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Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Psyloken, Jul 1, 2014.

  1. Psyloken

    Psyloken New Member

    Jun 27, 2014
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    When I applied to this server/community, I thought it was going to be fun and interesting... but I was wrong... fully wrong. See I kept thinking in a more traditional RP setting and place. I forgot how fully customizable this world is to each player, and because of that I failed to realize the detailed RP sessions, the detailed back stories and the realism of each planet that each host/owner of each planet has built/planned/put together for the players.

    My mind was blown away when I found out that there are multiple planets, each with its own theme, its own people and its own world. I was thinking it was going to be just one planet. Boy was I thinking of a lame community lol...

    My first day in the server was encountered by two players, a new one (Scout) and a veteran (Virgil). I wanted to explore and build some stuff, but said, why not! And jumped into the deep end. Just with that, made me like this community. It does not stop there, I then met other RPers in the new planet and kept RPing with them and exploring my toon. The quality of RP is incredible. Everyone has dived into their character 100% and give them life! Its like I am back in my DnD days! It really is just incredible!

    The next few days I started thinking on another toon, to see another side of this world, of this community. I then saw pictures of Union, and Marathon (did I type it right? Sorry if I did not!!) and fell in love! The players/owners of the community dove right into that story and put forth so much effort. I saw a picture of a boot camp training center!! "Holy cow!" I thought to myself. This is better than GW2 RP! Not because of the community but the ability to fully shape this world to how the players see it. Oh the detailed worlds, the countless hours put into the building of the planets, the ships, the characters... so much time put into the game and it is paying off so well.

    The only thing that I have found slightly bit irritating is the UI. I had to get the Chat Mod to see more lines of Chat. But I wish they had 'Party' chat, or more chat channels, but then I thought, "Wait a minute if they do that then they turn it into a MMO!... ITS ALREADY ONE!!" Its amazing how this RP community has changed a 'building' game into a super detailed MMORPG.

    I can only applaud you guys! Each and every single one of you, those that I have interacted with, and those that I have yet to. You guys are so incredible! So dedicated, its great!

    So to the conclusion and point of this post...

    Thank you so much for allowing me to be part of this community, to this RP world, to this version of Starbound. Thank you!

  2. Twitch

    Twitch Wayward Star

    Dec 17, 2013
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    Glad you've been enjoying yourself so much.
  3. Doctor Frohman

    Doctor Frohman New Member

    Feb 8, 2014
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    From reading this, you seem to only have checked out the main human colonies.
    You'll be amazed at all the backstory and hardships some of the less-popular colonies have started to go through, or gone through.
    Tetanus Fields, for example, just got raided by the RA who are now leading it, instead of the people living there.
    The Holy Fleet banned Floran's from Liberty Mills.
    Luminara is a colony where slave trade is legal.
    And much more. This server has so much to offer, RP-Wise.
  4. Psyloken

    Psyloken New Member

    Jun 27, 2014
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    I over heard some stuff OOCly going on with that. Seems like a alot of politics (RP-wise) but yes, I have a LOT more to see!! I am trying to get some characters squared away so I can hope into RP and go from there on each toon. The human side USCM has a slight feel like United Nations Space Command from the Halo lore. Its kind of cool. I also need to expand on my Glitch toon a bit more and get a better feel for him.

    I have to redo my Floran and see how to get her started into RP.

    Over all this game is freaking awesome with the mods allowed on this server along with the server itself. Looking forward on doing ALL THE RPs!!!