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It's time to come clean.

Discussion in 'Announcements and Information' started by Kazyyk, Jul 28, 2014.

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  1. Doctor Frohman

    Doctor Frohman New Member

    Feb 8, 2014
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    Wow, dat Galaxy Shitizen.
  2. Eggtooth

    Eggtooth New Member

    Feb 25, 2014
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    You see, when server is open to everyone, it often brings different playerbase. There are new inexperienced players, even new players to starbound who never played it, or even did any kind of RP. That's where admins come handy. You see, you guys mistake GC for being same as this one - that is wrong. GC is maybe RP server, but it's different kind of thing. The difference is obvious. Here you need to be experienced even a little to go somewhere, while on GC you can start from scratch and get better over time.

    Problem is that it's one sided hate. Nobody on GC hates Antares. Huge floran pointed in one of the screenshots is actually one of the best RP'ers on the server. He may make mistakes but it's just because he's a human, just like we all are. His type of Floran is made to be visually large, but yet... I've never saw him fight... never saw him powergame, or metagame, never saw him break single rule. His RP is very good, he has a nice story behind character.

    You shouldn't be so judgemental about thing you've explored for merely 1 day. I was just like you... I hated GC, I was many times wanting it to go away... now? I am full time RP'er there. Remember guys... Hating on someone else's work is bad. Nobody on GC hates any of you, even after your posts about how bad it is. Nobody on GC judges you... nobody on GC says a word how bad Antares is. Everything has flaws, nothing is perfect, so don't treat Antares like something that is without flaws. Remember that being as open as GC brings many issues you guys don't need to deal with, just because you are whitelisted. You don't need to deal with griefers daily that decide to screw server over, just because they want to enrage admins. You don't need to deal with people learning how to RP, often not knowing how to even switch chat. You don't need to deal with constant server crashes due to many users joining at the same time.

    I do forgive you Kazzyk. I play on Antares from time to time, but I admit that I play on GC more. It's not because I am bad RP'er and I've chose to not RP here... I was good RP'er on my old server - Archives of Memoria that merged with this one. I do appreciate this server as much as I appreciate the GC.

    Everything is different and everything has flaws because nothing is perfect - it's why the world is beautiful isn't it? Because nothing is the same. If it would be same - it would be a boring place. There is just no need to hate because something is different.

    Respect for you all.
    #42 Eggtooth, Jul 30, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 30, 2014
  3. Edvyn

    Edvyn Permanently Banned

    Mar 14, 2014
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    some say the wall is visible from space
  4. Sammy McHammyDoodle

    Sammy McHammyDoodle New Member

    Jan 13, 2014
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    Put a baby in me already <3
  5. Eggtooth

    Eggtooth New Member

    Feb 25, 2014
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    Level of immaturity of users here is quite high.
  6. Sammy McHammyDoodle

    Sammy McHammyDoodle New Member

    Jan 13, 2014
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    We derp around a lot, sorry if I bothered you, and I'm just one person, one person that happens to probably be the most immature person here. But yesh, have a nice day, I did really enjoy your nice post here.
  7. Eggtooth

    Eggtooth New Member

    Feb 25, 2014
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    Thanks for cleaning that up, I apologise for outburst. :)
  8. Sammy McHammyDoodle

    Sammy McHammyDoodle New Member

    Jan 13, 2014
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    No problem, I'm just going to shut up now so that this thread does not de-rail.
  9. Edvyn

    Edvyn Permanently Banned

    Mar 14, 2014
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    I am an infant and this offends me greatly
  10. Weavle105

    Weavle105 Back in Black.

    Jan 17, 2014
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    Last time I checked, Noah HAAATES this server because of a misunderstanding with the mods here.
    All through-out the month or so that I was having account problems here, I tried RPing on GC. Emphasis on "tried". The first entire day was spent trying to get co-ords to somewhere at all, resulting in me literally being forced to meta the co-ords out of someone I know. Second day, I met a baby Floran. A, baby, Floran. 'Nuff said. The rest of the days were me trying (and failing) to find decent RP. Maybe it's just me, but my experiences with the server were /not/ good. Stability, RP quality, and most certainly the God-damn SPEECH COLOURS... HNNNNNG SOOO HEADACHE INDUCING...
    Flamin's baaad, mkaaay?
    Since when have we ever? I will always say Antares is better, but god-damn if it doesn't have it's flaws...
  11. Kazyyk

    Kazyyk Administrator

    Dec 16, 2013
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    Let's not get into the semantics of the pros and cons of each server/community.
    Both have their faults and their merits.
    Both will continue to operate on their own.
    I'd prefer we just ignore one another.
    (Although that'd be too unrealistic, I suppose.)

