and protected Outcasssts.
I'm familiar with this turncoat bitch. She claimed me volatile for shooting her accomplice when raining bullets on Taranis. If she wants to die fighting Outcasts than let her. Maybe she can quell these ruffians and her own diehard juveniles in one motion. Find some battleground away from us civil people to stage your dying. Panzer v2
How unfair and uncalled for. The past actions of people means nothing when they are wanting to change. And, her reply shows the same. She is wanting to help, but she cant change what happened in the past.
It's pretty clear she's just lying, at this point; of course she killed people. She was part of, and an active leader in, a group that committed genocide, while it was committing genocide. Claiming she didn't is kind of stupid, especially when, earlier on, she admitted to it. Also, no, it's completely fair to tell her that she should pay for her crimes instead of going out to murder other criminals with lesser crimes; she's bein' a hypocritical moron, here. -Ven