[The place where these films are stored, are inside Gerik's ship on his computer] A camera flicks on and shows a green haired guy just messing with the camera and after a few seconds he looks at the camera and talks in his quiet fashion "Hey there... me?" He says questioningly "I don't know who else would see these.. but uh... my name is Gerik.. that's a good start...." he says to himself as he rubs his chin "I'm making these to pose as a record for my life since it means nothing anyways...." he runs a hand through his hair "Uh Blaze woke up today that's cool... Oh yeah Blaze is this bitch that gets on my nerves and pisses me off.... but she's cool enough to let me hang with this group of friends..." He looks down for a moment "Friends...." he says that in a depressed tone "I work my ass off for this group... I gather information because I always listen... no recognition..." he sighs and leans back in the chair "Whatever.... my life means nothing anyways.... who cares anymore..." he turns to the camera and shuts it off
*Seeing as Toothy lives on your ship, she finds these logs, and leaves a video response at the end of them* "Hss... Toothy iss caress. Iss... not good at talkss, but if needss to talkss, iss here... Uhss... how iss workss... *fumble fumble, until finds the button to stop the recording* Ahss. *camera shuts off*
The camera flicks on and Gerik sits with a glock in his hand, he's quiet and not moving except for slightly breathing, then he puts the gun to his head and screams before he throws down the gun "Why! Why am I doing all this!? I want to finish this and kill Danny but every step closer we get it makes me feel like I'm not catching up!" He stands, he is shirtless and his knuckles are bloody, he walks to the wall punching at it, hard, the sound of force makes it easy to tell how his knuckles got bloody. "Dammit..... Danny just come on..." he stops and stares at the ceiling "I know why I'm doing this.... because it makes me feel alive... the hunt... and when I find you....." he starts snickering "I'll savor every... second... make you feel all the pain you've brought... you're gonna die a nobody... and be forgotten..." The feed cuts off
The camera cuts on and Gerik sits looking very off, calm and relaxed. "So hey, I decided I'm not emotionally stable so I uh..." he trails off and pulls out a bottle of medicine. "I decided to take Xanax. It makes you feel... blank. I took one earlier and I feel calm so I guess that's good." He sighs. "Blaze and Emmet were probably thinking I hate them.. but it was my selfish negative reality set. I decided to take these to try and not be such a sad sack of shit, so yeah.. later." The feed cuts.