Sir Nevs - Here I believed the order was honorable! Sorely, I am mistaken. Allied with a barbaric tribe! Have they no shame? They did not challenge this man to honor battle! Simply those scoundrels at wolves den locked this man away without even being allowed to fight! I spit on the Order and Taranis, they are un honorable cesspools in my visual recepticals now.
This still open? Wound up visiting that shit pool New Chicago recently. --Feels a little too much like home. I wouldn't mind doing a public service so long as the ICIA doesn't jump down my throat. (Which I guarantee they will.) Hate doing the PR song and dance. Just do me a favor and have my bail along with that, or something. -Dillon Pierce
Ha, alright. Some complications arose when looking into this anyway. Would've been amusing if the dead man had a dead drop for his grudge though. Oh well. Thanks for the head's up. -Dillon Pierce
#Message from: awww this got my hopes up i've always wanted to go after the queen weed. Would anyone pay us if we did it anyway?
If sssomeone triess to kill SharpTooth, Ailanthuss tribe won't resst untill killer and accomplicess are brutally and vicioussly murdered. Iss warned. ~Nightshade
#Message from: well now we definitely wanna do it. Prepare yourself, weeds, were comin' to getcha > : ) Ordering flamethrowers now, - Shanks
Amused. It's interesting what people will do at the slightest mention of being paid fiat currency. Suggesting. Get half of the profit upfront before you actually go through with killing the,. -Margrave Raoul B217
#Message from: yo' B, we already got a private buyer. Plus this is partly for kicks anyway : ))
*Hans* Um, could you not maybe? I mean, she's not all bad, she kept me from going crazy and stuff. You know what, I bet, if you saw her and just acted polite and didn't try to kill her, she wouldn't be so bad.
Y'know, even without provocation, she's a bitch and tends to eat people. Source: The fucking Starnet, do some research. - Germany
Well... I sorta understand that... But that doesn't mean she's beyond saving, not at all. I mean, no one is hopeless. And I know she's at least trying to get better, so I'm going to keep being optimistic.
i will pay the 25000 pixels viiker promised (before he died ) to whoever murderizes sharptooth and brings proof of said murderizing - Not_Viiker
((Yes, humans do copulate with other humans and sometimes refer to "Jesus" in an ecstatic tone, as well as shouting things like "Oh God" or "Yes yes" to express joy during the copulation. Your statement is true.))
Plenty of people are beyond saving. Just because you like someone does not mean that they are a good person. Indeed often times bad people have loved ones that are, for lack of a better term, naively infatuated with them. Simply because you enjoy the presence of someone, doesn't mean they are not a horrifying abomination responsible for the murder and suffering of others. Then again. What do I know? -Socialengineer
*Hans* I'm sorry, but I can't believe what you said. I refuse to think that anyone is beyond saving. Isn't that the reason you all cling so fiercely to your free will? So you can choose how you live your life? Well, if you really can manage all that responsibility, I think you have the power to change for the better, no matter how far you've gone. Otherwise, society out here would have collapsed from all you free people not doing the right thing.