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Kidei's Audio Logs

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by OminousMushroom, Jun 14, 2014.

  1. OminousMushroom

    OminousMushroom New Member

    Apr 19, 2014
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    Entry 01:

    So it's been.. erm.. what, two weeks since I arrived at Marathon? Maybe it was more than that.. I sort of lost track of time. The cycle of this planet's so much different than from my home. I still keep having nightmares of what.. -they- did to my people, and the atrocities they've commited. I've heard a.. lot of negative things about the USCM. Krr.. but these guys seem fine. I mean, they took me in, nursed me back to health, and are even giving me a chance to join their militia.

    Kraaw.. I was always good up-close and personal with my spears n' stuff, but my rifle skills could.. probably use a bit of work. I haven't handled an avian blaster in a while, let alone a human-grade rifle. Buuut.. I think it'll grow on me. With time, that is.

    Krr.. though I'm feeling so much better physically, I'm still having troubled sleep - wait, did I mention that already? Gah, screw it. Yes, I keep thinking about those damned lunatics, and no matter how hard I try I just.. can't forget what happened that day. I'll try to keep it aside though, but now I know that anyone in a purple-and-black suit is probably a hostile and I should kill them immediately.

    But on a brighter note! Their.. erm. Gunnery Sergeant, I think that's what he's called -- Joshua? He's a pretty cool guy. I mean, I haven't chatted with him -too- much. Most of the times I did speak with him were when I was recovering from my rescue, and.. I think I shunned him out of my room a couple of times. I might have to apologize to him later for that...

    And then there's this other guy, Avian - his name's Felith, and from what I've gathered he's a mercenary-turned militiant. He got injured the other day, but I think the last time I saw him he was doing pretty well. I guess when you're on the field a lot, you recover fast.

    And then there's this Floran, uhh.. krrr.. I think they called him Matt? It's.. an odd name for a Floran, but he.. -seems- all right. I mean, he hasn't tried to bite my arms off or anything. At least not yet. Gods forbid I give him a reason to.

    .. I'm gonna get a drink.
  2. OminousMushroom

    OminousMushroom New Member

    Apr 19, 2014
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    Entry 02:

    So I finished my training today, though it wasn't as pleasant as I'd hoped. In truth, I shouldn't have hoped it'd be pleasant at all. It's military training, damnit, I should have been prepared for it! I mean, the first half was.. easy. You know. Aside from the blanket of decaying bones and rotting meat and entrails and blood and water and oh my gods I don't even want to think about it. Those were really the only bad parts of it. I sort of lost my head for a little after traversing through that disgusting pool, but.. I got better some time afterwards!

    Then came the weapons training. I was given two weapons, a pulse rifle and a SAW. The pulse rifle felt.. very pleasant. It shot as fast as an Avian blaster, but it felt like it had much more control and less recoil than the blaster did. Then there was the SAW, which.. I didn't prefer quite as much. I mean, it was effective, but it didn't feel natural in my hands. The sarge thought I could do better with the pulse rifle, so for now it's my standard weapon, along with a neat pistol that I've also retrieved.

    Kraaa.. I was also given some armor, and though it's a little bulky it does help me a lot with carrying stuff like my weapons and supplies and junk. Speaking of that, we had to respond to a call for assistance earlier, something about pirates and stuff. It ended up being a fluke after we realized that we basically had no vantage point in the operation, so it was called off until a new plan could be developed. BUT BACK ONTO THE POINT, I was given a huge mounted weapon to use.. and I think that if I didn't have the power armor I would have fallen on my butt every time I tried to lift it up.

    We had two new recruits today, so thankfully I'm not the only one! Some girl named Lucile and another - uh.. I forgot his name. But he ate Gunny's chips and ran away afterwards. I think he's got a deathwish. But it'll grow on him with time! Besides, I can't really judge since I'm a recruit too.. just about a day older than him, or so.

