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Aubrey's Gay Video Diary

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by mexicanclownbaby, Sep 29, 2014.

  1. mexicanclownbaby

    mexicanclownbaby New Member

    Aug 15, 2014
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    ((These logs can be found ICly if you have a penchant for searching under beds or something.))

    *This audio log would be on an external drive not far from where he keeps his recording device; so somewhere under his sweet race car bed. Once plugged in there'd only be one folder found, and it would be titled: "Aubrey's Gay Video Diary."*

    The log opens up with a very shirtless, young, golden haired lad standing up in front what appears to be a giant race-car bed. On the back wall are old posters of ship racers before an era that was quickly ravaged by giant tentacles, next to a window with the back-drop of the planet and colony Taranis. The lad stands there frowning with an exceedingly nasty set of bruises on his abdomen. The largest, and the one faded the most, would be in a wide uneven circle over his gut, and the other would be a smaller but extremely fresh bruise on his chest, somewhere close to his right nipple. He exhales hard through flared nostrils as he brings a hand up to rest on the largest of wounds before speaking in a chilly, somewhat rushed voice.

    "So this is where the big one tagged me with a power fist. I never freakin' got the name.. But holy shit, I though I was gonna die afterwards. I was just freakin' talking to this apex gal and like.. She started going on about how she took a scalpel to the neck. My first reaction was just to stare like an asshole, because uh.. What the fuck? I was trying to talk about my pals big ass cannon and she goes on about this shit. After the freakin' robo comes down and tells me he's tired of my shit, or something.. he freakin' shoves that fist into my gut like it was powered by the blood of one thousand erect hamster penis's. So uh in other news, I stopped leaking blood from my anus after I poo, so that's going for me.. Although it's not much right now."

    He raises the hand now to the smaller bruise on his chest, pointing to it with an index finger. He continues to look into the camera as he speaks.

    "And this is where the freakin' gunslinger asshole shot me with a rubber bullet apparantly. Uh.. He's dead now. What kind of asshole draws a gun on someone for.. Y'know what? I fucking forgot what I said to piss him off, and I don't care. He got what was coming to him but.. Fuck man.. I didn't need to see that shit. Watching some asshole get a justified beating is one thing but.. Death? Sure the guy was asking for it but.. Uh.."

    He shakes his head as his yellow optic devoid eyes slowly fall downwards along with his hand. His voice goes softer, and comes out all slow like a nice glass of marmalade on a summer day.

    "I joined the Order to prove a point after the fucking robot John did uh.. What he did.. But like.. The only thing I'm proving right now is I can get the shit kicked outta me until I break... And god dammit if I'm getting closer.. and.. There was the one locked up. One of Omega's squires. Sire Widget. Locked up for being a loony with good freakin' reason. I uh.. Had a talk with him. I didn't know what to expect, but what came out of it... It uh.. Just.."

    He unclips his PDA from his belt and flicks through a few things as his mind wonders around the swirling mess of erupting shit volcanos that is his thought process. He stops after a brief moment and begins reading off a quote he typed out during his confrontation with the robot. His voice comes out shaky, as what he's recounting is clearly disturbing him.

    "Do you feel no sorrow for this shell? He is a pathetic coward who has a broken structure.. almost like you. And he hides behind his words.. Just.. like.. you."

    He puts a hand over his mouth after clipping the PDA back on his belt, then looks back up into the camera with visible unease clouding his beautiful features. He then brings the hand up through his golden locks as he lets out a long, drawn-out sigh.

    "What the fuck am I doing? I've only been in the Order for a few days, and this is the shit that's happening to me now almost every day. I can't just freakin' leave.. nah. I can't let myself down, right? I can't let any of the other assholes see me on my knees. The proverbial dick of defeat will not be sucked by this guy."

    He grins faintly at that last statement but then lets it slowly fade. He tosses a look over his shoulder as he goes to ease himself down on the edge of his bed. His elbows go down onto his knees and he huntches over slowly while wincing. Now his gaze steadily turns back to the camera as he begins to speak.

    "That.. Monkey in the bar earlier last night called me a freakin' racist in front of Kryssa as I was just getting to know the gal. I just said they were savages, yeah? How is that not a freakin' true statement? I didn't get a chance to explain that like.. I freakin' squire under one, and that.. Hey, y'know.. Maybe all of them can't be that fucking bad.. But the majorty? Savages. Asshole plant douchers who need to be freakin' tossed in a cage and forgotten. So I tried calling the bit-... The ape out on their shit, but uh.. They tried showing off their piece like it weren't no problem and then left. Fuck it.. Whatever. I got like.. five bottles of free booze and tossed them over the balcony with my robo pal on that asshole Julius's dime, so.. It wasn't that bad of a night, nyah."

    He grunts as he staggers up to his feet, then goes to limp over to his camera. The bruises come in a bit clearer, and they would look fucking painful. He tilts his head down to smile into the camera.

    "I am just so fucked, aren't I? Well, goodnight.. Sweet Prince."

