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From the desk of Miss. Ophia

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Izzida, May 30, 2014.

  1. Izzida

    Izzida New Member

    Feb 3, 2014
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    (([Journal] Is written out in notably 'cute and scrolling' handwriting locked in the bottom drawer of her desk. With it is small photo of her family and a gold-plated statuette of a typical depiction of kluex and a box of small red candles that seem to fit in the base of the statuette. Would only be found if you wrenched open the door. She keeps the key on her at all times and there is a spare hidden very well in a false panel fit under her bookshelf. The book itself is tightly leather bound with brass corner points and a small brass nameplate on the front with her name.

    [Student Records] Kept on her computer as well as all grades. Not even password locked if someone managed to get to her computer.

    [Personal Notes] Generally sticky notes or other things stuck to her computer or around her desk. Tends to leave these laying all over the place. Pointless snippets of information I feel like writing. If there is a * next to it that means it has been removed.

    Of there's any coordinates or such mentioned in here that colony leaders would prefer not be posted I can take them out and only share them privately if whatever they're in/on is discovered with whoever discovered it.

    [Edit] Student records would be dated in the program. Just going off the date of when it was posted. It's simpler then writing it up. The notes added on to the records show up on a calendar of sorts where only days that she edited her records would be highlighted. She doesn't date her journal but she numbers them so she can have more then one entry on a page.))
    #1 Izzida, May 30, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 3, 2014
  2. Izzida

    Izzida New Member

    Feb 3, 2014
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    Entry #1
    Today I'm finally heading out to the stars! Oh by Kluex I'm so nervous. I hope this goes well I've never even taught a class all by myself yet. But this new program I have should make it easy enough even with all the distance. Besides, I have to do this, the universe needs someone like me! I'll do my ancestors proud! Spreading knowledge and enlightenment to those in need is an honorable goal and I'm sure he'll shine down on me for my deeds. As soon as I leave jump I'll put my ad up on Starnet. Hopefully I can find setup a radio ad too sooner rather then later. I've never taken such a long trip, being in jump for so long is making me a little queasy. Perhaps I'll go nap until I arrive.

    Entry #2
    Two students already! I can't believe it! It's only been a few days but already I've got two students. I have yet to meet Nadia, if I do at all, but Leon was very nice. We met in a little place called Cerca and I received his first payment as was able to bring him his tablet. He seems very excited to learn. Cerca was a nice place, I may go back there in the future if I need to meet-up with potential students or when I do my radio advertisements. I think it will be best to advertise when I am available. Or, that's my plan right now at least. It was a little cold though, I swear I saw some ice falling among the flakes. Even with my coat on I felt like my feathers would freeze off. It's nice to be back on my ship with a nice cup of spiced apple chai. It appears I'm out of honey though, I suppose I'll have to find a planet with a market soon enough.

    [Personal Notes]
    [Stuck to her computer]
    Cesca: Alpha Vega 6811 I, X: -363 Y: 2044 -A small star is drawn next to it-

    [Stuck on the fridge]
    Shopping List
    Whole Wheat bread with the nuts in it
    Diet Cola, that blue can kind I got last time
    Cold weather hat
    Wool socks
    #2 Izzida, May 30, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: May 31, 2014
  3. Izzida

    Izzida New Member

    Feb 3, 2014
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    [Student Records]

    Leon : Full-range remedial English & Math : Payment plan : Progress Pending
    Nadia: Mid-later level Chemistry : Paid in full : Progress Pending

    Notes: Both students have received their tablet devices and logged in though no immediate progress as expected. They both seem rather excited to learn though. I may be getting a new student soon as well.

    [Personal Notes]

    [Stuck to her computer]
    Record and setup radio broadcast
    Pick location for meet-up
    Maybe Cesca?
  4. Izzida

    Izzida New Member

    Feb 3, 2014
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    Entry #3
    Well, I met with Sativa today, Teddy's father. It was a very interesting chat to say the least. Teddy is all signed up pending the first payment, which I guess I will get from her. I learned more then I feel I need to about the family. Teddy is only 17 and already engaged? It's nice to see young love but it's a little concerning. The father is her adopted father actually, a floran, while the daughter is a hylotl. It seems the only culture she really knows is a mix of human internet cultures. It's only a wonder what her real parents were like. He mentioned he has an avian girlfriend, seemingly not yet married or even engaged and they're expecting in a few months. I take it she's already had an egg. From the sound of things I take it she's a grounded, I hope they at least give their child a chance at an education. But, it's their lives I suppose and I wish them the best of luck. I must remember to keep my beak closed when it's not my business. I'm just here to teach their daughter. Hopefully I can do the girl some good at least, and perhaps that good will trickle to the rest of the family. I heard her on the radio talking with Sativa. His parents was strange. Though I don't know how floran typically treat their young. I'll just have to do my best for Teddy, she's still young.

    Kluex give me strength, I'll need it for this one.

    -There is a small cartoonized doodle of herself making a sad face doodle in the margins-
    Her father didn't drink my tea either. It was a wonderful chamomile with lavender and now it's cold. It's never as good when you have to rewarm it. Such a waste. It's only polite to at least try it when someone offers you tea in their home. I did found out the Holy Fleet is involved with Liberty Mills? I may have to visit there. It sounds like a place where I may find those in need of my classes as well.

    My first venture into advertising on the radio ended in 2 dead ends. But it was good to see interest! I'm sure there will be others in need of my services. Or are willing to accept my services. It seems many in the area could use it, but again that's not my business. I'll just add Teddy to my student records and call it a night.

    [Student Records]

    Leon : Full-range remedial English & Math : Payment plan- 4,000/6,000 : Progress Pending
    Nadia: Mid-later level Chemistry : Paid in full : Progress Pending
    Teddy: General Studies remedial+ : 1x1 Supplemental Classes : Payment Plan- 0/15,000 : N/A
  5. Izzida

    Izzida New Member

    Feb 3, 2014
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    Entry #4
    I was so tired waiting for Teddy last night I almost fell asleep before I could finish by evening prayers. It feels like I haven't slept in this late since I was a child, it's like everything is a fog. I'm definitely back to my usual sleep schedule after this. Coffee upsets my stomach so much it's hardly worth being awake. But I finally got around to looking at Leon's work, and apparently someone broke his nose? Poor thing. Hopefully he gets better. I'm happy to see him making progress. We'll see how he does on the grammar sheets, his messages aren't that hard to read really.

    Meeting Teddy was an interesting experience. She seems like a very sweet girl and she loves her family. Apparently she has an 'aunt and uncle' who are hylotl. Hopefully that does her some good, being around her own culture? Though they sound like colorful folks. It's interesting being out here and seeing all these people outside what I'm used to. I really am worlds away from home.

    I need a nap.

    -This page has small coffee splatter stains, one of which has been outlined in pen with an amusing face dawn inside of it using the shape of the stain-

    [Student Records]

    Leon : Full-range remedial English & Math : Payment plan- 4,000/6,000 : Has begun math work
    Nadia: Mid-later level Chemistry : Paid in full : Progress Pending
    Teddy: General Studies : Weekly 1x1 Supplemental Classes : Payment Plan- 2,000/15,000 : Progress Pending