    I'm going to go rest now, since the others are still busy finishing up training. -- oh yeah. And Felith's hurt again. I really hope he doesn't end up dying, because that would suck.
  3. OminousMushroom

    OminousMushroom New Member

    Apr 19, 2014
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    Entry 03:

    Well, Felith got injured. AGAIN. What, is this the fourth or fifth time I've seen him injured in the span of two weeks? I feel bad for him, honestly. It must suck being some sort of pain magnet. I don't know how he even puts up with it, but maybe I should stray away from that topic and move onto -why- he was injured again..

    Apparently, the owner of the Wolves' Den entered Union and was pretty much armed to the teeth. Normally we'd put him through a scanning process so he could get rid of his stuff, but two things went wrong here. First, apparently, someone let him in by leaving the doors WIDE open. Literally wide open. No one was even manning the terminal, I think! Krrr.. and then there's the fact that we are -not- on good relations with one another. I don't really think we would have responded to his visit in a decent way even if he did come properly.

    Oh. And I think he might be the one responsible for shooting Felith again. Either him, or one of his subordinates. I don't know, but what I do know is that we're practically at war with the Wolves now because of this. I think they might set up a K-O-S on the USCM around the Wolves' Den.. that won't be pretty. Kraaa, sometime I wish we could all just shut up and settle our differences thoughtfully, but.. it doesn't look like that's happening any time soon.

    I read a little more of that book with Josh- er, Gunny, today. I.. don't really want to mention a lot of what I read, but apparently there's this construct going around the galaxy freely, created by those cultists, and.. it's hard to tell whether or not its a hostile. In fact, I think Gunny came by a little later in the night, asking me a couple of questions about him. I wonder why that was.. hope he didn't end up visiting. That would be way too convenient for my own tastes.

    Before I end this entry, I think I should reflect on the fact that I'm thinking of dressing up Felith in a bubble-wrap suit before his next mission. Seriously. He's going to -die- if this keeps up. He either needs to be more careful or put on his suit!
  4. OminousMushroom

    OminousMushroom New Member

    Apr 19, 2014
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    Entry 04:

    Good Kluex above, when was the last time I updated this thing? I almost completely forgot I had it - after that whole fiasco of getting lost in space twice and losing pretty much everything. But, thankfully, things are looking pretty chipper.

    To start off, I have a new home now, and it's on a planet that seems absolutely beautiful and... well, for the most part, calm. I was rescued from a desert planet by Josh, and -- maybe I forgot to mention that we're together now, though I might be a few months late with that whole thing. He brought me to this planet called Katune, but when I first got there it didn't have a name - it was still under construction. Now, it looks very pleasant! There's a beach, two residential complexes, and pleeeeenty of rain! .. I mean, the rain isn't fun that much when you're been drenched in it forever. Thankfully, I got a helmet for the rain!

    I don't need to worry about the rain much now, anyways. I have a job now! I'm a nurse working at the clinic of the colony. I had.. actually never thought that I could pull off all the medic stuff that I used to watch back in my village, and I think I'm almost over my fear of needles, too! I had to tend to a couple of things recently, too. I had a Hylotl come in with a bruise on her tailbone, apparently from a Floran that fell on her while she was 'hanging off the ceiling'. I don't even know any more. That Hylotl turned out to be the server at the bar, so I think I made a good friend that day!

    Then, there was this... other person. 'Randem' she calls herself. She's... mentally iffy, I think. From what I understand, she's on -- or rather off of, drugs. Hard drugs, I think, something straight off the street. I did what I could to try and figure out what's been put in it, but I didn't find out much. All I know is it makes people loopy and messes with her memory. She's gone crazy a few times, even left the clinic without authorization while in a trance. I'll have to keep an eye on her.

    Then there was an Avian, he seemed a little shy. His name was... Ziggy, I think? ... now that I think about it, I think I mispronounced that drug's name. I think it was 'Iggy' or something. Woops. Uerh, whelp, doesn't matter. Ziggy had a cut-up hand, and he said that he opened it up again after opening a window or something. It looked pretty deep, must've been a big shard of glass. I dressed up his hand and questioned him a little, but he seemed very conservative with his thoughts, he didn't share much with me. I didn't mind it, though, he seemed like the sort that would have a difficult time interacting with certain people. For some reason he asked me for my autograph. I honestly don't know if it was a mistake or if he was trying to flirt with me, but he called me a model or something. Psh, I barely have the body for a model, anyways, not after starving myself for months.