    The camera fades fast on a still picture of that grin as it distorts like something out of a cheesy horror movie. Everything goes black... Then.. Silence.
    *End of Aubrey's Gay Video Diary Log 1*
    #1 mexicanclownbaby, Sep 29, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 29, 2014
  2. mexicanclownbaby

    mexicanclownbaby New Member

    Aug 15, 2014
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    *Beginning of Aubrey's Gay Video Diary Log 2*

    The log would immediately be greeted with the close up of Aubrey's crotch as he positions the camera to a suitable position overlooking his bed. He takes a few steps back and leans down to look into the camera with a smirk on his face. Heavy bags rest underneath his eyes, quite possibly from a restless sleep he would have just had, considering the ruffled nature of his hair, and the lack of a shirt as he stands there in sweatpants. He sighs,
    then turns around to promptly sit on the edge his messy bed. The camera focuses for a moment before capturing Aubrey's steady gaze.

    "I couldn't freakin' sleep, like, at all. I tried choking the bad monkey, yeah, but it was one of those days.. y'know? Well of course you fucking know, asshole. You're the one making the shitty vids. Who does this? I mean like, who freakin' sits here and bitches to themselves to look over it later? Well uh.. This shithead, apparently."

    He brings a hand up and rubs his crusty eyes before yawning wide, almost exaggerating it for effect. He drops his hands over each other in his lap before turning back to the camera, a slight frown lining his totally not homo looking face.

    "I keep thinking about the asshole who blew out my knee. I was uh.. Sitting there on a bench in New Chicago, yeah? I remember cause I was cozying up to this freakin' ape escape in a giant can. She wouldn't freakin' leave so I kept going, nyah. So uh.. It's a bit of a mess, cause I'm pretty sure I was buzzed on all that freakin' booze earlier that day.. But I remember when the guy approached me. Full on freakin' HAZMAT suit and sporting an ICIA badge. I remember being cuffed and led away into the tunnels.. Uh.. Walking. The shit didn't bother with the skyrail. He just wanted to get me alone, nice and dark.. Alone. He freakin' tazed me or something in the back of the neck, and like, this is when I dropped hard almost breaking my face. I'm not gonna fucking lie here on my own, I started crying and pleading like a bitch."

    He smiles sadly to himself as he averts his gaze to something uninteresting on the floor in front of him. After a few moments of silence he sighs, then shifts a bit on the bed, no doubt getting a bit more comfortable. He continues to look at the ground as he speaks again.

    "What I remember the most from this shit was the stink of my own freakin' blood. Seriously, like.. Before this my worst accident was that time I got my freakin' foreskin stuck.. Uh.. Anyway the pain was freakin' instant. The.. I don't know a word that can state how much I hate the fucker, so I'll just refer to him as Cunty. So Cunty blasted my freakin' cap there to pieces with a shotgun or something and ran. I was laying there on the ground when Gingy showed up like some kinda asshole superhero, then carried me off to the freakin' hospital. I hobbled over there crying my freakin' eyes out.. and I remember passing a few of the people there who saw me fucking with that ape. They watched, and like, probably had a good laugh of the asshole getting his just dues. So y'know, fuck those people. So this floran doc comes and puts a metal plate in there and uh.."

    He moves a hand down to rub his sore knee at the mention, grimacing slightly as he does so. After a few awkward moments of hand on knee action, he slowly and steadily gets up to his feet and limps towards his tripod mounted video camera, grumbling under his breath.

    "This freakin' gay video sh-"

    His speech is abruptly cut short as he clicks off the camera. A final view of his crotch fading away is seen as the screen steadily blacks out.

    *End of Aubrey's Gay Video Diary Log 2*
    #2 mexicanclownbaby, Sep 29, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 29, 2014
  3. mexicanclownbaby

    mexicanclownbaby New Member

    Aug 15, 2014
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    *Beginning of Aubrey's Gay Video Log 3*
    This video log begins with a different setting than the others. The golden haired god's sweet race car bed would be positioned against the back of a wooden wall with a defaced MiniKnog poster above it, and noises could be heard faintly coming from outside; no doubt from the patrons engaging in conversation in the building just east of his own homestead. Cardboard boxes litter the room, and the man himself, Aubrey Flak, would be sitting upon the edge of his bed with his feet resting on one as he looks into the mounted camera. His bright yellow eye optics would be removed, and his normal eyes would look as if he had been rubbing them for some time. A bruise could be seen on the side of his face as the light from a lamp somewhere off screen illuminates the room. He speaks in an almost calm manner.

