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Self Doubting time! Sharptooth. OOC likeable or completely hated?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Switchback, Aug 7, 2014.

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  1. Edvyn

    Edvyn Permanently Banned

    Mar 14, 2014
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    let's compare that number, eight, to the people defending sharptooth/gramps
  2. mpsemp

    mpsemp New Member

    Jul 21, 2014
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    hey want to hear a joke

    why was six afraid of seven

    because seven was a bad rper
  3. DirtyGoblin

    DirtyGoblin Guest

    .....I'm done. I'm not posting anything or reading this thread, until I wake up. That joke, killed me.
    My god. XD
  4. Tomwell1

    Tomwell1 New Member

    Apr 6, 2014
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    That is comedy gold. Anywhere on this fourm, that would be funny.
  5. GuardianPotato

    GuardianPotato New Member

    Feb 24, 2014
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    I would like to say, from what I've read. Almost all of you here, are to put it bluntly, assholes. That wont mean much to you. Why? Because you're assholes, you don't care what I have to say. But I'm gonna say it anyways. This thread, may be nearly/half of all the hate on this server, condensed into one thread. As for all of the shit about him ERPing, abusing consent rule, etc etc. All but abusing consent rule and voiding are IC shit, that she has legit IC reasons for. So keep that in mind please. Now my time is short, so I'll be reading whats after this later, and posting more in about 9 hours.
  6. Chronicle

    Chronicle nobody knows why he's still here

    Dec 17, 2013
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    Okay, so, I only got to page 3 before this 6 page thread became a 7 page thread. In the interest of actually getting to post in this at some point I'm going to post without reading the last couple pages of this. I will go back to read them afterwards.

    I'll try to be constructive and, in general, no more insulting than is absolutely necessary. I will be honest, though.

    This is why I do not like Sharptooth OOCly:
    Please don't say that you don't hide behind the consent thing, Gramps, because you do. Literally just this evening, you told someone on galaxy radio to "Come and put me down, then." We then asked you if you consented to death if we took you up on it, to which you replied, very plainly, "(no".

    I really dislike when people do this.

    We have the consent rule for a reason, and that is to protect people from powergaming or unnecessary/undeserved violence. I am, personally, someone who has used the consent rule to avoid the possibility of death. I've used it one time: When Wren had a misunderstanding with the Armored Wolves, and they asked what I consented to. Since I had not committed any harm to them (he had unintentionally trespassed), I stated I did not consent to death. I did not feel at all bad about this because Wren is a pacifist. He's designed to be pretty normal. Surprisingly, he doesn't want to kill or maim anybody, and even if he did, he'd probably chicken out. (Hah, puns.) I do not mind using the consent rule because I have and probably will never ask someone to die at the hands of my character.

    That said, if there is a legitimate reason someone wants my character dead, and they manage to get him in a tight spot? I would actually consider it. But that's another story. Point is, I believe very much in what mpsemp said. Expect others to do unto you as you would do unto them. I have never minded people using the consent rule when they didn't actually do anything to put themselves in a fatal position. (Example: Someone got randomly shot in the head by a murderer, then asked to void the death because of consent. I did not mind them doing this at all. I encouraged it, even.)

    TL;DR: My problem with Sharptooth is that she constantly antagonizes people and puts herself in very deadly, life-threatening situations, but cannot die because you OOCly do and will not consent to death. If you didn't do that, I wouldn't mind. And if you consented to the risks that your actions put on you, I wouldn't mind. But the combination of intentionally antagonizing people and asking them to come kill you, then OOCly saying they cannot kill you, is really bloody disrespectful and rude.

    And that, is why I dislike Sharptooth. My characters barely care about her. Chronicle's never heard of her, and Wren just dislikes her as much as any Floran. ICly, I could care less. I don't even mind your RP on them on its own. But the combination of that with the OOC mindset is, to put it plainly, an absolute pain in the neck to deal with.

    Please take this criticism constructively, as literally everyone in the world can improve if they want to. You just have to want to.

    For your sake and ours, please, want to.
  7. mpsemp

    mpsemp New Member

    Jul 21, 2014
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    Game, set, and match.
  8. Keycross

    Keycross -Insert title here-

    Mar 31, 2014
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    Compiled the best posts into one for interested reader's convenience.
  9. mpsemp

    mpsemp New Member

    Jul 21, 2014
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    After all, if nobody gives enough of a shit to provide proof just because you're begging for it like a needy puppy, it obviously must be untrue.
  10. Terallis

    Terallis Dark Matter of Fact

    Dec 18, 2013
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    Chronicle probably has one of the best posts in this thread, but I'll go ahead and put in my own two cents.

