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Things Have Been Rather Slow Lately

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by GuardianPotato, Sep 24, 2014.

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  1. Weavle105

    Weavle105 Back in Black.

    Jan 17, 2014
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    Especially one where you're attacking someone who's long since fixed the issues you've brought up?
  2. LaserLlamas

    LaserLlamas Mother of the Pack

    Mar 28, 2014
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    To be blunt stop attacking Gramps with false facts that no one can agree with you on.
    I'm sorry but haven't I already acknowledged and agreed that it's a problem? "Alright! So we've established females and males seem to have a problem with over-sexualized characters, IE lesbos and homosexuals. To be straightforward, if they're not outright over sexualizing as in flirting, groping, touching, or anything like that there's not really an reason to give a shit because they're not flaunting it out. (I will admit there is a lot of lesbian characters for this server though, it scares me)" Directly quoting myself here. I'm /aware/ people aren't happy with this. All I'm saying is I haven't seen it, and Gramps sure as hell hasn't been doing it lately.

    You're being far more aggressive than you need to be to Gramps over something he's not even doing to you. "Oh he plays a lesbian character, he must be against feminism!" is literally all I understand from you now. Yes, I've read everything, and yes, I kind of agreed with you at first. But when you go around insulting and bashing someone, putting pseudo-facts down, claiming that God himself witnessed it and can back you up, and continue to blindly believe in these facts and slander him further and just make his day in general a pleasant experience, then I'm going to just flat out tell you I don't care what your arguement is. I don't want to help you. If I can expect this kind of behavior over a problem that could have been solved so peacefully, by talking it out with a group of moderators, people in question, and calmly talking about it, then I could happily help you come to the conclusion you want.

    But now? I'm fucking done here. You've wasted my time. You've wasted our time. You've made someone who hasn't even done anything harmful to you have a shitty day. I hope you're proud of yourself Felix, because it's one thing to stand up for your rights and defend yourself, wanting these characters to no longer exist because of what they portray. But it's a whole other thing to insult, slander, lie, and to put in your ear plugs and shut out anyone else's thoughts on the matter, and be a hypocrite of your own words.
  3. Felix

    Felix New Member

    Mar 15, 2014
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    The moderators took a heavy hit from me as well and they can maturely acknowledge that a potential return player & player who left for reasons previously stated is just as important to the community as people who play on it. You are, at this point, grasping at straws.

    Quit while you're ahead. Animator was right when they stated you're digging a hole.
  4. Shag

    Shag High Impact Sexual Implications

    Feb 22, 2014
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    Wow everyone seems to have a leg up their bums today. Can't we all just be friends? And if not can't we all just walk away? 'cause unless someone finds a way to end this with both sides shaking hands then I don't see the point of bashing at each other, other than to just try and offend someone.
  5. Sen

    Sen Guest

    I'm sure my script for finding every instance of Gramps saying "void" is still around. We could repurpose it to look for "rape" instead. I'd hardly be surprised if we got lots of hits on keywords like that.

    What I am surprised at, however, is why people are still defending these objectified lesbian fetish inserts. Even putting the entire argument about feminism aside, these are still shitty characters played by equally shitty players. If you want to play a character just to jerk off to, play on a social server, not here.

    Don't say they don't exist. They do. I witnessed just two days ago (and gloriously ruined) two midget lesbian florans (who are also plantsuits) on a date - garbage, shallow stereotyped characters that exist solely to give their players sexual gratification.
  6. Animator

    Animator New Member

    May 9, 2014
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    I'm preparing a long term solution plan due to the scale of the problem to propose to the moderators that addresses these issues and more, which I'll be posing to my fellow moderators. Meanwhile in the present, Kazyyk is currently working on revising the CoC to also deal with these discrepancies, and we're currently preparing to modify the application process to keep these kinds of RPers from continuing to enter the community.

    The staff will remain vigilant, but like I said; the majority of the examples detailed here in which this has occurred was in private. Our activism can only go so far when there are only 6 moderators left and one admin, each of them with their own jobs and lives. Thankfully, now that the place has picked up steam again, we'll be able to hire more mods, but I beseech the community to file reports when it can whenever these kinds of things happen.
  7. Sen

    Sen Guest

    What about community input? (as hilariously drama-filled as that would be)
  8. Animator

    Animator New Member

    May 9, 2014
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    We'll try to keep the community in the loop (and if the folks upstairs like my plan I'll definitely need to you guys posted), but unfortunately, the bold part speaks to a truth that exists in so many RP communities and is why we typically take input from changes after they happen, instead of before.
  9. Hour

    Hour Dogu

    Dec 29, 2013
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    Animator you are based, seeing moderation come to actually crack down on these fetish-fuel shite characters is a godsend.
    Long live the king.
    But only if you actually do what you're saying you're going too.
  10. Sen

    Sen Guest

    I'll be interested to see exactly what solution the moderators pull up. I had a very similar problem on a server I used to run, but we never came up with a working solution.
  11. Animator

    Animator New Member

    May 9, 2014
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    Preparing even as we speak.
  12. Felix

    Felix New Member

    Mar 15, 2014
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    I can confirm this.

