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The Mayors Address

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Greymanz, Jun 16, 2014.

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  1. Greymanz

    Greymanz Member

    Jun 15, 2014
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    Mayors Address, Number 1.

    5 months stranded in space and in the middle of freaking nowhere. I try to call for help, but Starnet is hardly working and I cant get any signals. Ugh, first your on top of the world now this. Atleast I have a Apexian Network TV and fancy chair on my ship I stole from some villagers, right now im watching "Wheel or no Wheel". Anyways, I've came upon many planets, yet they are all mostly primitive and have no signs of civilization. Thing is, I need a doctor. One bad day outside the ship in an asteroid field and now im stuck with a slowly progressing demobilizing paralysis virus. I need to get to somewhere. I need to send out a message. Thing is, how? When Star Net isnt working, its not like you can just google how to make an radio antenna. Ugh well, this is the end of my first log. Hopefully these will keep me from going insane.

    -The Mayor
  2. Greymanz

    Greymanz Member

    Jun 15, 2014
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    Mayors Address, Number 2

    I am in terrible condition. Paralysis from the legs to the neck. Kind soldiers took me to space base where i am now resting and unable to move. I am receiving medical help. I can barely write, so i am using voice activated typing. This is very sad for me, but soon I will be healed and be able to live on my own.
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