    "Today's just been a freakin' shit day, and uh.. Drinking didn't help, so cut that shit out, asshole. It started off as I was on a normal patrol, but decided to veer down into the arena to steal one of the polished skulls decorating the floor. Seriously like, where the hell did all of them come from? Anyway I get down there and it's John, the biggest of the Robo douchers, with a gun to his head from some random brown floran. Normally I'd be freakin' all over that scene but the planty was a straight up biiiitch, and ended up drawing on me twice in the same day. Twice! And one of them was because the freakin' little green shrub, Frax, freakin' put this bruise on my face. Seriously like, that asshole's gonna get it soon. So John's all.. 'Oh, escort me to prison now, thanks. I'm only covered in blood of the two hundred people I murdered since blew the face off that Apex.' So I freakin' do that, yeah? After he tells me all about meeting that freakin' savage fiancee of his, he ends up just calling Amson over to let him go.. Just like freakin' that. I can't get any sleep on Taranis cause I feel like that asshole is gonna bust through the door on me while I'm dropping a deuce or something."

    He kicks out the box under his feet and gingerly moves to a laying position on his bed. He stares up at the ceiling as he goes to continue speaking.

    "Galtwell, Galtwell, fucking Galtwell. Welcome to my shitlist, asshole. Nobody touches the hair like some stupid knuckledragger and just expects to freakin' walk off. Seriously like.. I'm not a vindictive cunt, but wow. You freakin' asked for it and I just feel obliged to let you have it."

    He shakes his head, letting his already messed up looking locks start tangle over each other into a clump. His eyes would maintain a steady relationship with the ceiling as he continues to speak.

    "So Kryssa.. Wow. I don't even freakin' know what to say here about that apart from just.. What the fuck? Here's this nineteen year old gal stuck under two tons of emotional baggage. I tried to be freakin' nice but in the end it all ended up being shit, and uh.. Maybe it's not even worth it to bother. Who freakin' knows.."

    There's a long moment of silence as he continues to lay there sprawled out on his back, staring up at the ceiling. He lets out a long exaggerated yawn before tilting his head to the camera, letting the screen pick up a partial bit of his face before he starts to talk again. One could tell from the way he talks and his general demeanor while presenting the speech that he's embarrassed.

    "I got fucking drunk with Aeolus, and uhh.. made a scene when I went back on Taranis later in the night. I just.. got so angry, y'know? It was like a swirl of shit before it started pouring out.. Of my face. Yeah uh, I cried like a little bitch there in front of a crowd.. And I'm pretty sure I heard some guy laughing himself to death. Pene-lope and Jones were there to watch me writh underneath the mass of freakin' shit I was showing, and uh.. God damn, that was just unreal. They sat there and stuck into my shit, so uh.. "

    At this point he just shakes his head again while cringing hard to himself.

    "Maybe if I forget it ever happened and deny till I die it'll go away, yeah? Yeah.. Should work. Should freakin' work or else I'll just have to---"

    The camera screen would flash a small battery symbol in the corner for a few seconds before deciding to just shut down while the man was in mid-sentence. The last imagine would show Aubrey looking at the ceiling with his mouth open, as if he was about to say something else super intelligent.

    *End of Aubrey's Gay Video Log 3*
  4. mexicanclownbaby

    mexicanclownbaby New Member

    Aug 15, 2014
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    *Beginning of Aubrey's Gay Video Log 4*

    This video log begins with the camera slowly panning across the room of his Taranis house before the screen would fill with the face of that golden lad. The way the camera was positioned would imply it was in his hand and no longer resting on the tri-pod it'd normally sit on. He'd stare at the camera with his pale yellow eye optics, but the more notable features lining his beautiful mug would be the two large overlapping bruises he'd have across it. After a brief pause his mouth parts as if he were about to talk, although no words would come out. His free hand goes over his mouth as he makes a series of heaving noises, then a flurry of tears roll down his cheeks out of some unseen hole in his optics. The camera shakes voilently before tilting down to show the floor, and after a second, it would meet it with a harsh thud. As the screen darkens the sound of Aubrey crying would be heard for some time afterward. Hours pass as the camera would remain seated against the floor, eventually faltering as the battery starts to die out. The last imagine that would be seen is a low battery sign, followed by complete darkness.

    *End of Aubrey's Gay Video Log 4*
  5. mexicanclownbaby

    mexicanclownbaby New Member

    Aug 15, 2014
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    *Beginning of Aubrey's Gay Video Diary Log 5*

    The camera flickers to life, but it would take a few seconds for the picture to come in completely, suggesting that the camera had recently taken damage. A familiar, albeit old scene would once again come into focus; The old racecar posters lining the back wall of his ship, a wide view of the planet and colony of Taranis displayed out the tinted black window, and the oversized racecar bed itself, pushed all the way in the back. Sitting on top of the bed would be Aubrey himself, hands resting on his knees but otherwise sitting up straight, his optic devoid eyes staring at the camera , as if studying it. There'd be a small cut on his nose-bridge, but it'd be to the point where it's practically healed. Apart from a few scrapes and dings, it would seem this was one of the first logs where he wasn't bearing a wound or two. The guy himself would wary and disheveled while his hair would be nearly flat with a few serious tangles in it. When he speaks it's nearly in his normal tone although it'd sound like he was disinterested in speaking at all.