    While most of this thread has, indeed, come across as very dickish, the underlying points that have been brought up are very true and are the primary cause of all the hate. The biggest issues I've seen are as follows:

    Problem: Failing to give OOC consent to any form of death, despite situations that would likely lead to death ten times over.
    Solution: Don't be so openly antagonistic and think about your actions before doing them. As has already been brought up, do unto others as you'd expect them to do in return. Now, the galaxy isn't made up solely of good-aligned characters. However, as I stated, be smart about antagonistic actions. If you are playing a powerful warlord that maims and murders people, that's fine. But you need to think about everything you are getting into and expect equal retaliation. Playing an antagonist like this is probably the most difficult type as it invites a lot of hate, primarily IC, but sometimes OOC as well. You need to realize your situation and know that the character is a position where they could very easily suffer death or worse at the hands of their enemies.

    Problem: Reputation of constant ERP.
    Solution: For starters, ERP is bannable on the server as you very well know. However, in situations like this, it's simple to just fade-to-black and allow the aftermath to unfold. There really isn't any reason to go into excessive detail about that sort of thing. However, even with bringing it to Steam, it appears that this situation itself has become an issue. The solution for that would just simply be to tone the "Harem" bit down quite a bit.

    Problem: Voiding everything that doesn't go your way/ that you don't like.
    Solution: Simply go with the flow. While there are things that make sense to void (Very few, though. Such as if someone else is godmodding something or similar.) it is generally hated by everyone. Bad experiences are a huge part of character development. To void every bad thing that happens would cause the character to become very stale as a whole. And that's exactly what has happened. Not to mention the fact that voiding also falls under "godmodding", essentially. I know this because we had talked about it while I was still on the moderation team.

    Problem: Making threads that ask people's honest opinions and then do nothing but avoid the criticism and instead focus on justifying all the bad things that are brought up.
    Solution: Take people's opinions. Bad or good. It's not difficult and it shows you what can be improved upon, as well as things that are good enough to stay as is. Just listen to what people have to say. Even though some opinions may sound very dickish, just try to look at the point of it. Overall, while the person may not be polite about it, they are still expressing their opinion. Opinions are a good thing in this regard.

    Problem: Being far too serious about trivial matters. (This being more related to the pen incident as a prime example.)
    Solution: Just lay back and let some jokes go through. I saw the logs for that pen incident and it was honestly just lighthearted fun by what I could tell. RP like that is refreshing at times. Even if you're playing a super serious character, there's always room for humour. Without it, RP can go very stale, very fast. Just let it happen. There's no need to get so angry and want to void stuff like that.

    Now, while there still hasn't been true proof posted for some of this, as bad as it sounds, I don't think it's much needed at this point. I can state that I saw more than my fair share of logs that easily prove most of these points while I was on the mod team. Mind you, I also don't have access to said logs anymore, and given how much conversation happens each day, finding the logs for the actual proof is worse than trying to find a needle in a barn-sized haystack.

    In the end, though, I'd also very much like to push for a change to the consent rule. While we could all, honestly, believe that the honour system can work, experience over a very long time has shown otherwise. I very strongly think that this alteration to the rule is needed above anything at this point. I also know that it was even being discussed before I left the staff, but I don't really know if it's been touched on any further.

    By entering into a situation where you ask consent to kill someone, this also means giving the same consent in return. No questions asked.
  11. Switchback

    Switchback Iss likess fissh eyess~!

    Jan 3, 2014
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    I was advised to not start a war with the fleet by dreg, john, franz... many people. what the fuck do you expect me to do?
    I hear what youre saying. i'd like to point out that i've only asked to kill roughly two people. one of them said yes. the other said no. everything else i've done? was merely hurting characters. i know for one how its like to not want to lose a character. I'm apparently living it everyday.

    The harem? So sharp has many mates.. so what? if you have logs of me ERPing in server asiding that one time with storm? please show me. other then that i will say I have taken almost if not all descriptive sex scenes to STEAM where the mod team is fine with it.

    Again, with the Pen incident. Skarti was deliberately fucking with me, i know that for a FACT.

