Hi, I'm looking to buy any types of guns that you have. Name the price and we'll see ((I don't know what to really put here ICly, so... READ EVERYTHING BEFORE POSTING PLOX I posted this because I love guns. I want: -Any kind of gun that's custom -If not custom, atleast a cool-looking gun -Please only High-Threat-like guns, because obvious reasons I don't want: -Overpowered guns [ if you have one like these, please delete it, noone wants people with overpowered stuff going around] -Explosive guns, because these can cause damage to players out of PvP and I don't want that ~Extra info.: Custom: I'll probably buy everything that's custom, because it's cool. Plasma: It's more likely that i don't buy if it's only a regular plasma gun that you can find in chests scattered around planets Melee: If it's custom I'll probably buy it Camo: O M Geeza i love camos Names: Everyone can name guns, so don't bring a renamed regular gun thinking you're going to sell it, but always try. It's cool if you post a screenshot of it so i could get a idea. ))
((I cant make my own guns, but I've designed guns for my faction and had Cole Ombre make them, and they've turned out pretty great in my opinion. I'd recommend having Cole Ombre make you a custom gun, and if you like I could offer up some pixel art to go along with it. Here's some of the guns I've designed for HKC. (pics are freakin huge sorry) http://oi62.tinypic.com/295yh5v.jpg <-SMG http://oi61.tinypic.com/2qkqneo.jpg <-Assault Rifle http://oi61.tinypic.com/11hz4pf.jpg <-Sniper Rifle http://oi58.tinypic.com/2lbkies.jpg <- in-game version of Assault Rifle after Cole turned my pretty pictures into cool-as-hell working weps. These ones, as you can see, are all curvy and white and shiny and stuff, but thats just cuz all the HKC stuff is like that. I can do other styles too, if you're interested I could draw up some pixelated guns with more details on what you want. Or I could just draw some random guns for ya. The more details you send, the easier it is to make something you'll love!))
((yis, I give them to all my soldiers. They are server friendly, as are most sprited weapons. The same guy made the USCM weapons and stuff. It works. You have any more details on how you want your plasma rifle to look/work?))
((The same guy who made the USCM weapons? *dies* I love rifles, specially the sniper ones... Can he make a Grass/Snow/Sand camo sniper?))
(( I'd suggest actually making sure Cole is alright with making stuff before you go and assume he'll do it. Only polite. also lmao cole you got fans apparently ))
((sorry to throw you under the proverbial bus, Cole... hey. Free advertising. CAN I DRAW YOUR GUN??? I LOVE GUNS N MAYBE YOULL LIKE IT))