    "So.. A lot's been going on since my last log. I got multiple freakin' soda cans thrown at me and... Nyah, even got to throw one back. Holy shit like, that giant amazonian woman's a freak. I threw that shit full force and it barely freakin' did anything. Seriously glad that guy was there to tell the bitch off, or like, I'd probably woulda been punched by her again... Ugh, asshole."

    He runs a hand through his golden blonde hair as a light smile appears on his lips. After, the hand would go to the sweatshirt he was wearing and he'd lift it up, showing the small impact scar where a bullet penetrated him in the gut. His smile would fade as he goes to talk again.

    "Fucking Outcasts, I swear. Dumb twitch shooting cuntlords with a freakin' deathwish. So one of them shot at me with an auto rifle, but like, missed every shot but the one that found its way into my freakin' gut. Woulda bled out if it weren't for this funny looking birdy. Eh, probably won't see them ever again. So today they come around again, yeah? A gal and a bushy this time. I remember that long blonde hair, all frizzly and shit, and the floran was wearing the straight up tribal voo-doo garb. They stole this bushy guy out in front of us as my pal Cody and I sat there like a bunch of shitheads. The bushy show's up not too hurt later, but like, wow.. Y'know? It's fucked.. seriously, and that's not even the worst part.."

    He breathes in slowly through his nose then puffs out his cheeks, exhaling out through mouth as he lowers his shirt back down over his sweatpants. His eyes shift from the camera to something else just as unimportant, and they would stay there as he begins speaking again.

    "Gingy abducted me on the freakin' beam pad some time ago, ugh.. Asshole, I can't freakin' trust the fucker after doing something like that. Seriously like, he's mad at me? Doucher, straight up I swear. Uh.. Nah like, there's too much shit to get through, so let's jump into the nitty freakin' gritty."

    He looks back up at the camera and stretches his back out a bit, wincing slightly before his hands return to the top of his legs.

    "So Kryssa. I just come and beamed down to the pad and I see her laying there with her other leg blown off. It was like a stump, a big chewy, meaty... floran wet dream. That, and like a shitload of freakin' scorch marks everywhere. So uh, what the fuck? I haven't seen her conscious since that shit went down, and like, I'm pretty sure that apex bitch did something." He makes a quick mocking tone, trying to imitate that of one Dr. Rakael Kong. "Oh, if you dont' leeeeave, I'm going to make her O.D. on some morphine, because these things are A-O-FUCKING-K to joke about, yeah?" He shakes his head as his beautiful features now influenced by all the hate flowing around inside him. "Of course I didn't freakin' leave until the dumb bitch got her robo pet to grab me. She had the fucking audacity to rub Kryssa's blood on my robe after finishing. What the fuck kinda sadist shit is that? So robo knobber grabs me and I go completely naked, straight out of the robes, yeah? Straight up balls swaying in the wind, cause fuck them. She snapped a freakin' picture of me while I was being dragged, probably to freakin' get off with later. Ugh.. Order assholes, at least there's a few good ones among ya.."

    He takes a few heavy breaths in and out, visibly calming himself as the last few sentences had him getting worked up. His eyes would wonder around the room again as he collects his thoughs, although him actually thinking before he speaks is rare as fuck. He hangs his head as he opens his mouth to speak once more.

    "So my freakin' house was blown up, probably by an Outcast fuck. Pene-lope went in there and grabbed my safe and camera, and from there I took all the important shit and went back to my ship.. Which is kinda why I'm right freakin' here now.. and y'know, not back on the colony where I freakin' live. I'm guessing they're just going to give me a new home, cause that shit ain't right. I was gonna ask that whiny albino chick if she wanted to crash on my sofa, but like, she started making me mad, legit. She started talking about like, how the ICIA weren't bad, and that New Chicago was a niice place because they had running water and plumbing. Kay, so she had a point there, but even trying to compare the places is just fucking shit. Naw, there ain't no comparing the two, and she couldn't freakin' see that. Whatever, I got to freakin' stick my finger in her ear like it weren't no problem, so there's that."

    He slowly gets to his feet and goes to stretch again, leaning back and making an over-exaggerated point to let everyone viewing how good this feels. As he rocks back forward he exhales hard through his nose, satisfied at how great that was, and how great he is. A few quick steps forward and he'd be well on his way to picking the camera back up. He continues to steadily advance on the camera as he speaks.

    " There's a big Knights of the Round Table meeting coming up and uh, I guess I'm attending in a few days.. so I'm gonna relax now. There's too much shit going on and not enough people to shovel it, and like, the piles are getting bigger and bigger."

    He reaches the camera and abruptly powers it down. Instead of a gradual fade of his face or crotch, the screen just instantly goes black.