    ToA/PoS was just another example of the same tired old B.S. that I didn't even bother to step through the door past. Join the Skype chat, someone sees I'm a female -- "BUT YOU HAVE A MALE'S NAME!!!" "GIRLS DON'T EXIST ON THE INTERNET!!!" "Send me nudes as proof." "Oh well enjoy the drow gangbang you're about to get, haha!" (To their credit, they were polite about builds -- but it was ultimately a GIRL who helped me out.)

    The main administrator himself denied that I'm a girl, I can't POSSIBLY be one, but being a little bitch and refusing to join a Skype call with me so I can set his manchild ass straight. Remember -- I didn't bring attention to it, someone read it in my profile. Rampant unapologetic mesbians, as Sen said, and on my departure I offered constructive but harsh critique: I got the same childish reactions. Mind you, the chat was just full on dudebro circle jerk Jew jokes and worse than what goes on in these parts. They couldn't take what they dish out. I was hesitant to even give my input here because I knew I would receive the same backlash.

    It gets really old. It's also a shame; both places seem incredibly fun. I'm a bomb ass RPer and have quite a bit to contribute and friends that could follow. PoS shot itself in the foot there. I applied as a Sun Elf and the administrator wanted her to proudly shout out her real name in a city like Port of Shadows. I don't know if you guys know what that means, but it equates to a black person jumping out in the middle of a KKK rally and screaming, "I'M THE NIGGA, AYYYYYYYYYYYYYY."

    Now that I've told my tale and what a lot of my friends who are females and I face (not all, thankfully) when we join up to places like these, I'm grateful for once that you actually listened.
  13. Animator

    Animator New Member

    May 9, 2014
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    It's all good.
  14. LaserLlamas

    LaserLlamas Mother of the Pack

    Mar 28, 2014
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    You uh might want to fix that. (Edit: Then again my black roommates say it all the time but the hell if I know, some are offended some aren't)

    I understand where you're coming from, as for awhile I spent time with a woman in your position for about a year, saw things from her perspective, made me curious. Admired her for being able to just calmly ignore them, she's been through a lot of shit that for her privacy I won't elaborate on.

    If you still have issues like this here, the best thing to do is keep your cool and just report it with screenshots. Personally I haven't heard of this or seen it lately on the server so you're fine. Please in the future make use of that section. (Seriously I don't think anyone uses it that much) As well as this, if you do make an argument or experience issues with players, try to keep their name anonymous, aside from to the moderators. While it's nice to know who to avoid, it doesn't help give them a chance to redeem themselves and make up for what they've done.
  15. Felix

    Felix New Member

    Mar 15, 2014
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    I'm black. My mother is, anyway. It's not an offensive term. Get with the times.

    People who make characters for funsies to continually rape them IC and have that sort of defining backstory don't deserve anonymous, sorry. They deserve to be shamed.
  16. LaserLlamas

    LaserLlamas Mother of the Pack

    Mar 28, 2014
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    Wasn't aware of that. As I said some are offended, some aren't. Simply saying that. (Granted I don't get why some find it offensive when they all say it but that's just me)
  17. Sen

    Sen Guest

    I'm also known as Narks.

    Hail Sseth. Glory for the vrael olo.
  18. Weavle105

    Weavle105 Back in Black.

    Jan 17, 2014
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    As things have once again become civil, I'm going to try and keep it that way (while still saying what I feel needs to be said), and would appreciate it were you to as well.
    This is very, very important.
    People make mistakes in their life, sometimes very big ones. If someone continues to make the same mistake over and over and over or refuses to acknowledge what they've done as bad, then yes, they need to be reminded of what they've done, and reminded that what they've done or are doing is bad, but when they've already apologized for their mistakes, and are no longer making these mistakes (like Gramps), they don't deserve that, they shouldn't have to deal with constantly being reminded of of it. With your "success", you yourself have made a very big mistake by slandering and humiliating someone who has long since apologized and is no longer making these mistakes. You can not take what you see on the forums as fact, and truthfully, you have absolutely no right to claim that Gramps still makes these mistakes when you aren't even there to witness them. You said it yourself, you haven't been on the server for months, and quite honestly, he isn't even a fifth as bad as you make him out to be, so please. You need to recognize that he's still a person, he still has emotions, and you're just running all over them in a semi truck going one-hundred eighty miles per hour. Honestly, compared to some of the mistakes I've made in my past, Gramps is a saint.
  19. TwoFiveTwo

    TwoFiveTwo New Member

    Feb 23, 2014
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    I love how derailed this thread got. From someone saying that the server was empty 4 months ago to; I'm going to crucify every character/person ever because they're not good/I'm going to defend every character /person ever because they are good.
    #219 TwoFiveTwo, Nov 17, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 17, 2014
  20. Coldmaj

    Coldmaj Member

    Jan 22, 2014
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    Yeah, I kind'a have to agree with Weav here. I mean this fetish based characters are clearly a problem but, I'm sure when Gramps makes a new character he doesn't go "Which fetish shall I base this off of?", he makes a new character based on a fun quirk or something he thinks would be fun to RP. Ask the people that RPed with Gramps, I'm sure they had fun RP with his characters, RP that wasn't sexual or had to do with his character's sexuality. Something that's highly unlikely if said characters are characters that have been dumbed down to just sex objects.
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