*A surprisingly undamaged RA helmet would be found a few feet from the market stall to the right of the Taranis beam pad. A recording could be removed from inside, showing most of "Ven's" final moments* A voice some may recognize as Danny: "Hand's up!" The feed would be blurry as "Ven"dove behind the beampad's fountain. Bullets immediately hit the ground and fountain all around him. He would blind-fire a few shots from behind the fountain. When the shooters had stopped to reload, the feed got blurry as "Ven" again burst into motion. He dove behind the market stall, the fountain by now being heavily torn up from the previous hail of bullets. MkVenner: "Shit,". His light M.A.W would be tossed aside, as if in surrender, as he slowly drew a plasma pistol and set it in his lap. It is once again blurry as the helmet is tossed through the air, landing next to the rifle, and tilted to get an angle on the action. "Ven" waited a few moments, letting the attackers, possibly recognized as Aubrey and Danny, get closer before popping up and letting off three shots with his plasma pistol. One shot hit Danny, the other two missing as "Ven" took two to his chest, the AP rounds punching easily through his armor. The attackers stopped advancing and a Glitch ran towards the injured "Ven" with a cry of "Help me!". This Glitch, would be recognized as QT-KT, took advantage of "Ven's" weakened state to quickly draw an uzi and butt him with it. While he was not unconscious, he would not last long before bleeding out, and the blunt force left him all but useless. He was dragged to the beampad with little resistance. Danny: "Bring him to my ship,". Aubrey and the Glitch returned shortly after, without MkVenner. The feed would continue for about another hour, looking at the market stall and beampad, before filling it's memory and ending the recording.
*Felith would of located the helmet after finding out poor old Ven died* ((Psst mods, should totally move this to other RP))