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Lilian's Journal

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Vera, Sep 1, 2014.

  1. Vera

    Vera New Member

    Jun 20, 2014
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    (( Before you ask, Lilian is not a character in the Frontier yet. The reason being, is that Lilian is a Novakid, and has not came to the frontier yet, since Novakids have yet to be released. I will just be giving teasers about her goals and a little bit of adventures before arriving to the frontier. For those who read this, I hope they enjoy. ))

    These journal entries are IC, but they can not be read by anyone, given she is not in the frontier yet. You can't read something that's not there. It will be a solid object when she arrives though.

    Journal Entry 001: The Gift
    I met someone not of my species today, got to askin' me some questions that I could hardly answer because well, t' be honest, I haven't really took the interest t' study my own. We seem t' all be the same, but then again that colorful feathery fella might not have known as much as I do. Tried cracking some jokes with him, but he seemed to stop me on a few of them. Never really knew someone could be so held in like that. He gave me this journal t' keep my thoughts in. Not t' sure if I keep this up for t' terribly long, seems awfully borin', but it does give me somethin' t' do as my ship sails across the stars. Sadly can't be everywhere in a blink of an eye.

    Next stop is some place called, the Nerolebula Sector. The clues seem t' lead me there of where this treasure may be at. Heh, must be pretty if all my closer friends told me about it before the shoot out back in the Kelion Sector, but I gotta keep my boots movin' if I wanna find this thing they told me about. I'm not t' sure where it is exactly, but it did give me roughly where I need t' go. That's fine, if it's not there, then I have no reason bein' in that sector and I'll move right along.

    Welp, the engine seems t' be coolin' and stars are slowin' down. Time t' go down and look around a bit. Maybe I'll write again, depends if I want t' or not.
  2. Vera

    Vera New Member

    Jun 20, 2014
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    Journal Entry 002: The Ruins

    Now, back there on that planet I was on, some strange shit was there, and I don't mean normal strange. There's a line between typical everyday strange in the universe versus the strange you see once in a blue moon in the universe. I tell ya, it's somethin' else actually tryin' t' track down this treasure. At first I thought it would have been some, old folk legend that they were tellin' me, but I don't think they'd 'ave took the time t' set this up for me, especially since their gone now.

    I found some ruins were the last clues told me t' go. I didn't really notice it until I tripped over somethin' and didn't know that the heck it was. So I dug up a bit of it just to nearly fall int' a large hole in the top of these ruins! I'm glad that fuckin' tree was nearby, or else I might have been a goner. Went back t' get some rope and went down there and I found this door. Seems t' be a puzzle on it, and I tell ya one thing, if there's one thing I hate more than studyin', it's motha fuckin' puzzles. I would just leave it alone, but every time I look down at those holo recordings of them telling me the stories.. the more I think I have t'. I'm gonna rest my head on this a bit...
  3. Vera

    Vera New Member

    Jun 20, 2014
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    Journal Entry 003

    You know, it has been quite some time ever since I saw this journal. I've been up to lots of things, and I forgot about this thing until I saw it on my shelf with some dust on it. Ahh well, a little dust won't hurt it I suppose. Apparently the last thing I wrote about was those dang ruins I had trouble with. Yea, it was a bit of a toughie, but I eventually got it and found myself inside of a chamber. I remember bein' sooo pissed that I possibly found nothing since there was nothin' in there I could pick up. Well, that changed when I looked at the walls. I dunno why people seemed t' draw on walls back in the day, it seemed to much work... unless they didn't know what papers was.

    Anywho, I looked at there wall, and it was interestin' what I saw. IT seemed t' be a starmap written on a wall, and rightn ow I'm sort of thinkin' at the moment... How the hell do you know how to navigate through the stars, but you don't know how t' use a damned pen and paper? It took me a little while to get all of that map into an actual device that my ship could actually use. I remember someone I know makin' one, so I just, tried to make one on what I saw her do. Given, not just like hers, still works like a charm.

    Met an interestin' little fellow the other day, all plant like and what not. He asked me what I tasted like, an' I thought he was tryin' t' hit on me... But then realized he was being serious when he tried to bite me... Crazy ass plant thing tryin' t' bite me, I don't think so...