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Require New Sap

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Reconus, May 28, 2014.

  1. Reconus

    Reconus Moderator
    Staff Member

    Feb 23, 2014
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    /invalid/Kie thawm\invalid\. I come baring messssage to thosssse who will lisssssten. Do ssssssso carefully.
    The Dessssssert Tribe; we are sssstrong. We sssssurivived the wasssstes where otherssss cannot. But then, U.Ssssss.C.M. came, and ravaged homessss, ssssslaughtered our podkin. Sssssap sssspilt, all in vain.

    It issssssss... Ssssssorrowful. And whatsssss out there? Where are other kin?
    Sssssome have been blinded by ssssspace dusssst, grown sssssoft over yearsssss, intergrate themsssselvesssss with ssssstar-ssssailorss; They have thrown away all traditionssss, convinced we are the monsssssterssss - like ssstar-sssailorss - brainwasssshed into their ssssociety: their sssstrange, misssty ssociety.

    Our linessss run ssshort. We sssstill hold onto hope, and through our dedicated honour we ssstand. I, of one, am convinced sssssome kin remain who are not blind or disssshonour tradition.
    We - The Dessssert Tribe - need new ssssap, new Floran to call podkin: to prosssper with. To thrive with. I will take on any new brotherssss and sssssisssterss gracefully, and hopefully alssso will Aridsssssand-Chieftan.

    Sssstep forward. I will engrave the namesssss of thossse who wissh to become one with usssss for reference. We will ssssee to them sssshortly at earliessst convenience.

    Sssssandsss be with you. I have done my part...

  2. Sen

    Sen Guest

    is tribe that worships meat as god

    do not listen
  3. Grifter

    Grifter New Member

    Feb 15, 2014
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    fixed u uncalturd sween.

    - Aridsund
  4. LaserLlamas

    LaserLlamas Mother of the Pack

    Mar 28, 2014
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    I really hope I don't come off as mean when I say this, but last time I ran into your tribe you nearly killed my friend.

    If you ask me, you might be better off looking elsewhere so you don't join your fallen. If not, I really hope the next signal I go to isn't another one of your traps, otherwise I won't be as nice the second time around.

  5. Reconus

    Reconus Moderator
    Staff Member

    Feb 23, 2014
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    The huntsssss have ended. The Elder Worm hass been sssatisssssfied and banissshssss the ssstormss of ssand.
    Memory however, doesssssn't remember your corpeal form.

    If you are not here to join ussss, then you are wasssting time: Yourssss, and ourssss.
    We ssssseek new sssap here. It issss our only way of ssssaying ssssuch, without being assssaulted and hunted and sssslaughtered where we sssstand.

    No pain comesss to ussss ussssing your "sssstar-net". Can you not atleasssst agree with usss on that?

    - Bloodbriar-Shaman