- Posted by Defiance - So, your wondering what Atlicity is. Atlicity is a brand new, well, colony. But, there are plenty of colonies! So, what makes Atlicity so special? Its literally brand new. The place is rather clean, compared to other colonies that seem to prefer to have their citizens live in a dump. Not sure why. Then their are other colonies that are clean too, except outdated. Such as making buildings look somewhat medieval in design, or prehistoric for that matter. Where are all the colonies that are with the times? This is the 25th century, after all. Well, that's what Atlicity is for. Its design in that of what you would expect of a city in this era. Though, as we all know, photos can express a 1000 words, or something like that. In fact, you may have even looked at them first before reading the info. This is the initial point where you beam down. Not much to see here, but there's more to it. Main Buildings left to spawn: (In order) The Bar: Go here if you want drinks and stuff. Main Buildings right to spawn: (In order) The Hospital: Feeling ill? Might just be the perfect place to go. Arcade: Just want to chill and play some games? Then the Arcade is for you. The Library: Lots of books to read here. Might finish them all in your lifetime. The Park: Just need a place to breathe? Or feel like being trapped in a dome? Then your going to the park There is also a Unirail System underneath spawn, but we all know what that looks like unless your interesting in seeing a ongoing rail. "I'm interested! Where do I go?" Is what you might be thinking. Luckily, I have the answer to that. You might as well check it out. See you there.
- Defiance - Who? (( Quick info: This was built a long time ago, not by Defiance, because Avalon kept crashing and such, but only recently have I finished it up. Decided to keep the initial look. ))