*Angel* *an image of a greatsword on a grey background comes up, and an audio file plays* Are you out of work? need a job, no questions asked? Well, we at the Landsknecht Company have a solution. By joining us, we can give you a well-paying job, personal freedom, and general stability in return for hard work and dedication. While some would perceive us as a common mercenary organization, we are in fact much more than that, with proud traditions extending to the ancient days of old earth. Now, while I will admit that we are primarily looking for soldiers, we also have places for many other professions, such as doctors, engineers, and anything else you care to imagine. Life in the Company has two forms. Type 1: in this business form, there have been no contracts requiring a large number of recruits, and as such tight discipline and teamwork is not required, and employees are more than welcome to pursue whatever jobs are to their liking. So, what is the difference between this mode and plain old freelancing, you ask? Well, in return for a mere 20% of your profit from a mission, you have the full support and resources of our organization, from advanced healing technology, funds (to an extent), food and other supplies, and our loyal soldiers to call for backup. In addition, there will be a steady flow of 20 pixels a week. (the low steady payment is meant to encourage the seeking of jobs during this time.) (Note: at the moment, we are in the Type 1 mode of business) Type 2: This is a far different state of affairs, effectively overhauling the organization. This state occurs when a client requests the support of the entire Company, causing us to turn all our efforts toward this singular goal. Our organization will become far more structured, allowing us to act with military precision. Upon completion of a mission of this variety, 20% of funds will be moved to the general treasury, and the remaining 80% will be split equally amongst the employees. Steady payment in this mode is 100 pixels a week, as you will no longer be able to take individual jobs. So, I'd imagine you would be thinking, what separates this group from the many other mercenary groups that operate here? The answer is the Lancer-class Anti-Mech Soldier, the signature unit of our organization. To understand this unique aspect of our company, you must understand it's history. Many centuries in the past, the human's homeworld had a mercenary group known as the landsknecht, a soldier who specialized in anti-cavalry tactics, using a massive blade known as a Zwiehander to kill a human's mount in a single swing. These soldiers were some of the finest of ancient earth, with whole armies leaving the battlefield once it was heard they had joined the other side. Our Lancers are the newest incarnation of this prestigious line of work, using the specialized Lancer armor and the massive Zwiehander Anti-Mech rifle to get under the guns of the mech, destroying it with a point-blank shot, while others pin it down with their own rifle fire. This is a risky job, and you must prove your worth before you are accepted into this elite branch of the Company. Our soldiers are trained to be obedient, self sacrificing, and loyal, and will keep at it until death or payment. If anyone feels they wish to join our organization, then by all means, sign up by privately contacting us at any time. Note: we will do our best to answer questions regarding the company in general in the public discussion board. Any questions regarding more personal issues would best be answered in a private message.
Please, please tell me you wear the historically accurate clothes to match your name. If you do, I might just consider signing on with you, or at least setting up some kind of business support. -Dereliction_of_Duty
That depends. In a type 2 scenario, you would be required to wear proper armor, but in type 1, like now, armor is optional. It is considered a sign of company loyalty to imitate that tradition, of course. For example: View attachment 1821 *picture is of a young floran wearing a bright red outfit reminiscent of the human musketeers*
((Starnet? I know we do take some liberties with lore bits, it wouldn't be a huuuuge stretch for a floran to come across pieces of human history. Especially the more violent bits. Like crazy German mercenaries known for adopting pieces of their flamboyant attire by claiming it from their dead enemies. Sounds like an interesting read for a floran. "Ssstab...Take... Ssstab more? Floran like. Floran do this too!"))
((the Floran in question was raised by a human couple, and then in his teenage years he was inducted into the Landsknecht Corporation back when it was run by people, and then it fought against the miniknog, with 90% losses, so now he wants to rebuild his former company. There's a lot more to it, but I'm trying to summarize.))
(( alright that's fine, just wanted to make sure it made sense and it wasn't some floran that magically knew something about sixteenth century German mercenaries. Have fun! ))
((I'm just donna copy & paste what I said to the other guy)) ((the Floran in question was raised by a human couple, and then in his teenage years he was inducted into the Landsknecht Corporation back when it was run by people, and then it fought against the miniknog, with 90% losses, so now he wants to rebuild his former company. There's a lot more to it, but I'm trying to summarize.)) ((But I think your idea is cool too))
Oh look, another mercenary group offering services no one asked for... Well, best of luck to you. - Skarti
*another audio file, although the polite tone seems slightly forced* Glad that you brought this up, actually. We also can contract the services or our engineers and doctors, thus allowing us to take on a much greater variety of jobs. We appreciate your participation in the recruitment effort.
So we have another group of people with a saviour complex jetting around the sector. the ICR were annoying enough. - Skarti
"Corporation, huh? What sort of government backing do you have to be considered a corporation? If you don't, might want to think of altering that part of the name a bit. It's very misleading, if so." -Aedan
>>Logging on AI "ICARUS" to selected terminal... >>Logged on! We aim to please! But I do hope you realize, sir, the differences between the ICR and a mercenary group! >>Logging off... >>Logged off!
Ah, Landsknecht... Man, I might join just due to the fact that it brings me back. EDIT: We should play Masskrugstemmen sometime. - Clarice
*Angel* I am aware what that means, and no, it does not quite apply to us, as the goverment that previously sponsored us is now a ruin on old earth. However, the Corporation leaders that came before me decided to keep the name in memory of those from earth. I should clarify this company used to be predominantly human.
"Well, using the name Landsknecht is fine. But keeping the attached corporate indicator at the end is very misleading. If there's no government support, it isn't a corporation anymore. You should really think of altering the suffix to avoid confusion." -Aedan
*for the first time, the voice on the other end seems indecisive* Ah... I don't think I can... it would go against the wishes of my superiors. ...but on the other hand, it would mean more people would join... Ah... I don't know. I'll change it, but It'll always be the Corporation to me.