Hello!, I've been collecting certain items for...quite a long time, and been cataloging them for the good of History... But I wonder if anyone out there has anything...somewhat dating back 1000 or maybe 2000 years ago, I'm willing to pay at least 30000 pixels for anything dating back all those years. You can find me Via Radio or somewhere, If you do possess any items that date back to ancient history, leave me a reply below. -Thanks Kex Featherbeak
Well I have some things that would date back this far if you are interested message me privately. -Roshadus
Well, I'm Interested!, if you wish, we can meet at Taranis! Lovely place for a trade!, if you need Coordinates, I have them here X 28 Y 11 Alpha Sector Lyncis Minoris -Kex Featherbeak
((JUst as a small note, given how far back the character claims the artifacts are from. If they are that old, please make sure that they have nothing that could really lead into metagaming unknown or non-existent lore. Thanks.))