I sent in my application a couple days ago, thought I'd introduce myself as that gets processed. Hi. I'm Nioki. I'm a guy who has taken part in IRC based RP for several years now, but this is my first time going for video game based RP. Starbound just really seems like a perfect game for it. Gotta love a good space adventure. I like writing, gaming, and listening to music. Which usually means that I try to make myself write, I wind up gaming, and during that time I have multiple songs stuck in my head. I enjoy searching for character theme songs, so if anyone likes sharing those, let's do so. Nice to meet you all.
I'm in. My character is Meriweather, an Apex explorer in a vivid green jacket. Once I get a firm handle on how things work, I'll look to get involved with the RP. See you all soon!
Hello and welcome to Server Antares. We'll be taking your sanity along with your innocence now. Jk. Welcome to the Par-tay.