I should probably post an updated one of me, but I'm ugly. Scruffy hair complete with weird Shaggy Doo-esque chin scruff.
At least you don't have a neckbeard or wear fedoras. Besides, the Shaggy look gets all the Velmas, and you know that beneath that baggy sweater lies a finely shaped bodayyy
This is the first picture of me I've posted on the internet. Don't touch the spoiler if you don't want to ruin the surprise. Spoiler: Don't open. You actually thought I'd show my face?
I'm just a junior in high school though.. Just an honors Pre-Calculus student. Forum posting is keeping me from me homework. I'll end up dishonoring my famiry.
I always seem to forget that you are all real people. Regardless, here's a shoddy quality picture of me taking a senior picture-esque picture. Or, I could just actually be a bald junkie who curses every other word. Probably the second.
I'd take you as my bride. I still love you. I like to think everyone on this server's gay in their own special way.