Dirt-Feet or as some call him Cloud, helped the Outcasts yesterday, he is an Outcast he helped them escape Taranis then left with them. -Neon
(Okay I think I have a character problem, but I get so many idea so from two of them here is my responce.) I knew it!!! I said it but no one believed me.... Fuck I am getting obsessed with this. - Luke Statement is noted, I will keep out for the one they called Dirtfeet AKA cloud, :ED-1
I know Dirt-Feet relatively well, and I believe his character contradicts this statement. I am taking this announcement with a proverbial grain of salt, as I suggest others do as well, until proper evidence is presented. -RayBeluga
I said that The Order's Mercenaries shot first. Nothing was proven. I don't even like hurting people. - SC@V3NG3R
(( Voice to Text! )) A chewing sound is heard. This food is okay. This thread is better. Is really funny. -Shakhter
Actions speak louder than words, unfortunately. This wound will be difficult, if not impossible, to heal, old friend. - RayBeluga
Just die already, all of you. You are no more than the scum of Antares, you will die off soon enough, what's coming is nothing anyone could prepare for. Unfortunately, this will be my last lecture to all of you. Goodbye. -Seaguard