    *End of Aubrey's Gay Video Log 5*
  6. mexicanclownbaby

    mexicanclownbaby New Member

    Aug 15, 2014
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    *Beginning of Aubrey's Gay Video Diary Log 6*

    This V-log opens up immediately to the backdrop on an unfamiliar Taranis household. Behind a modest bed, wooden walls tower over the horribly bruised, but smiling face of one Aubrey Flak. A few band-aids are sloppily placed over his swelled nose, complimenting the bandage covering the seared flesh on his cheek, and various bruises seen scattered about, the majority looking fresh. His general appearance looks disheveled as his hair is seemingly much shorter and a different colour from his previous logs. He wears an old tank-top with a familiar set of sweatpants, although they would have a few specs of blood littering the top, completely visible under the camera lens. He bends down a bit as he tilts the camera slightly in place, then goes to turn, taking a few good steps back before sitting on the edge of the bed. He inhales slowly through mouth before letting it back out in a raspy, ragged sigh. As he speaks, his voice would come out all nasally, as if there's some obstruction blocking out his nasal passage ways. The general swelling and bruising around his nose would attest to this.

    "It's been a while since I turned you on, babe. I hope you freakin' missed me as much I missed you. Let's not play anymore games, yeah? I feel like jumping straight into it, so that's what we're gonna do. One step at a freakin' time. This has been the worst, and maybe one of the better weeks I've had at the same time. I feel like a fucking.. Punching bag right now. I look into the freakin' mirror and cringe when I see that asshole staring back. And.. like, I still can't get over my fucking hair being cut off by that savage. After it drove that knife through my plate the fucker just went and cut it right off. My hair! My freakin' hair! Y'know what? It's all good now, because someone went and fucked that planty right up, making it even uglier than it was before. It looks like its jaw is hanging on with a few stitchings, and uh, it definitely was missing an eye. Kay, so it turned into a freakin' little green nightmare. Maybe it's not such a good thing after all.."

    The golden lad shakes his head slowly as his eyes drift down, looking at the flooring below. He breathes once again through his mouth and exhales sharply before his beautiful, yet badly damaged face once again graces the camera with its presence.

    "I could drone on and freakin' on about who did what to me. My day ended way too freakin' good for all that mopey shit, and like, I'm just tired of repeating it. There are a few honourable mentions, yeah? These fucks'll be getting their just freakin' dues.. So there's this robo who hangs around Taranis. I ask if there were any freakin' planties in the bar.. Cause like, I was kinda freakin' banned by one after it dropped a grate on my hands." At this moment, he'd bring his bandaged mitts up over his chest with a flat expressing, making sure the camera picks up the full view of the damage. After a minute, he goes to rest the hands flat out on his lap. "So the big black robo.. Yeah, I asked if there were any plants in the bar and it gets all pissy and comes up, hands all balled into fists and generally looking something was recently jammed up in its asshole. Of freakin' course it had to show me how freakin' angry it was by breaking my nose and spouting off a bunch of empty death threats. Seriously, what the fuck? NO! If you mess with my FLORAN buddy..! I will end you and THAAAAAT'S a promise! Yeah just like.. Fuck that. I'm gonna tell the Robo-Overlords about it, and like, they'll do something to the doucher. I'm tired of all the giant robots with something to prove. Yeah, we all freakin' get it, you can go invisible and touch my pene without me finding out, yay. "

    As soon as he utters the weakest 'yay' in existence, his hands and brow go up in mock surprise, almost as if he's happy about getting his face bashed in. They would quickly go back to his lap as his expression sours, settling on a deep frown after he scoffs, or something that was supposed to sound like one.

    "I pissed off Gingy earlier. I had him aboard my ship to show him the freakin' mass amounts of Royal Crown I gathered for that one other redhead. He freakin' stormed off after I called him a thief. Like.. whatever. I tried to apologize to the doucher but he wouldn't freakin' have any of it. I'll bring it up again, yeah, but he might just be jealous.. Nyah."

    He lets himself have a weak smile as he reflects on earlier events, then lets out a long, drawn-out exaggerated sigh before the smile fades away, back into a frown.

    "Ray the fishy murdered someone in the bar earlier. It was uh, Katta's brother, apparently... Who was shot. He unloaded two clips from his freakin' stungun into the guy. Like, holy freakin' shit. I haven't really seen the guy around so much but like, I seriously didn't expect that mess to go down. After that the typical green savage ate the dead one. Holy freakin' shit. I don't even know really what to say about that, like, it's all kinda fucked. And this led to later that night, when the gal.."

    He stops himself in an abrupt manner as his head starts shaking slowly from side to side. He moves a finger to rub the corners of his bruised eyes before going to talk again.

