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Lenro's Encounters

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by TheAlmightyNT, Jun 8, 2014.

  1. TheAlmightyNT

    TheAlmightyNT New Member

    Jun 4, 2014
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    --- START AUDIO LOG 125609 ---

    Is this thing on? Ahem. It's been a while since I have recorded my experiences in any form of media, so I hope this is at least consistent.
    Let's start with the basics. My name is Lenro Misra, a Hylotl citizen who has been, for better or worse, forced by ummm...
    *coughs* various situations to traverse the immense cosmos. It's been lonely, I'll admit, but I like to call it a "self-discovering journey" of sorts. I never thought space could offer so much!
    I've had the chance to meet with Avians, Apex and Humans and study their communities' organization and function. I even encountered a royal Glitch castle right in the middle of a desert planet! Jumpy people, to say the least. This has been going on for 6 months or so. Let me state this. Living on a spaceship for this long is a traumatic experience. I have escaped meteor showers more times that one could possibly imagine. Can't even catch a break...
    Anyways, I recently starting browsing Starnet, when I came upon an interesting post. A colony, seeeking for citizens. I submitted my application and was accepted. I was excited. I haven't been with other friendly individuals for TOO long.
    *laughs whole-heartidly* Let's hope I can settle down quickly. My spaceship is getting crummed with various souvenirs scavenged from Avian cultists, aggresive robot defenders and criminals housed in abandoned prisons. I could use the extra space.

    --- END AUDIO LOG 125609 ---
  2. TheAlmightyNT

    TheAlmightyNT New Member

    Jun 4, 2014
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    --- START AUDIO LOG 125610 ---

    Well, that was certainly unexpected. I managed to reach Opportunity with the last of my fuel. What I encountered was a generally well made colony, with an organized market and living space, but there was one problem. It was completely empty. I talked on the radio again and again to no avail. At least it gave me some time to explore the area. I even found a good building spot for my future house. Luckily for me, just when I was about to leave and explore some more I happened upon a citizen of the colony. He was an avian who is going by the name of Shadowstep. He invited me down to the bar, where we had a couple of drinks and made the usual introductions. Nice guy, but a bit too adventureous for my tastes. Don't get me wrong, I love me some good exploring but lava and poison pools and me have a bad history. Anyways, we talked a bit and we managed to get ourselves a visitor, a herbalist Hylotl. I believe her name was Mae. She stayed a bit, had a drink and left. After that I departed and explored some other colonies who were kind enough to post their public coordinates on the StarNet. It was a nice experience, let me tell you! *laughs* I even got some ideas on design, mostly from human and avian structures. Well, I believe that is all for today. Lenro out!

    --- END AUDIO LOG 125610 ---
    #2 TheAlmightyNT, Jun 8, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 25, 2014
  3. TheAlmightyNT

    TheAlmightyNT New Member

    Jun 4, 2014
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    --- START AUDIO LOG 125611 ---

    This was an interesting day. I happened to come across a transmission from a planet deep in Sector Alpha. It was consisted of noises, explosions and grunting, like someone trying to escape from something. Naturally, I responded, but to no avail. I managed to trace the signal and boarded the ship that was the "beacon". It was a floran ship, almost void of any tools or accessories. I landed on the planet and tried to locate the individual. That was when I found a Floran, female, medium-sized panicking. I later realized she couldn't operate the radio, explaining the strange noises and her completely baffled state of mind, as she was referring to me as "the strange voices". I approached her, only to meet a bow targeting my third eye. Of course, I knew she wouldn't harm me. The poor thing was shaking. She even tripped twice, once into a lake and later while she was trying to backwalk.
    I tried to confront her of course, but she wouldn't listen. I deduced she was more intelligent than your average Floran, but still she had a simple childish mind. After multiple attempts to help her, I decided to leave her. To be honest, I didn't want to. It was getting dark and frankly, even for Sector Alpha, it can get pretty difficult to survive out there, especially for an ill-equipped Floran, clearly panicking. Anyways, I gave her my contact, in case she ever needed help and left her. If I were to be asked some time ago if I would ever help a Floran, I would dismiss them, calling Florans savages. This journey has changed me. I can feel it. It is... a bittersweet feeling.