    And then there's this other one, a mutant in fact. It apparently escaped the clinic when we were observing it, and it started a ruckus earlier. No one was seriously hurt, I think, and I heard that the monster escaped. It was some kind of mix between a Floran and something completely feral -- it was crazy. But, for now, I think it's gone. Which is good, because I'd rather not have a jumpscare.

    .... welp that about sums up my thoughts. I might add some more to these entries when I decide to stop being lazy with it. I'm gonna have to keep on eye on that girl on the first bed, she always seems really nervous.
  5. OminousMushroom

    OminousMushroom New Member

    Apr 19, 2014
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    Entry 05:
    "So much stuff has happened since the last entry. I'm not even going to say I'm trying to keep up with them - honestly it's much more trouble to say that than to not.

    Josh, Matt, Dusk and the rest of the former USAF members left Katune. It turns out that the USAF has returned and now the marines are back in business. I went with Josh, obviously, because where he goes, I go. I was a little sad to leave Katune at first, and it was quite obvious that Max was very upset. I'll get more into that later. Turns out we've got new guys. Guess I should list the ones I've interacted with so far!

    There's Revan, a darker-skinned colored Human. He's kinda' reserved, but pretty sturdy, despite the fact I've had to fix him up a few times now. He got his arm bitten by a 'demon', which I'll also get into, and his shoulder was severely burned by some.. robotic war thing. Not so sure what it was. All in all, this guy's respectful and kind, and I think I could grow used to having him around.

    There's Ethan Britton. Britton. The name sounds morbidly familiar.. I've heard from some guys that he can be a little dense at times, but recently he's been very helpful to me. I like having him around.

    There's Andrew. Andrew is an, uh.. 'aussie,' whatever that means. He speaks in a weird accent and tends to go from being loud and funny to calm and serious in a matter of moments. My main interactions with him so far has been him asking me for dating advice. Me! Dating advice! I'm just a nurse, not a love-doctor! ... despite that, I did help him, and it turns out I underestimated my skills! He ended up getting the girl he was going for, who ALSO turns out to be my boss. I consider him probably the luckiest guy of the bunch, in the sense that he still has his head on his shoulders.

    There's Marigold. I think she's kind at heart, she has the right intentions, but I think she's maybe just a little too quick to act. After an altercation, both of her kneecaps were shot out and I had to amputate them because they were growing worse and worse over time. She's been recovering, and I think she might be getting prosthetics soon if she hasn't gotten 'em already. I felt bad for getting rid of her legs, but it's all for the sake of her life.

    Other than those four, the rest of the gang is still around. Josh, Dusk, Matt, Cole, Gunny -- who's ranked up, I think -- and.. maybe other people I'm just not remembering right now.

    Now let's move on to some history!
    The first few days of the bunker's life (it's called freezer by the way), the gang went off into some planet far away and encountered these creatures that they call 'demons.' They've been described to look like demons, like monsters. One of those things tore up Revan's arm, which I mentioned before.

    I'm skipping ahead because I don't know all the details, but eventually efforts to exterminate these creatures were... mostly successful. That being said, there were still some left around.

    I learned that the hard way.

    This was the same day that Marigold got her kneecaps blown out. I rushed to the elevator to get upstairs because I got a call of people who were injured. As soon as the elevator opened, I just saw Andrew standing over a puddle of his own blood! I was freaking out and he was screaming, I had to use my medical kit to treat it as the elevator went upstairs, and then the door opened. Some Hylotl was carrying a Demon, who was still alive, and APPARENTLY on our side, and I just lost myself. I sort of blanked out right after that. All I know is, I bandaged up Andrew and Marigold, all while completely losing my mind and crying. I eventually fainted and woke up on a hospital bed covered in the blood of the demon, and once again I broke out into screaming.. until Veon came around and slapped me across the face to knock some sense into me.