    "So Kryssa. Today was freakin' shit, and like, I could tell it was for her too. She was there after Ray plugged the guy, and when he was taken away to the cells. She stayed as he told everyone what he did behind the cell.. and she stayed up to the bars when he was done. I uh.. Didn't do anything to make it easier on her either. She was a freakin' wreck, yeah, but uh, I didn't think she'd try to off herself. She was completely trashed, like, holy shit.. And I grilled into her hard. So of course, she went and downed a whole shitload of booze with a bottle of pills, and stewed in that shit for a while before calling out over the radio. So I come up with Katta and the freakin' door's locked. Gingy comes up a few minutes later, and I get him to boot the door open. So yeah.. There she was laying on the bed, out freakin' cold. When I saw what happened, I go over and shove my fingers down her throat, forcing that shit up all over my hand. Of course I start freakin' spewing my load everywhere too, like, I don't envy the cleanup at all. She came to after heaving all that shit up and went on to cry there, sitting on the bed. I go over and ask her why.. And holy freakin' shit.. I get being pissed off, but this was another freakin' level. I didn't think I'd have to actually watch what I say, but this shit can't happen again. I already have one death on my freakin' hands, and she's not gonna be another, nah.. So we hugged it out there on the bed. It was freakin' nice, and I'm so freakin' glad we were sitting, cause she woulda got stabbed in the leg or something. I'll need to talk with her again, and yeah... We'll see how this goes. And.. Nyah, Gingy sat there and watched. I suppose I'll need to have a freakin' talk with him too."

    He sits on the bed for a moment, contemplating on a few thoughts as his bare feet tap against the wooden flooring. After shaking his head, he rises up slowly, bringing a hand over his gut after he starts making his way to the mounted camera. His image only grows closer as he brings out his wrapped hands to either side of the camera, bringing it up to get a full view of his face. Where there was once an attractive young man with a golden mane, a nearly broken up visage of the person he once was stands in his place, looking down with a cracked grin into the lens.

    "So yeah, a nice freakin' mental cybernetic cherry to top the shit cupcake this week has been. Just gonna keep this golden sun burning as long as I freakin' can. We'll uh.. We'll see how it goes."

    He gives the camera a wink and a broad smile before shutting it off.

    *End of Aubrey's Gay Video Log 6*
    #6 mexicanclownbaby, Oct 20, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 20, 2014
  7. mexicanclownbaby

    mexicanclownbaby New Member

    Aug 15, 2014
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    *Beginning of Aubrey's Gay Video Diary Log 7*

    As the camera switches on, anyone watching would be greeted once again with the same beat-up lad from the previous log, although he's geared up in a black dura-steel plated chestpiece. The camera itself would be elevated, showing mostly half the torso up, as it's shakily held in the hands of the punk hogging the screen. Over his shoulder a window would be visible, clearly showing the Taranis backdrop as the morning sunlight flows through it. Aubrey stares into the camera with a look of apparent irritation. His tone comes out rushed, almost as if this is a chore he simply doesn't want to do.

    "So I said things were looking up.. At least they were, kinda. Yeah, so fuck that now. I got booted from the Order, locked in a cell for a day with the asshole who put me there across from me, and I pretty much freakin' yelled at an emotionally, and physically crippled girl who had tried to commit suicide the night fucking before last. What the fuck?"

    He shakes his head slowly and goes to open his mouth, only to have it fall shut in silence. As he brings a hand to wipe it, the camera tilts slightly to the side, leveling off as the guy looks over his shoulder briefly before turning back to face the lens and bringing a hand back to steady it once more. As he begins talking, he'd slowly take a few steps back and seat himself on the edge of the bed, camera fixated in the same position.

    "So John, the metal slayer of floran cunts, called me out over my shit and told me to return all my gear as I was no longer to be apart of the freakin' Order. I only gave him the stupid white-knight gear, and like, kept all the reeeal good shit for myself. Am I freakin' mad? Naw, but it's not a good thing, yeah, that's for freakin' sure. I lost my net and, like, that was the only thing keeping me tethered to that massive freakin' shithole of a colony. I guess the deaf albino chick was right after all, yeah? I got Gingy to fall back on right now, and that's kinda all I freakin' need at the moment. I don't even think I have the pixels to pay the apers Laasi off with so uh, I kinda need a new job.. one that actually freakin' pays. I might give that space station another shot, cause apart from the man-eater and strong-arming douchermonger I ran in to, it seemed like a solid place, although I'm not too freakin' sure about their security. Last place I wanna be is trapped on a inescapable space station with a tribe of monsters."

    He pauses, letting the room fall silent for a moment as he contemplates the next words before shooting them out of his stupid mouth hole. He inhales deeply through his nose, producing a rasping nasally sound before exhaling out through his mouth.

    "I told the gal I liked her, or something like that.. Yikes. She showed me her own video logs earlier and I sat through the depressing freakin' shitstorm it was. As we sat there on the bench after, she starting talking about her guy, back before he was killed by some other doucher. I thought it'd be kind of a good idea to let it slip then, seeing as I didn't need a freakin' brain to see that this gal was all sorts of fucked, and lonely and.. Maybe I kinda took advantage of that. She told me she had to think about it after the longest freakin' moment of silence imaginable.. Yeah, so I got the fuck out of there just like that. It's gonna be so fucking awkward now, like, the last freakin' thing I need is this shit. I haven't seen her since, but uh, maybe it's for the best right now."