    I've changed my stance to that of:
    I wouldn't mine a professional truce.
    #51 Kazyyk, Jul 30, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 31, 2014
  12. TheButcher

    TheButcher New Member

    Jul 26, 2014
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    I'm new to the server but it's great to see the admin and staff are capable of owning up to their mistakes.

    Don't really know how well this server is administrated but I can say that GC, while it has a couple of good RP'ers, the majority are terrible and they generally meta-game a shit-ton which is just sooooo BORING! And the mods, oh god. All I see when I beam down to a planet is the crazy amount of shiny, neon pink characters jumping about, teleporting everywhere (I shit you not).

    I've moved onto this server and I hope I have a better experience here.
    And seeing as how this server gets so much praise, I'm expecting tons of fun <3
  13. Sen

    Sen Guest

  14. Terallis

    Terallis Dark Matter of Fact

    Dec 18, 2013
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    More than just Noah, tbh. Pretty much everyone who's felt wronged her, whether it was getting banned or otherwise, and then left for GC generally feels hate for Antares. I can say from my own experiences, though, that GC was... ehm... difficult to even try, to say the least. Like... ten minutes after I logged on to check everything out, I was bombarded with anything from ERP to excess OOC to Power Rangers to the Grim Reaper... I could go on, but... yeah. I'll just leave it at that. However, that said, Antares is definitely not without its flaws. But I gotta say that the positives that this server has far outweigh the negatives.

    It's true that I was one of the moderators that left over a lot of disagreements (though, I did leave for other reasons as well), but it's good to see you coming forward with something like this, Kaz. I've gone through a lot of RP servers on a few mediums. Most of which were NWN. Most of those servers ran themselves into the ground due to one or many reasons. However, I don't think any of the admins/moderators on those servers ever came forward to admit their very obvious mistakes (and they were very bad in many cases). Because they never admitted to their mistakes, and in fact buried them and refused to even acknowledge their existence, almost every single one of those servers got driven into the ground. Not to compare you to many of them because most of them were honestly faaaar worse than any of this. But generally they were admins who felt their position gave them absolute power over things. They would do stuff like grant themselves exponential amounts of gold, magic items, etc. But anyways, I'm rambling.

    In short, good on you Kaz for being able to admit the issues that were going on. It gives me quite a bit more respect for you as a person and an admin. Takes guts and all that jazz as most people have already said. Haha.
  15. Kazyyk

    Kazyyk Administrator

    Dec 16, 2013
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    I'd like to not see anymore discussion on Galaxy Citizen, at least in this thread.
    I spoke with a lot of their Staff last night, and I have to say, I was pleasantly surprised.
    Their Staff seems to be compromised of genuinely decent people who want the best for their own community, much like myself.

    Thanks everyone for being supportive of me despite my flaws.
    It means a lot to me.
  16. Noah Campbell

    Noah Campbell New Member

    Dec 23, 2013
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    Or just my name.
  17. Fenris Fenrir

    Fenris Fenrir New Member

    Apr 28, 2014
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    That takes a lot to admit, and its good to hear that you are willing to do so. Its all too easy to look at admins and mods as people who can't make mistakes, or that are never wrong. I've had some experience as a moderator, and that couldn't be further from the truth. Mods and admins make mistakes just like everybody else. The key difference between a good mod/admin and a bad one, is whether or not they admit to their mistakes and try to make them right.

    As a member of the community, its good to see the staff owning up to their mistakes. It reminds us that they are in fact human. It also shows that they care enough, and are humble enough, to admit when they are wrong. Its hard to do, but its necessary.

    Good on ya Kaz.
  18. Chronicle

    Chronicle nobody knows why he's still here

    Dec 17, 2013
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    As much as I poke fun at the problems with our server, there are... I need to point a few things out here. Please don't take offense to the following statements.

    As I think I tried to tell you a few times, along with others, being a "kid" doesn't make you automatically immune to fault. I do have sympathy in that everyone is new once - I sucked especially badly when I was younger, as did pretty much everyone ever. Obviously, people should be patient with younger or newer players and show them the ropes. I believe in this firmly, and I don't think everyone here is patient enough, including some staff. I'm sorry for this.