    I was in the moment, though, and as thankful as I was I found myself screaming at him. Then I ran into the showers to clean myself up.. I didn't count how long I was in there.

    Then I went back to my room. I talked with Josh. It was a little emotional, but... I ended up calming down.

    Our second encounter with a demon was when this... -other- monster infiltrated our base after the bunker's power suddenly malfunctioned. The thing stole me from an elevator shaft and scared the everliving -hell- out of me. I was out for almost one, two days.. not in the sense of sleep, but in the sense of unconsciousness. I just wasn't thinking clearly. I was out.


    During all this there were spreads of rumors about Max wanting to go to war with us. I couldn't believe it, but apparently it was true. ... although, I think most of those rumors have since died as stuff calmed down.

    Now, everything has seemed to calm down. They calmed down a LOT. The demons are all gone, the rumors of war have ended. Now, I'm back to a regular treatment schedule - healing the wounds of my friends and other soldiers occasionally as they go off on patrols or missions.


    Oh yeah. I forgot to mention one of the other soldiers.


    He's more recent, I think! He seems.. good-spirited. I hadn't interacted with him much, but I did have to amputate his arm. The poor guy got his shoulder literally burned off by acid. There was no way the arm was going to be in a repairable condition.

    He also tried subtly hitting on me. That didn't really work out when I told him I was already with Josh. Though, I'm convinced he was just high off of the morphine I gave him. Who can blame him? I think I'm pretty~.

    .. I've been rambling for a long time now, I think now's a good time to end it. Bye!"
    #5 OminousMushroom, Apr 6, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: May 4, 2015
  6. OminousMushroom

    OminousMushroom New Member

    Apr 19, 2014
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    Entry 06:

    "Gods, I really am bad at updating this, am I? Oh well.. That doesn't matter now. Things are still running smoothly at the Freezer, though some interesting stuff happened today..

    First off, Revan nearly got his ass killed. If I could show you how close he was to death, I would make a really, REALLY thin space between my fingers right now... sigh. But, the good news is, he's recovering.. still, he's in somewhat of a critical condition. Under absolutely NO circumstances am I allowing him out of that bed.. especially after seeing Matt's reaction to his previous mission. Gods, if his wounds don't kill him, the NCO's surely will.

    Aside from that, I'm happy to say that we have a new doctor in the house! His name is Shellton, and he seems to at least be competent enough to handle the marines for me when I'm not around. Thank -pluck-. I thought I was going to molt away all my feathers by the time I retire from the USAF... if I ever do, at this point.

    We also had some other injured too, after that whole 'Flightless' mission. Cygnus was burned up pretty bad, but seemed to be okay for the most part. I feel bad for her, though.. poor girl. She'll be bolting and preening and plucking away those burned feathers for a while now. There were also two Avians brought in. One of them was a hostage, I think -- Icteil? I think that was her name. She couldn't speak, she was only able to write. Apparently she had some sort of muffling mask over her face. I had to set her up with an IV and some saline packets, otherwise the poor thing might've starved to death.

    Then there was another Avian, by the name of Niente. No doubt one of the Flightless that Revan and whoever else was on that mission went to attack. She... sigh. She seems so young, so full of life.. to see that she chose this kind of option, to go around killing -- well, not killing, but helping to kill grounded Avians is absolutely tragic. The girl's not even 18 yet, plucking hell...


    I had a long talk with her. I noticed just how ignorant she was being at first, so I tried to calm her down, get some words out.. I didn't ask any personal questions, like what the pluck the Flightless are doing going around killing people, or what their base is, or when they'll be meeting again.. all of that would just make me seem hostile towards her. Call me crazy, but I actually wanted to talk to her. Avian to Avian. Sure she gave me a little rust for being Grounded.. but that changed when I opened up to her.. and she did too. Kind of.

    I think Cygnus has her doubts about her, but I believe Niente could change if she tried.. she's a shieldmaiden and told me that she's never killed anyone.. but I can at least try to take her away from that life. Gods, I hope I can.

    In the mean time.. I'll try to vouch for her to not be put on the chopping block.

    I'm going to try to speak to her later today. See if I can't have her open up a little more."