    --- END AUDIO LOG 125611 ---
  4. TheAlmightyNT

    TheAlmightyNT New Member

    Jun 4, 2014
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    --- START AUDIO LOG 125612 ---

    Today was disappointing. I was a witness to racism at it's finest. A purist Avian, whose name I don't know, started preaching hate against Florans. Now, I am no fan of them, due to some bad experiences. I am neutral at the matter, but I couldn't help but be offended by his hateful speech. How the almighty Kluex laughs at the fate of all other species. Boo-freaking-hoo. That guy was a jackass, plain and simple. Anyways, I applied to be a rescue squad member for the ICR. I hope to be of service to people in need. I wish things work out from now on. *sigh* End recording.

    --- END AUDIO LOG 125612 ---
  5. TheAlmightyNT

    TheAlmightyNT New Member

    Jun 4, 2014
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    --- START AUDIO LOG 125613 ---

    *grunts of pain can be heard* Shit really... really hit the fan these couple of days. Da....damn.. Fl... florans.... Went to Sector X.... Stupid assho.. ARGH!
    Got hit by a poison arrow. Mae gave me an antidote, but that thing was vile. Side effects were too intense. Had to... *
    yells from pain* HAD to go to Naal to look into my leg... The damn things fractured my bone! He patched me up, said it would take a couple of weeks. God...godda...goddammit.....
    a thump is heard and the recording ends abruptly*

  6. TheAlmightyNT

    TheAlmightyNT New Member

    Jun 4, 2014
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    --- START AUDIO LOG 125614 ---

    *a static noise can be heard, slowly disappearing* Is... is this thing on? Thank goodness. Took me all damn day to figure out how to fix this stupid thing.
    *mutters* Should have paid more attention on workshop hours back at school. Anyways, I finally managed to get rid off most of the pain that was tormenting me for the past few days. I actually settled down on the same planet with Naal. He's a nice guy, so we don't have any problems. I got down to business. The stupid creatures of the planet wouldn't stop spitting acid on my house, so I organized a massive defensive network of turrets that cover the entire area between my house, Naal's house, the guest house and the medical facility, which I built in order to prevent incidents like my current condition. At least I can work normally. After that, me and Naal got ourselves some drinks in Taranis. Since my luck is superb these days, the bar was closed, but a kinda shady Glitch offered us "homebrew drinks". It wouldn't surprise me if they were full of toxins, like Naal suggested after almost collapsing just after a few sips of the stuff. Turns out she was not working for the place. The bartender told me we were probably conned. I will look into the matter further, maybe get Naal to analyse our blood, may contact Mae.... I shall see. On other news, I got to learn the name of the Floran I tried to rescue the other day. Apparently, she managed to escape the planet and ended up in Tanaris, where the bar owners were kind enough to give her some space to live. As I thought, she is a scaredy cat. She won't talk to anyone except the Glitch bartender, as far as I know, whom he refers as "furniture". Of course, she is still afraid of me, but I don't particularly worry myself over that. Her name was... ummm.... come on... a flower name.... umm.... PETUNIA! Yes, I remember now. I also managed to join the Hylotl Kaizen Coalition. I get to exercise my original line of work again, since I was made an official negotiator. Will have to train my skills again. I really want to be of service. Anyways, I should get back to work. I need to build some more stuff. Until next time!

