Technically black holes aren't black, they are infinitely small and thus would be impossible to view. However, we must respect people and astronomical objects of all races.
I would like a server reset. Give a chance for people to make new factions, not have clicks the same way we do now, and allow the much wider community that it was at the beginning to reset.
Hush. I know this is a joke. My post was a joke about people taking the thread seriously (you know who I mean).
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Indeed. I say, as part of when the universe gets updated to remove sectors, and there is likely one last huge wipe [hopefully last] Then we could do something like this. No point in doing it before really, since it will be an uneeded mass wipe.
Mass-extinctionwise, there are scientifically legitimate way to explain the annihlation of a sector in a short period, even years, because of the lightyears of distance between stars. One way this could happen is another galaxy, parallel to ours, collides, wreaking havoc on all systems in the galactic plane. (even this is sketchy cuz galaxies can pass right each other unharmed cuz of the massive amounts of empty space) We could do a Mass Effect thing where a race of super OP aliens comes and murders us all. Could also be a huge spacetime fluctuation which plucks with the entire galaxy (cuz spacetime fluctuations and gravity waves may travel faster than light) Maybe a series of high yield supernovae happen at once, possibly because they are all stars birthed at about the same time and have very similar stellar lives. The supernovae would obliterate planets in the system, while the radiation would kill other life forms in nearby stellar neighborhoods not protected by radiation-resistant bunkers or the like. This is just speculation for a possible future wipe/reboot event, should it happen.
(You guys know there's save files for the planets so when the update/wipe happens it's not going to permanently delete all the things.) View attachment 2316
If this is something in serious consideration for the sector update; Rogue Black Holes, Gamma Ray Bursts, and a few other fun destructive anomalies tuning around space that could wipe us out before you finish reading this sentence. ((take a look at the scientific authority of Cracked for an easy read; )) Detecting an event like this before hand, so evacuations of the sector may begin. OOCly this provides players the choice of character life/death, and provides a nice IC reason why everything we've built suddenly went *poof* Maybe in the aftermath, as survivors and new comers come flooding back, someone uncovered a star-gate or something too.
Yeah but none of them could wipe out an entire sector, which is a lot of star systems (try surfing the sector map, its no fun). No conventional astronomical happening could be cause for that. BUT IDC CUZ PLANETS ARE SAVED I GUESS
Perhaps there could be large ships which are overcrowded because most of the current ships are relatively short range and wouldn't be able to make it out of the sector, thus there could be mass hysteria and fun to be had.