Now, by now I'm sure most of you have RPed with or at least heard of RPs concerning the character I've had as my main throughout my time on the server. I am talking, of course, of 'Bang-O' Durango Jackson, traveling Apex master fry cook and gunslinger. At times I've been told that his brand of grease-soaked street justice has far overstepped the boundaries of what is considered acceptable for the server, yet others have told me that he's one of the better-played characters on the server. I'd like to hear your thoughts on Durango. Too edgy? Not edgy enough? More ERP potential?
get yourself a "P-8" modification. oh you know what i'm talkin bout mmm dasrite Badstar I love everything about you in-character and mostly out-of-character; I just hope you don't get yourself banned for being a jerkface. D:
Gun was raw inside. (This is totally what I was talking about when I said these would stop being taken seriously. But at the same time, I made one too. Q_Q)