    Playing the antagonist and not consenting to death? fine. i admit i don't consent to death and i do it often. but there are many other players out there who should be dead by name that aren't. and to the fact that Sen and Fire haven't been seen around recently? I'm assuming fire drinker left and Sen i saw he was on earlier when he asked for OOC consent to death. so dont give me that bullshit. Gunderic too. he causes trouble wherever he goes yet he hasn't been killed...

    about the voiding? I still wish to see logs of me in situations where i void 'everything i don't like' until then? the only thing i've voided and have agreed to voiding was stupid shit and general nuisances that don't forward rp at all.
  12. Chronicle

    Chronicle nobody knows why he's still here

    Dec 17, 2013
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    Gramps, with all due respect: If you didn't come here for constructive criticism, please go to bed or RP or something. The back-and-forth is getting nowhere. If you just came here to justify your actions, please save us all some time (and yourself some stress) and go do something else.

    These are just the honest opinions and observations that people have, and they're clearly pretty bloody strong. Your only defensive statements so far are "this was justified" or "you have no proof". And the problem is: If you're looking for criticisms and honest opinions, you shouldn't even have defensive statements at all.

    That kind of defeats the point.
    #132 Chronicle, Aug 7, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 7, 2014
  13. Finestein Goodlad

    Finestein Goodlad Wizard Mod

    Mar 27, 2014
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    One of the times when Gunderic actually got to wound somebody badly was when he had a DUEL with John. But John pretty much shrugged that away and got fine the next hour. So whatever. Gunderic mostly causes loud noises and sometimes brawls. He got in trouble for that many times, too. And I, as a player, accepted it and went with it (being kicked out of places, jailed and so on). If you cause trouble, expect trouble.

    But hey look at you pointing fingers at others again.
  14. Terallis

    Terallis Dark Matter of Fact

    Dec 18, 2013
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    I have to agree with this. I had hoped the way that I put my own opinion and criticism out there would have worked. However, all I'm really seeing is a lack of proper acknowledgement and will to improve based on others' opinions. There are dickish posts and then there are very well worded ones. I'll be honest in saying that this thread more comes off as a way to feign your remorse for what has happened with you character, and just to try and rally sympathy. I apologize for that sounding so harsh, but I know that I'm not the only one thinking it. If you are going to make a thread like this, expect these posts and, like I said in my post above, actually use them to improve.
  15. Switchback

    Switchback Iss likess fissh eyess~!

    Jan 3, 2014
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    i came here for help yet all i see is people shitting on me without listening to my side...
  16. Sen

    Sen Guest

  17. DirtyGoblin

    DirtyGoblin Guest

    Honestly you did this before and ita the same old problem. Oocly youve always been a bit of a whiny ass and Ive always just nodded my head and thought... Man I'm glad I dont have to be around that. Nowadays, seeing this repeat, and a new batch of players that have seen the same I can only think.... HMM! Its not the character thats at fault. Its the player.
    II think its safe to say many would agree that judging by yiur current track record, helping you is a lost cause. But letting you know just how much your actions have disrespected and prickled other players who just want a bit of ooc fairness by being caustic, is not quite as hopeless.
  18. Arcticil

    Arcticil Toxic Top Soldier

    Apr 17, 2014
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    Viiker had nothing to do with tazing or capturing an order member. He called her a pet. And a bitch, once. I have no issues with losing an arm but gets yer facts straight.
  19. Chronicle

    Chronicle nobody knows why he's still here

    Dec 17, 2013
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    I leave you all tonight with two things. One:
    I and some others have been quite respectable in our speech. You outright ignored mine, and ignored half of that of Terallis. Furthermore, you implied you came here for opinions, not to defend your actions. Either you're conflicting with your own interests here, you made this thread with false pretenses, or both. And neither is for your benefit, so I urge you to change your mindset here - it's not helping you in any way whatsoever.

    If you think hurting a character is somehow better ICly than killing them, and not deserving of hatred, you're sorely mistaken. If someone cut your arm off, would you dismiss it so freely?

    I wish so badly I could remember where this quote is from, but I don't, and can only paraphrase it. (Anyone with a source, I'd love you for it.) But there's a quote that explains it better than I ever could:

    "If you don't mind your tongue, expect dirty looks. If you give dirty looks, expect angry curses. If you give angry curses, expect a punch in the face. If you give a punch in the face, expect to get stabbed. If you stab at someone, expect to get shot at. If you shoot off a gun?

    Expect to die."
  20. John_McFakename

    John_McFakename New Member

    Dec 22, 2013
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    "Tazing the Chief's sapling" and "attempted captured of an Order member". And I wasn't saying Viiker had anything to do with them, I'm saying Mars covered his own arse by giving Viiker in his place.
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