My ships' trashed. No fuel, fuel tank's busted, no engines, and no nav systems. Helluva job here. Also needs new interior plating. Hopefully a white metallic color. I also need a full tank o' gas. Anything'll do. Also, if at all possible, I need a furnishing company to provide a few things, like a few shelves. Only respond if you got somethin'. I ain't havin' no shitposts. -Seaguard
Inform. I once had a similar problem, I had friends then. Statement. I suppose I can assist, though it took me quite a long time to figure out what I was doing to put together my ship. Query. How much money do we have to work with, should I be willing to accept your offer, friend? -THE_END_IS_NEVER
I got 6 voxels left. Only thing the florans left on my ship other than essentials. Would that be enough? -Seaguard
Sorrowful. Sadly not, for ship repair of large scale. Suggestion. You could always try to afford subpar parts at discount prices. Statement. I'd be willing to help, even if you did not have the parts, though. Annoyed. Cut that out. -THE_END_IS_NEVER
I'd be happy to offer my help regarding the engineering and maintenance. You may need to find somebody else for the furniture, however. Once you return, I'd be happy to sit down and discuss a price with you, if you have the time. - Vivian
I offer my services, Seaguard, as I am likely the one who designed your ship. If it is alright with Miss Vivian I will take care of it. I would like to speak with you in person as well, in particular regarding the events leading up to the damage of the vessel. Also, hello again. -Ray Beluga
Hello, Admiral. Seems good. Also, just to warn, on my ship, the everything is broken. And also, I'm orbiting NC at all times. -Seaguard