    He looks into the camera as he sucks in his lower lip over his teeth. The camera wanes off in some direction as he turns his head away, letting out a tense sigh before setting the camera down off to the side of the bed, facing against the wooden wall. The bed shakes briefly before coming to a stop, and the sound of metal footsteps skidding around on a wooden floor are heard as steadily the golden punk walks off somewhere behind the camera itself. After a brief shuffle, the sound of a glass being filled with a liquid can be heard. A sipping sound breaks the momentary silence before Aubrey would chime in again, speaking off in a location unseen to the media recorder.

    "So uh.. After that I kinda went down to the bar to have a drink. Seriously, fuck that day, and fuck that guy wearing girl clothes. Yeah, I freakin' noticed, asshole. The material was way too freakin' thin and I could see the pointy nips a mile off. So the doucher threatens me, and I shake up my soda and spray it all over the shit. It was freakin' glorious to behold, but I got kicked in the nads. Seriously, it was like, two hours before Mr. Lefty decided to drop again. So Omega comes down and we both end up in a freakin' cell and.. Yeah, I got out last night. Worst freakin' stay ever. I ended up hanging out with Gingy the re-"

    The feed suddenly cuts out, stopping as the golden haired lad was mid-sentence with his mouth open, almost as if he had something else exceedingly important to say.

    *End of Aubrey's Gay Video Log 7*
    #7 mexicanclownbaby, Oct 22, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 22, 2014
  8. mexicanclownbaby

    mexicanclownbaby New Member

    Aug 15, 2014
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    *Beginning of Aubrey's Gay Video Log 8*

    Settled in a new homestead, this video log could be found under the bed in his room.

    "Come one, you freakin' piece of shit.. What the hell did sh-.." His voice stops upon hearing the familiar beep of what would be the camera recording. The sound of heavy rustling follows the lens as it pans across a yellow sheet, continually reeling until it stops on a familiar face. As the pale gold eyes stare into the camera lens, a smile would slowly shine on the beautiful features of one Aubrey Flak, lighting up the modest wooden paneling that consumes the room just out of view. "Hey, yeah.. It's me. Haven't done one of these in like, forever. Well uh, all the shit logs are still here, so that's good, although uh.. It's been sitting for a while. Like, holy shit, the dust collecting on ya was amazing. It's alright now, yeah? I got ya babe. We can't let ya get mistreated anymore, nah." He grins into the camera for a few seconds before bringing a finger up to scratch the hell out of his nose. After the pleasant distraction, he turns his attention once again to the camera. "Let's get freakin' started then. This is uh.." He clears his throat. " This is Aubrey's freakin' Gay Video Log number eight. It's gay cause like, if anyone freakin' knew I was recording these like some diary, they'd probably have a good laugh. Whatever, here goes.."

    He takes a deep breath to compose himself, then lets it all flow out through gritted teeth. "So yeah, I got my camera back. It all started earlier on the freakin' shithole that keeps changing names.. Uh, Port lost, or something. Right as I walked off the pad the gal came up behind me, so I figured it'd be a good time to have that talk." He averts his gaze from the camera briefly as he contemplates over his next few words. "And we did, yeah? She told me I reminded her of him. Fucking.. Nikos, or some shit. She said that she'd just be chasing ghosts, and it wouldn't be freakin' fair to me. Nyah. And then.. That was it. I tested the freakin' waters, and god damn if that well wasn't all fucking dried up." He shakes his head slowly as a sad looking smile plays out on his lips. "I coulda just stopped. I mean, I could of freakin' sat there and just.. I don't know, let the freakin' shit over-whelm me. I coulda whined and bitched and cried, and.. nothing would've freakin' changed. But I'm actually kinda relieved, yeah? I see it as like, an end to something I can't be anymore. Things are actually looking up, and this isn't gonna freakin' change that."

    He grunts as he moves himself to a laying position on the bed, letting his golden locks of love scatter about on the pillow as gravity does its thing. The outstretched arms that're holding the camera up would show one unflattering angle of Aubrey as he talks.
    "I got a freakin' job. Panzer, this giant apers that I've had this love/hate thing with, finally stopped bitching at me and gave me something to do. A few days ago I came up on 'em in the bar and told her I was sorry, like, among other things. And she uh.. Apologized to me as well. I mean, some seriously downright feral shit went on between us, like, no fucking joke. I actually tazed the living shit out of her a week ago." He shakes his head against the pillow and blows out air through a corner of his mouth. "And I got the freakin' shit beat out of me for it. So yeah, I'm glad shit's working out for us now." As discomfort begins to show on his blonde-guy face, he lowers the camera down next to himself to let it rest on the pillow next to his head with a groan. He casts a glance to the side to look into the lens as off-screen he stretches his arms. "She's got me working in the foundry now. Before it was just her working there, but uh, I guess I'm like the new mule, or something. So pouring's not so hard, but it's wearing me down. I haven't been this sore like this since forever, and holy shit, it's freakin' killing me slowly. How the hell am I gonna work like this tomorrow? I hope she doesn't freakin' try any shit while I'm there.. Like, I saw whatever the fuck that mess was on the ground. Suspicious as fuuuuck."

