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Need Doctor.

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Smokestack, Sep 12, 2014.

  1. Smokestack

    Smokestack Bird man with a bird plan

    Aug 14, 2014
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    "I need a doctor. I have intense radiation poisoning and polluted lungs from my old Uranium/coal powered engine. Operated it for 10 years. Don't think it's good for my health now and upgraded. Now I'm feeling weak and coughs are heavier and more frequent. Had to carry oxygen in a tank with a plastic mask. Switched to permanent respirator.

    Looking for a doctor to do advanced organ transplant with high credentials. Lungs. Or replace it with artificial lungs. Would want diagnosis, life expectancy, and treatment information. Preferably long life expectancy. Still want to meet lady birds.

    Other than surgery, I would want to meet lady birds.

    Would pay for surgery and lady birds. Can pay any price."

    View attachment 2384
    "Sorry. I was coughing." Picture shows relatively dirty Avian. His face is blackened and grayed by random splotches of old oil and soot stains. His arm is raised to contain a cough. "I'm not too clean, but treat lady birds with kindness. Would like surgery to continue living a good life. I say I'm a charmer."

    Attached Files:

  2. Arcticil

    Arcticil Toxic Top Soldier

    Apr 17, 2014
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    //ID: clownbuster123@snotmail.com\\

    im an expert at voodoo magic does that count? i can shriek unga bunga and do dances around you until you get better


  3. skipi

    skipi New Member

    Jun 17, 2014
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  4. Twitch

    Twitch Wayward Star

    Dec 17, 2013
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    If you have actually spent ten years exposed to coal burning from an engine as well as uranium, organ transplants aren't going to do a whole hell of a lot for you. I mean... go for it, but consult someone about a will if you have any family or friends.
  5. Smokestack

    Smokestack Bird man with a bird plan

    Aug 14, 2014
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    "Should have specified. Contact with uranium is low. Only contact with radiation at times were for emergency repairs on engine. Typical radiation dosages were between 0-500 rems. Ship runs mostly on coal. Fumes are vented throughout ship. A design flaw from my youth fixing the ship. Will search for doctor myself, then."
  6. Felonious

    Felonious Restart Monkey

    Apr 28, 2014
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    >>> User:AvosApothecary
    >>>Subject: RE: Need Doctor
    >>>Begin Public Message

    I can help with treatment, but for such a procedure I do not have the talents. If you need medicine for breathing issues, then perhaps I can do something. Perhaps seek out the hospital staff at Alioth? They have expansive facilities.

    Edit: I do not sell medicines to Grounded Avians.
    >>>End Public Message
  7. The Grand Mugwump

    Dec 29, 2013
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    I'm certain we could do something for you at Alioth's hospital. Contact me in private if you're interested.

    Dr. Mizu Suimaa
  8. Toadkid1234

    Toadkid1234 New Member

    Jan 28, 2014
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    ((I love how science is entirely disregarded. You cant 'burn' coal and uranium in the same damned engine, and coals energy yield sucks for a spaceship. Just sayin.))
    That ventilation problem is indeed problematic. I'm surprised your on-board life support system hasn't been destroyed by the exhaust. I can fix that for you relatively easily, I'm a professional starship design engineer.

    -Ray Beluga
  9. Smokestack

    Smokestack Bird man with a bird plan

    Aug 14, 2014
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    ((You can attack my lack of knowledge on nuclear physics, engineering, and science-fiction ship design. But you can never take away my fantasy! Plus the uranium-coal engine is based on what I actually put into fueling the ship. I like to have reasons for using what I use. If I have to BS then so be it. Could be that I use uranium in a different segment of the engine designated as a boiling water reactor and that I use coal to maintain and build up electricity for the ship itself. Who knows.))

    "Ship isn't the problem anymore. I scrapped the rust-bucket and have a new ship called the Stinger running solely on solarium rods. Much safer with little contact. I can run my own repairs. Been doing so since I was a baby bird."