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The Hunt for the Cure

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by EagleEye, Oct 18, 2014.

  1. EagleEye

    EagleEye New Member

    Oct 13, 2014
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    Artemis' journal entry 1;

    Now that I have successfully escaped the regime of Big Ape, finished my law degree and left that densely packed human colony, I can start anew. This icey planet has proven to be a perfect place to set up shop, with an Embassy for the safety of Apex disenchanted with the regime we have all been accustomed to and as a base of operations for my diplomatic work and for the study into finding a cure for that wretched Ape flu. Hopefully having both flu study and safety in the same place doesn't come back to bite me...

    The first Apex science lab was found on this same planet and after having scared the guards away yesterday, and taking our flu ridden compatriots out of their misery, I went back there today to collect some data. Early days still, but with every server and stim pack salvaged from these labs, we get closer and closer to finding a cure. I only hope I can find some diseased Apex to test my experiments on.

    The human named Brayden has been of most help. After visiting at the Embassy, he has offered to provide locations of Apex establishments he finds during his travels of the universe. I have already visited both coordinates he has provided, salvaging more material for my work. I only hope I can meet more explorers like him!

    I become weary, and a snowstorm is coming. Time to bunker down and rest in the warmth and safety of this place.
    - Artemis out -
  2. EagleEye

    EagleEye New Member

    Oct 13, 2014
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    Journal entry 2;
    Discovered an apex lab in the Alpha Euterpe system. One of the bastard scientists tried to capture me as a new test subject. Who knew there was such filth in this sector, willing to infect their own kind with this disgusting disease. As it is, nearly had contact with a diseased individual before I ended its wretched life, and all the sick scientists who made it that way. Found a USCW (or whatever those silly humans call themselves) base in the system too, and relieved them of their server systems and scientific materials.

    Scientific Resource acquisition log;
    - 3x suspended Apex brains in a jar
    - 4x server cabinets
    - 1x personnel log
    - 35x books
    - 3x radioactive barrels
    - 1x assistants blog
    - 1x Apex server
    - 5x blue stims
    - 3x red stims
    - 1x yellow stim
    - 1x Apex life support pod w/ living diseased Apex

    Hopefully the more I find the closer I become to finding a cure. The work is tedious, but the cause is to die for.
    I only hope that if I catch the disease, a worthy individual takes up the mantle.
    -Artemis out-