BLUE PHOENIX RESEARCH CO. WE ARE HIRING About UsCurrently, the Blue Phoenix Research Co. is a somewhat small business that is only just getting off the ground. The primary focus of the company relates to the research and development of various forms of technology. The applications of such could be anything from more convenient household chores to military grade weaponry. While some of these practices may not seem the highest from a moral standpoint, the company does such research and development from a purely neutral standpoint. That said, the projects are meant to be entirely legal. There is no tolerance for illegal activity in the company. Here are some examples of what to expect for the technological fields that are covered by the company: Advanced Computing Cybernetics Astroengineering Nanotechnology Quantum Physics Weapons Advancement Advanced Robotics Intelligence Programming Military Sciences Repair Services And more We are still working our way up in the galaxy, but we wish to someday become one of the more well known companies out there. Also as a note, while the company is generally focused in technological and military research and development, it may very well move into other fields of research. Feel free to submit applications for other fields if you wish. Just know that they may not be focused on until a bit later. These kind of fields could be, but not limited to, genetics, biological, medical, etc. PositionsWe don't have a great many positions to fill at the current time, but here are some examples of what we are looking to hire for: Technological Researchers Security Officers Mechanics Hangar Control Workers Chefs Mining Equipment Operators (Gas and Standard) Head of Security All of the potential employees must have a valid pilot's license. For certain positions, potential employees must also have valid permits, licenses, and other forms of paperwork stating that you've gone through the correct schooling. Please submit your resume's to this StarMail address if you are interested in Blue Phoenix Research Co.: If you check out, we will contact you for an interview with the head of the division to which you are applying. We look forward to seeing you in the future. Thank you for choosing the Blue Phoenix Research Co. -Blue Phoenix Research Co. ((Fill out the following application template and send it to a chat that includes Akatosh and I, if you're interested.))
(( So basically, it's another Carolli Corporation? )) A message about potential relations and opportunities within the Armada will be sent forth to the address listed above. Hopefully, economical ties and research opportunities can be formed via the Expanse. Lieutenant Graveson Relzurautt Armada
((I kinda like how its like another Carolli corp, it would be rather fun seeing stuff get competitive with business rivalry ))
((Didn't actually realize that. Haha. This is just something that a small group of us thought up. Hadn't even really looked at the stuff with the Caroli Corporation. But yeah. Business rivalry could be pretty fun. :3))
((Also, if you can, send the resume or whatever in a private conversation. Please include Niroh, Socky, and myself in it. Thanks.))
If you kill lots of people remember to call Starshine cleaning! -AD from Starshine Atomic Cleaning Corps. (SACCs! Giggity. )
-GoldLeaf, speech to text- Floran wantss job. Asss owner of tittan sssstupids. Floran very clever. Knowss how to ussse Sstarnet. Floran geniouss.
I might be interested in this, in case the Carroli Corporation doesn't find a new person for job interviews. - Gilleen
"Apologies to those who've applied. We've recently run into an issue that we are working out before we can call people in for any interviews. We will be back up and running as soon as we can. Apologies for the inconvenience." -Head of Technological Research and Engineering, Aedan Terallis ((Seems the problems we were having with the lag in the station may very well be a corrupted chunk, so we're gonna have to completely rebuild the station. Apologies for the inconvenience, even OOCly. XD))
"After a fair bit of time getting a large number of things squared away, repairs are nearing completion on the station. With luck, the station should be fully repaired within the week. In addition, the company will be undergoing a few changes. A name change being one of them. The Titan Corporation will be formally changed to Phoenix Research Co. The logo has also been changed. This will be updated shortly." -Head of Technological Research and Engineering, Aedan Terallis ((Finally managed to get the area of the corrupted station wiped, so I've begun working on rebuilding the station. With Sen's I Like Cheating mod, it should take a fraction of the time that it originally took to make. ))
"Repairs are nearly done, and with it, we're looking to start hiring people, once again. Please review the edited post for more information, and we look forward to seeing you around." -Head of Technological Research and Engineering, Aedan Terallis ((Edited the original post and added in an application template at the end for people to use.))
((Just wanting to give this thread a bump. See if newer players might have any interest and the like. :3))
Hey... I used to be part of Carroli, but I've quit and have been working on my own projects for a while. Could I sign up for a position as a botanical researcher? -Mysmarri
"Of course! Just send in an application to us and we'll take a look at it." -Aedan ((Remeber to use the template for application and include Socky, Niroh, and myself in the conversation.))
Expand your definition of technological research and development. Does that envelop ALL technology, or is it a subset such as computing, implants, aerodynamics, photonics etc. Additionally, are you a scientific research based organization or do you design products for public and/or private entities?
"Ah. Yes. It envelops a large range of technological research including, but not limited to: -Advanced Computing -Cybernetics -Astroengineering -Nanotechnology -Quantum Physics -Weapons Advancement -Advanced Robotics -Intelligence Programming -And more. As for your second question, given the early state of the corporation itself, it is likely that we won't be developing products specifically for public/private use, just yet. The primary commercial use that we will be handling, at the moment, is various repairs and upgrades on ships, primarily. Overall, we'll need to figure out certain details regarding public/private use of our items. Not to mention having the ability to mass produce certain items, first. It's all based around laws of different sectors, as well. Not everywhere carries the same laws, and by supplying people with something that may be illegal in a certain sector, that can be tracked back to us. We are not in the business of illegally outfitting slavers, bandits, or otherwise, as well. I know this probably seems rather ill-informed in some areas, but the corporation itself is still somewhat young." -Head of Technological Research and Engineering, Aedan Terallis
Mr. Terallis, Good to see you actively pursuing to push the frontiers of technology forward. I'd like to do my best to see to it that you get proper recognition from the Armada, as well as support from the ICAF when possible. -Captain Crooner, ICAF High Command