Iss many troubless for floran these many dayss. Iss no good. Iss bad. Spruggle spread dissease of unknown, make them sstrange and non-floran, who fear ssun which brings life and warmth to plantss. Not all floran believe in ssspirits, but ssome believe in light lord, and all floran hold light sssacred. Floran bow to metalmenss, and obey metalmanss instead of metalmanss work with florans as equals. Birdmen make floran sstarve and keep from travel in metal sscities. Humanss keep floran from medissines, leave to die in sstreets from woundss. When floran iss attacked, peopless around attack floran, though floran doess nothing. Iss bad. Iss sad, and tribess of Floran no act and do nothingsss. Stay at homess to pleasse Metalman Massters. Or hide in sstunting cold or rely on dryssap to live in dessert, half mad from bad ssap. Tallesst Tree wass rotten at root, Floran ssees now, but otherss who defended interesst of Floran have fallen or faltered from dutiess. New way musst be dessided. Floran thinkss has new way, but are many otherss who say same. Sso floran calls for Moot, for Floran to desside what iss new way with one anotherss. Floran hass found new root, from which Floran can ssstart anew. Floran hass found Yggdrassil. Now iss time for Floran to desside how to sseize future of floran from bird and metalman and human, to put future of Floran back in clawss of Floran, where future of Floran belongss. Only one delegate from other tribess may attend. Floran tribessmen may desside for ssself if come. But undersstand. Floran hass precaussions. All will have to pass through insspection to arrive at root. Floran will give ssignal for time ssoon. ((OOC Thinkin' Friday evening, eastern time.))
This sector is so strange. All of the Floran here act so passive. I swear almost all of them here seem to look more like flowers than the wonderfully thorny weeds I remember back home.. Is it really only me who is flabberghasted that not only are Floran trying to find a way to live for themselves in a peaceful manner, they're the ones living in fear? Not to even mention here is one who took the initiative to not only do all this work but also post about it on StarNet. I almost miss when the first instinct I had upon seeing a Floran was to not take my eyes off of them and reach for my weapon. They were interesting to observe, simplistic but unpredictable. So beautifully ignorant to some aspects of the universe. Matter of fact I miss my friends who tried to devour me when we would drink together.. And especially the one who almost did on one occasion. I guess I'm being nostalgic. I miss the Mother Tree. EDIT: It's almost like some kind of hive mind.. If this sector wasn't so peaceful I'd be almost giddy with anticipation for a conflict to deal with. -TopTierEngineer
*recording starts* "Floran bow to metalmenss, and obey metalmanss instead of metalmanss work with florans as equals." -Firedrinker Observation. I spy, with my little eye, a big fat lie... Reason. Ailanthus Tribe, stands on it's own, with it's own territory, own culture, own laws. Addendum. The Order laws, don't apply there, and our two factions, are merely allied, to the defend the Taranic Cluster, which we call our home. Observation. You call Ailanthus Tribe our "petsss", and yet us "metalmanss" were nothing but your puppets at Tallest Tree, and instead of following, in your footsteps, and call a race that wishes to live among us inferior, we let them live in their territory, as they please, equal to us. Request. We both have, our different views, on how Tallest Tree was lost, but please, stop lying through your fangs, on StarNet. Makes both of us, look bad. *recording ends*
Remindsss Floran of previousss jungle. Floran will lisssten for thisss sssignal. Wissshesss that hunt will be good. -SsswiftSsshot
*recording starts* Sarcasm. Because a "mentally stable" Chief, totally threatens, his former mate Lilligant, with "forced mating", and "nuking of Tallest Tree"... *recording ends*
-Quick-Claw- Your worthless bickering will not get us anywhere. This is not about personal struggles or differences. This is about what's best for our people.
((Now wait just a diddly-darn minute there. I've been staring at Yggdrasil for a good 5 minutes: How did you get the leaves on the tree to be so realistic?!))
*recording starts* Apologetic. I'm sorry. Reason. I just have trouble, taking the former-Chief seriously, when he goes out of his way, and re-uses that old mis-conception. Informative. Regardless, as much, as I would, want to participate, in this Moot, I doubt our host, would allow this, as it is a Floran Moot. Observation. However, this makes any, loose-cooperation, between the Tribes, and the Taranic Cluster, more difficult. Request. Firedrinker, I know we have, our personal grudges, but please, allow me to partake, and mayhap we find, a common goal, to focus on, instead of our differences. *recording ends*