    He takes in another deep breath and follows it with a groan. "I'm freakin' feeling it, god damn.. So some asshole put a knife to my throat and tried to use me as a hostage, or some shit. Seriously, the guy had to of been freakin' retarded or something. After this really freakin' dramatic stand up with the R.A. cunters, they ended up pushing me away and, like, holy shit.. They lit the bastard UP. And then he uh.. he Freakin' blew up. Whatever. The only freakin' thing to come of it is just another sob story." He tilts his head back up to where he's no effectively staring at the ceiling, and the camera to the side of his head. He moves a hand over his forehead as he begins to talk once again. "Ginge-Minge let me live in her abandoned cabin on some freakin' ice world, which is kinda where I am now. It's alright, like, the heat works and all that, but my room is so freakin' tiny. Whatever, it's a safe place to stay while I bring back the bacon, or some shit." He sighs before moving back up into a sitting position, then taking the camera with it. With both hands he stares down the lens as he sighs one more time. "And this is where I'm calling it a freakin' night. Things are looking up despite this seriously shitty feeling I have. I mean, I'm the other guy now. Yeah.. Aubrey freakin' Flak, other guy. Maybe I'll add that to my growing resume, or some shit." He smiles unconvincingly into the camera as a hand fumbles with the buttons on the side. As the smile fades to something a lot more grotesque, a finger finds the button and the camera shuts off, immediately fading to black.

    *End of Aubrey's Gay Video Log 8*
    #8 mexicanclownbaby, Nov 14, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 14, 2014
  9. mexicanclownbaby

    mexicanclownbaby New Member

    Aug 15, 2014
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    Another video recording titled: FUCK
    The location would once again be shifted back to his ship where, presumably, this log could be found again IC.

    "I killed Panzer."

    The words come out barely above a whisper. Utterly insignificant, they would seem, having come from the pitiful looking creature who muttered them. Aubrey sits at the head of his wicked sweet race-car bed, eyes downcast with his unkempt hair falling over his face. His warn t-shirt is stained down the front from heavy tears which would be evidently present in the all seeing eye that is the camera lens. He manages to string together a few coherent sentences through the heaves that rack his body, sending a fresh slew of tears down his cheeks.

    "I was freakin' mad, yeah? She told me to get out the other day.. Cause of what? Because I freakin' made a joke or two near the new guy? Tough shit, like, he wasn't gonna last anyway. Just like that she turned into some kinda demon witch harpy, like, holy shit. There I was at the console about to actually work when she JUMPED DOWN to freakin' yell at me. What the fuck? I mean, getting riled up is one thing, but fuck that. I RAN out of there, yeah? When she has that freakin' murder bitch gleam in her eye, like, people get freakin' thrown. In my case it'd be out into the molten shit below. Fuck that, like-.. Doesn't even matter. She's dead, like.. dead."

    A knuckle moves across his nose as he inhales, making this disgusting mucos-ey sounding noise which would then leave tendrils of the stuff lining the gaps between his fingers. A shrill screech of disapproval escapes his gaping maw as a hand shoots off to the side to wipe it away on a crumpled sheet. The other would part the hair off to the side as he looks back up, fully exposing the dreadful image being recorded. Puffy red eyes on a bruised face stare accusingly back into the lens as he goes to speak once more.

    "And I went back to the refinery.. Coaxed the ap-.. Panzer to come too. I freakin' guess we were both expecting something seeing as, like, she had the giant squirt gun with her. I wanted.. I don't know, like, a freakin' apology. After all that she went and freakin' did this shit, like, really? I told my personal SHIT. Like.. After ALL that, y'know, I though she was my friend, or something."

    He shifts his body off to the side of the bed, letting his legs fall over the side as his hands come back up to his face. The already nasally voice would be further construed by having his hands up against it.

    "I shot at her on freakin' ACCIDENT, yeah? She went for the gun and.. I told her not to. Right there I woulda gotten up and just walked out and, like, it all woulda been okay. So she mashed me up against a cargo container when I turned to run. It was like a freakin' blur, or something. After nearly squishing my shit she just stopped there. I mean.. If it weren't for the limp maybe /I'd/ actually be dead right now. So she let up for a second. Long enough for me to try smack her away, yeah? I didn't expect she'd fucking.. Fall down all the way. So I looked over the railing after what I think was the thud and just, like, there she freakin' was at the bottom. Dead. I went down, like, had to go down. Screamed my fuckin' lungs out for her to get back up, yeah? She was.. Just bleeding there. I remember sending out a distress, then just.. taking off. I ran away from it, like, what the fuck else was I gonna do?"

    A hand inches closer to the camera while his voice would drop into a low, dour tone as he continues on.

    "I don't know what I'm gonna do now. It wasn't supposed to be like that. Like, despite being a massive freakin' bitch all the time.. She was my friend an-.. and I fuckin' killed her."

    The finger finds effectively cuts out the feed just after another sob emerges. A black screen signals the end of another video log.