    ...That said, from what I saw, you ignored a lot of attempts to try and teach you ways to improve, including attempts to be civil and outright friendly. Everyone makes mistakes, but you've got to be willing to accept (valid) criticism with grace and the understanding that you say "stupid shit", and are a "pluckin' kid". Everyone does stupid shit, and everyone is or was a kid, once. But when you're using it as a shield without actually taking on the responsibility for it, that's just a pain for everyone. It is the job of every single human being to accept that we have a lot of problems and shortcomings, and constantly strive to improve upon them, just for our own benefit. Even kids. Remember this, and you will do well.

    I think I might be misreading this. Are you saying you're upset that someone had an idea before you...? If so, welcome to the world. Almost every idea has been had before. That doesn't make them any less valid, or less acceptable. For further reading, look up a site called "TV Tropes", which basically has a page for every idea any of us could ever have ever. If someone was treating you poorly because you had an idea after someone else did, then that isn't right. But I hope you're not upset with someone for having an idea before you. Because that's a bit silly.

    I'm sorry, but this was and is just a rule that we have enforced for quite some time now. In real life it's exceptionally difficult for even a human to change their skin colour from, say, white to black. And even if you do it looks kind of freaky. We decided we didn't want people changing entire species, because it generally just doesn't make any sense. It's just one of the base policies, alongside not making Harry Potter and not having cybersex in the middle of a bar, and it's meant to just make for a better RP experience for the community as a whole. I apologize that you didn't like this rule, but it applies to everyone. If you're going somewhere that has different rules that you agree with more, then I hope it goes better for you, and you enjoy yourself more as a result.

    . . . Making a black character is racist? I... I don't... No. I don't even remember you being accused of racism, but... No, the black person is not more racist than the white person because he is black and the other one is white. That's not how racism works. I think this argument was a little racist. I think Yung's player was black, even.

    And yet. Despite the fact that this is an angry, heat-of-the-moment post with a number of issues to it...

    ...He has a point. And I'd like to point that out to those who read through this text wall, or just stopped at the big old text up there.

    Sadly, Noah, this is rather accurate. This was kind of a dick post to make on your part, but I also understand where you're coming from, and I sort of agree with you. We do have nice and decent members of this community. But we also have a lot of unfriendly jerks. A recent introductions post where a newbie got blasted comes to mind when I say that. I'm not even going to claim I'm one of the best, most friendly members here, because I'm not. I try to be, but I certainly come across as rude and sarcastic to a number of people.

    Every community has its bad apples, and, as everyone knows, a bad apple spoils the bunch. We've probably got a bushel, and we honestly need to deal with them. I hope that our new moderation team can help to crack down on some of the problems our community has had lately, because, honestly, it's gotten a bit out of control. As a result, I'm losing faith in us, as well.

    To get back on my original topic, though? Noah, you weren't perfect. But at the same time - contrary to what some seemed to think - you weren't the worst, either. I genuinely wish you the best on GC, and in your future endeavors. Just like with anyone, I hope you always continue to improve (and want to, which is something many struggle to want in life) and I hope you enjoy yourself. Because this is a bloody game, and if you're not having fun, it's not worth it. If GC is where you have fun, then I really do wish you the best.

    I wish us all the best. I just hope we can achieve it.
  19. Kazyyk

    Kazyyk Administrator

    Dec 16, 2013
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    I have removed (censored, whatever you like to call it) a lot of posts referring to GC. I said I didn't want anymore discussion about GC on this thread, and I meant it. The only reason I didn't remove Chronicle's post is because it's massive and doesn't refer to GC in a subjective way.

    Seriously, please, no more dicussion about Antares or GC. I'm very tempted to lock this thread. I think everything that this thread came to say has been said.
  20. Noah Campbell

    Noah Campbell New Member

    Dec 23, 2013
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    Least you could understand most of the part, To clarify I was playing a tribal human. and I was told that since that was the case, I required an application for that character. she was dark skinned so I was supporting a stereo type that Africans are tribal.You seemed like the most tolerable and best person to me, along with a large handful, /LARGE/ Handful of people. But there was a MASSIVE bucket load, of people who just plain out bullied me, I've never felt more degraded by anyone until I got to here. I really felt terrible. I remember saying " The league of legends community is nicer than this." But I've moved past it with that post I made, So anyone who wants to apologize to me, feel free. I'd happily accept it.

    And seeing the fact that my name as something to laugh at just makes me feel like shit. That's why I quit. The fact that I had no respect and didn't even feel like an individual.
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