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A Gunsmith's Ramblings

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Mr Spacelemon, May 1, 2014.

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  1. Mr Spacelemon

    Mr Spacelemon New Member

    Feb 19, 2014
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    << Transcript Begins >>

    [A long sigh]


    Guess I should keep a journal... Seems with everything that's been going on around here, it might just end up being the only part of me that's left.

    [A sharp intake of breath]

    Fucking shoulder... Guess I won't be making guns for a while, so I'll be going hungry until I start earning again. Doctors tell me my shoulder's fucked up royal, something about a fractured acromion or something like that.

    [Clink of glass on glass and the sound of liquid pouring]

    Haven't heard from anyone yet... I hope Vecks is okay, pretty sure he had it worse than me.

    [A pained grunt ]

    Agh, fucking hell... Still not used to not using my arm... The pain hasn't gotten any better, but that's to be expected. Nancy's keeping me company, that's taking the edge off...

    [A crash, followed by a cry of surprise, a heavy sounding thud and a scream of pain]

    Fucking Hell! End recording!

    << Transcript Ends >>
    #1 Mr Spacelemon, May 1, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: May 1, 2014
  2. Mr Spacelemon

    Mr Spacelemon New Member

    Feb 19, 2014
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    << Transcript Begins >>

    Hello again. I'm not sure how long it's been since I did the last one of these, a few days?

    [Clink of glass on glass and liquid pouring]

    Maybe a week, come to think of it. Nancy and the pain meds and the anti-rejection drugs got me all kinds of fucked up. Synth-skin's taking though, so I can't really complain.

    [A faint gulp, followed by a hiss of breath between teeth]

    Ah what the hell, this is my audio log, I can complain as much as I want. I look like I've got the worst tan-line ever and my shoulder hurts like fuck and I can't sleep any more and...

    [A yell of rage and a distant shattering of glass. ]

    You know... I miss him. He was always there for me when shit like this went down... So where the FUCK are you now?! HUH?!

    [A deep, shuddering intake of breath, the next words spoken as if holding back tears]

    It's been what, two years? No three... Three years since I saw him last. I just...

    I hope he's okay out there... I really do... End recording.

    << Transcript Ends >>
  3. Mr Spacelemon

    Mr Spacelemon New Member

    Feb 19, 2014
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    << Transcript Begins >>

    Well, I have a shoulder again. Which is nice...

    What's not so nice is that apparently while I was in hospital some Avian holy fleet has occupied the colony. They're not so bad once you get used to 'Hail Kluex!' being squawked all the time...

    Pain's gone, or at least dulled... I'm pretty far down the road to recovery.

    [A sigh]

    Just sucks that there's no-one around. I've been alone for almost two weeks now, and I think I'm starting to go stir-crazy...
    I need some actual friends... Ace is always running off doing other crap that she -clearly- doesn't want me involved in, Vecks is a wanted man who's got no time for anything but trying to knock boots wi-

    [Another, longer sigh]

    I need to get out and do something before I end up redecorating this shit-hole apartment with my brains.
    End recording.

    << Transcript Ends >>
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