It's pretty much what the title says. I need a volcano (with lava!!), and it has to be large enough to have a smallish castle on the right side of it. The castle should be made of dark stone, kinda spartan in decor, and should have these three areas extremely fortified: the gatehouse, the gate, and the throne room ( which should be at the back of the castle ).
(( Please keep all OOC comments in Brackets "(( ))", "[[ ]]" when under an IC thread. I say this, because due to the recent influx and then disappearance of the LARPers, when you post "for RP reasons" and it looks like an IC message, people may take your character as saying it. =P ))
There is no logical reasoning supporting such an establishment, unless you are both flamboyant and suicidal and wish to 'go out with a bang'. I presume you get such a premise as a volcano base from media, in which case it is used for dramatic effect because of the treacherous setting. This will only be a waste of money, resources, and the lives of the occupants of the castle, presumed to include yourself. I advise you choose a different location to set up your fortress, preferably a less explosive one. -Ray Beluga ((not entirely sure if you wanted this to be an OOC or IC thread.))
Statement: An active volcano would be dangerous and lethal. Derisive: You ought to get your head checked. Pondering: Well, unless you want to invite your enemies there and leave them unaware that the castle will be destroyed the second the volcano goes off. - Evelyn
(( this character who is buying the castle is all of the above. Also, a castle on a volcano is pretty epic, you have to admit.))
(( who said anything about an active volcano? it just needs lava.)) How dare you insult me, you Glitch scum!
((Keep the OOC to a minimum. We are speaking ICly, not OOCly, so you should not try to apologize for your character OOC. (Believe it or not, that's actually a form of metagaming).)) *Voice to text chat* Ya lookin' ta go ka-blooey? Anyways, how tha fugg're you gonna pay fer that? Ain't that gonna be like 50,000,000 pixels? -RustySwagger
[[ Just to let you know, along with what Avis said, any volcano with lava is considered active, as lava is magma that has reached the surface. ]] Informative: An active volcano is a volcano that has had at least one eruption during the past 10,000 years. An active volcano might be erupting or dormant. An erupting volcano is an active volcano that is having an eruption... A dormant volcano is an active volcano that is not erupting, but supposed to erupt again. An extinct volcano has not had an eruption for at least 10,000 years and is not expected to erupt again in a comparable time scale of the future. Statement: Any volcano with lava in it in is likely to be active, if dormant. Derisive: So any volcano you'd go to would be likely to erupt again at some point in the near future. Insulting: You should not be in this market if you're that suicidal. - Evelyn