[Message left using LS Companion Orb ([Model Number LS-F544J/Ver.4.1.2]) Alias: "Dot" ||Lucid Star Industries] Oh wow, I thought you needed more information than that to make an accurate conclusion! I thought researching was hard, I should start doing my own research now if it's that easy! ((Dot))
*recorded message starts* Floran think flessshies are real sssavages... "Culture" and "Society" isss one thing, but individual actionsss are another. Vine like dancccing. Vine alssso like hunting. Thinksss you ssshould not limit individualsss for the actionsss of other people jussst becaussse we ssshare race... I no kill more than three hylotl, and that's because fissshies were attacking me! Jussst yesterday Vine helps ssstranded human flessshy fix his ssship and get to a colony. Vine no ssstab, not even once! Flessshy is friend, and sssays Vine can visit! Vine happy. Florans not inherently bad. Born sssame as you, but then grow up in tribal violent sssociety. Change with exposure to other racesss... No lock away floransss! That be bad, and floransss would never accept it... War would happen, andsss we would not get more civilized! Inssstead, teach usss... Teach Vine to raissse kidsss so they don't ssstay on their own and be sssavages. Maybe collect ssseeds and raise Floransss... That way they would grow up civilized! Floran not like other racesss. We think and negotiate, we no follow fake apesss and birdiesss blindly. We fix thingsss and are sssmart. Sssince we are violent and can fix thingsss, you should employ usss! We very good at military, perhapsss be good bounty huntersss? Then we ussse killing for good and kill bad guysss! Vine mussst go now. Robo-friendsss sssay must check enginesss. Vinedancer is goodbye! *recorded message ends* ~Presumably, Vinedancer
But uh. Shouldn't we all have passports or something? Why don't we, actually? Holy cow, that's weird. We should all get passports. And then we can get cool little stamps for every planet we visit!
Passports from who? There's no central governments out here! And I doubt any of frontier planets have a customs built to them yet. Gamerager@starmail.com
I say a lot of things, uh. Send over a message to Gamerager@starmail.com and uh, we can let this post die, or go the way of the bacon in peace.
Keep an eye out. http://community.playstarboundrp.com/threads/teleporters-r-us.8373/#post-96126 -Macha
As wrong as this sounds to be said about a sentient being, I personally treat florans the way I'd treat any carnivorous creature at the top of a food chain. Florans are living beings with senses and feelings, and they should be treated like that. So simply said: I don't infiltrate their habitat, I keep my distance when one appears to be hostile, and I calmly let those who aren't hostile approach me. There are plenty of ways to keep hostile florans away from their would-be victims. And I'm sure that with enough security in and around cities, there will be no blood shed between florans and any other sentient beings. ~Zoya Capuchin