Hello, StarNet! I am Aerdem Sunwing, a junior researcher from the Applied Interspecies Science Institute. I have written a paper entitled Mechanical Misconceptions: Addressing Oversimplification of the Glitch Race with Configurational Classification, to propose a new way of thinking about the Glitch race. To discuss ongoing studies, past results, and how we should approach the Glitch in the future, please feel free to attend the conference. If you have hands-on scientific experience, please contact me, as I am looking for speakers to participate in the event. Feel free to ask me any questions you may have about the conference, but please keep your questions and comments on the contents of the paper for the open question portion of the event. Thank you, -Aerdem Event Information Current Speakers: Aerdem Sunwing Doctor Cyl Doctor Rakael Kong more to come—and anyone is free to watch and participate in Q&A Location: 2K club, 1000 1000 Gamma Alula 18-IV Time: (( Wednesday 22:00 EST )) Paper: Mechanical Misconceptions: Addressing Oversimplification of the Glitch Race with Configurational Classification (( OOC information about paper, expectations for event: http://community.playstarboundrp.com/threads/event-scientific-summit-on-glitch-research.6072 ))
A whole meeting on ro-butts sounds lame. ((Klant)) ((also good job putting in the effort to write that whole paper.))
Heyo cat, ((excellent fucking job on that paper, my immersion level just went through the roof )) Four-Cat is wondering if he could schedule some time with you for an interview, and maybe perhaps get you to come on his radio show for a few words. It's a very interesting paper and I'd love to get some direct statements from you regarding it, as well as just some general information, backgrounds, all that jazz. -- Four-Cat, your favorite voice among the stars, broadcasting from New Chicago on 103.7 the WAZ
Hello, Mr. Four-Cat! The interview sounds like a wonderful idea, I'd be more than willing to share some answers or information on your show. I'll contact you when I've returned to the frontier. -Aerdem (( I'll be on Tuesday around 23:00 EST ))
((Alright, just message me specifics if you need. My broadcast station is on New Chicago)) Why thank you, cat. Can't wait to get you on the show.
Heyo cats, here's the interview this cat had with good ol' Four-Cat earlier. Check it out, especially if you're still on the fence about coming! *an audio file is attached* *The following was recorded using a typical voice recorder, and posted as audio to the StarNet* 4: Heyo cat, if you'd start by giving us your name and telling us about the event you have planned for tomorrow. A: Hello, I'm Aerdem Sunwing of the Applied Interspecies Science Institute, or AISI. I have organized a public scientific conference with the goal of introducing a new way of thinking about the Glitch race! Thanks for having me on. 4: Oh it's Four-Cat's pleasure. Would you mind enlightening all of those cats out there that haven't read your paper yet about what your new way is? A: Well, everyone comes in different shapes and sizes, but it seems that the Glitch can differ from each other in ways completely foreign to biological species: for instance, we might have different skin colors, but what about different having shells that could be made of different materials entirely? That's why I've proposed three main categories classifications to better understand our metal friends: physical systems—that is, their internals including locomotive and brain parts, mental structure—that is, the psychological manifestations of their minds, and societal organization, which refers to the societies that arise as a result of different amounts of networking between glitch. 4: That is truly interesting, cat! It seems as if you've been able to compare Glitch anatomy and thought process to that of other living sentients! What should those attending your seminar be expecting to take place? Obviously, your talk about this, but are there any guest speakers, other parts of the event, etc? A: There will be an explanation of the main points and goals of the paper, with more speculation on what specifics can be expected to arrise in the future. I'll have several speakers with pertinent knowledge present, and we will have a roundtable discussion of sorts, and then an open Q and A session where the speakers and myself will help satiate any inquiries that might arise in the process of the event. 4: When and where is this wonderful speech going to take place, cat? A: The conference will be held at the 2K club, located at 1000 1000 Alula 18-IV, in the Antares-delta sector, tomorrow night. [22:00 EST Wednesday] 4: Alright, cat! Sounds perfect. While I was over, you had some food stuffs layed out, along with some wine, and let me tell you, it was all fantastic! Will you be offering refreshments for your guests? A: Absolutely, in fact, there may even be an after-party of sorts where we dig into the good stuff down in the cellar. *chuckle* All complimentary. Food and refreshments will be managed by the staff of the Code Blue club of New Chicago. 4: Any final words for the interview, cat? A: Well, if you want to have a grand time, good food, interesting discussion, and really learn to appreciate our metal neighbors, please, consider yourself invited to the event, and feel free to attend. Thank you. 4: And that'll do it for our interview with Mr. Aerdem Sunwing. Hope all you cats out there had a great time listening, and we hope to see you at the seminar tomorrow. This has been Four-Cat, on 103.7, the WAZ *The recording ends with a click as the device used is shut off*
Thank you to everyone who attended, and remember to contact me if you have any questions, want to talk, or want to share a glass of wine. Thanks again, -Aerdem