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Something I've noticed

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Avis, Sep 16, 2014.


What's your experience with the mods?

  1. I approached a mod about an issue and they discussed it with me in a civil manner

  2. I approached a mod about an issue and they did not discuss it with me

  3. I haven't approached a mod because I don't think anything would happen

  4. I don't really have any issues or concerns with the mods, and as such never approached them

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Narfball

    Narfball narfball

    Dec 22, 2013
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    Please note the highlighted red area.

    Okay, so. Being biased? Bad, that's already an icky start and a slippery slope to be on. Now as for the people who adjusted their applications and haven't caused problems, that's great, glad to hear it, but is it relevant information? If so, how relevant is it? Also, to make mention of someone who got perma'd, Edvyn. Let's say he got help on his app, not saying he did, or did not, just for example, say he did. The guy's got a competent understanding of what RP is and how to do it, I'll give the devil his dues. But he's rude OOC and just chose to not convey that on his app, I'd assume so. Point is, he's proven himself to be trouble. Apps aren't just a check of RP ability, but also a check of character right from the get-go. At least that's how I perceive them.
  2. DirtyGoblin

    DirtyGoblin Guest

    Typically the dickish ones make themselves known when you point out the issues with their app.
  3. Kazyyk

    Kazyyk Administrator

    Dec 16, 2013
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    This would be correct. It's a judgment of the applicant, not necessarily their character. (Although characters are expected to adhere to the CoC, and asked for permission to use if they seem like they might be unbalanced, unusual, or otherwise in a grey area)

    At the end of the day, it's up to the individual Moderator/Reviewer if they want to help an applicant or not. If an applicant seems like a good person and is just rough around the edges with his/her RP skills, they can help them. If an applicant seems like an out-of-the-left field powergamer with little-to-no roleplay experience, then that's more than we're willing to assist with. Some basic roleplay understanding is a requirement for being a part of this community.

    Since we get all flavors of applicants, it's impossible to set any one standard. It's generally left up to the Moderator/Reviewer and how they feel about the application, alongside a basic checklist of what to look for and to make sure that it stays within our Code of Conduct. Reviewing applications is (should be) a personal experience, it's like giving good customer service but knowing when to help and when to deny. There's no clear cut algorithm for deciding these things, which is why I'm rather picky about who I let be a Reviewer.
  4. TAP123

    TAP123 New Member

    Jan 5, 2014
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    It can be assumed that a 'mod-hate' phase is occuring. I know I've made some noise and other individuals have, but that's not a necessarily a good point to make.


    Like it was mentioned, talk with the moderators is important. It helps alleviate drama when drama would build up in public displays. However what I think is important to consider, and I plan on making a post on this, is that the feeling of open-mindedness with communicating with people exist. It can be really easy for people to freak out when they perceive the moderators as biased close minded rule enforcers, and because of insecurities and worries the perception people adopt could lead to negative thoughts about the moderators and thus make things more dramatic or difficult to manage on the server when people get dramatic.

    One thing that's difficult to control is the public, how people talk about who's in charge. Literally there have been occasions where people challenge authority because of their negative view of the people in charge. One thing that would help with this is besides being official and following a code of behavior, that respect towards individuals exist. Sometimes simple conversation with the playerbase beyond announcements or sticking to cliques moderators are directly involved in could possibly alleviate people's fears.

    I can't speak too much because I've been a nasty brat myself. But if we can go about solving problems without the idea of having someone at fault for the server's problems, the community could improve because of it.

    It is really easier said than done. This server has been a learning process of trial and error, for all of us, in how we roleplay and deal with each other oocly.
  5. Narfball

    Narfball narfball

    Dec 22, 2013
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    Please note the highlighted red word.

    Typically, not always. Say they get in, you help them and whatnot, then they turn out to be a mean man. Examples being people utilizing passive aggressive wording -- as it's just a matter of perspective.
  6. Burnsalan20

    Burnsalan20 New Member

    Aug 9, 2014
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    I do agree with why the moderator did not want to help me beyond the point of "Your missing things." Because I did eventually find out what I was missing. But the moderator did not need to insult my intelligence the way he did. (Im going to admit now that Im a bit "slow" when it comes to reading and righting. And sometimes my brain does not pick up every sentence that is written. It does not mean that im a horrible roleplayer because ive been doing it for years, and never has it interfered with it at all.)

    With that said, im in no way against the moderator or any other staff on this server so please don't take it as if I am.
    And Im going to back out of this thread now because I did not mean to change the subject.
  7. Kazyyk

    Kazyyk Administrator

    Dec 16, 2013
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    If this kind of stuff keeps happening to you, please speak up about it.
    I can't fix problems if I don't know they exist.