    --- END AUDIO LOG 125614 ---
  7. Iridium616

    Iridium616 New Member

    Feb 2, 2014
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    (( The "furniture" thing was mentioned OOCly only ))
  8. TheAlmightyNT

    TheAlmightyNT New Member

    Jun 4, 2014
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    (( no he told me IC ))
  9. Iridium616

    Iridium616 New Member

    Feb 2, 2014
    Likes Received:
    (( oh ok ))
  10. TheAlmightyNT

    TheAlmightyNT New Member

    Jun 4, 2014
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    --- START AUDIO LOG 125615 ---

    Well, it's been a while since the last record, but man! These were some busy days. Since I am an HKC official, I had to do a couple of things that reflect my current position. First of all, I completely remade my entire ship with resources provided by the fleet. I redesigned it, made it bigger and added some extra firepower, because Lord knows how many pirates are wandering the cosmos looking for trouble. It's really a luxury ship, fit for my profession. I also started wearing my old uniform. It was a bit in a bad shape, but I worked something out. *chuckles* These clothes take me way back...
    I met of my current co-workerers and had the chance to visit the HQ. A beautiful structure, to say the least. I also made some new acquaintances. A Hylotl farmer, who will be a great asset to the HKC should she choose to cooperate with us, an Apex by the name of Vivian, who is a shipbuilder by profession and a rather ummm.... funky individual by the name of Psychedelonaut. Yeah, I am not joking. Great fella, but takes a bit of time to understand what he says. Anyways, I should get back home and start expanding the defenses. So long!

    --- END AUDIO LOG 125615 ---
    #10 TheAlmightyNT, Jun 25, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 25, 2014
  11. TheAlmightyNT

    TheAlmightyNT New Member

    Jun 4, 2014
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    --- START AUDIO LOG 125616 ---

    Work's piling up real good! Already hired a new doctor and requested that Naal is trasported to my division as an in house doctor. Me and Bluk, the new combat medic, answered a distress signal coming from the Mills. Everyone's favorite psychopath, Astaroth decided to start murdering people! Of course, as Raoul has mentioned, Astaroth is pretty much an attention hogger. No one was injured and the only thing we did for a while was watching Astaroth boasting things like " I am eternal" or "It's the end for you all". Of course, he stopped when a hurricane of bullets and plasma cannon beams turned him into swiss cheese. Raoul took the pleasure to stabbing him and ripping off his head. Fun stuff for all the family! Anyways, the Den was damaged and there was a radiation leak, but besides that there were no casualties whatsoever. Everything is going to be alright from now on.

    --- END AUDIO LOG 125616 ---
  12. TheAlmightyNT

    TheAlmightyNT New Member

    Jun 4, 2014
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    --- START AUDIO LOG 125617 ---

    Can people just stay peaceful for just a couple of days? Is that too much to ask? *sighs* Vivian was kidnapped by another "evil" individual. Of course. OF COURSE. *calms down and continues* The fucker tortured her and the USCM went and rescued her. And the nerve! They did not disclose the coordinates to the HKC! Anyways, I managed to take her and her partner, Viiker under HKC protection. Naal treated her and Viiker underwent surgery, receiving a shiny new cybernetic leg. The Admiral was furious. He started a full scale militarization. I... I am genuinely worried. This is bound to become a major crisis, should people like Darkseid and Astaroth continue their crime spree. I need to calm down and think the matter through. Until next time...

    --- END AUDIO LOG 125617 ---
  13. TheAlmightyNT

    TheAlmightyNT New Member

    Jun 4, 2014
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    --- START AUDIO LOG 125618 ---

    *hissing, static sounds can be heard* COME ON YOU STUPID PIECE OF-! Oh. I fixed the damn thing. FINALLY! *clears throat* Well, it's been a while since I did on of these. After all, in Sector X, no one can hear you scream. Oooor swear at unknown life forms. Yes, yes. I am the unluckiest Hylotl in existence! Meteor showers plus beat up spaceship equals stranded Lenro. Oh well, my mechanical skills were never so good so it took me about 2 months to repair the damn thing. I haven't heard shit from the HQ... Is everything... alright? I have to check out.

    --- END AUDIO LOG 125618 ---